
Pushing Back Darkness

Serafina, or "Finn," is a 17-year-old girl from a small village who doesn't always have the self preservation instinct one might desire. Rushing headlong into danger, she finds herself drawn into a treacherous whirlpool of circumstances and intrigue far beyond her illusions of control. As she leaves her village on a journey that will change her life forever, she’s joined by her neighbor Mayra and Mayra’s quick-witted and charmingly irritating brother Riley, whose kindness and admiration for Finn begins to show through his teasing banter. Roland, an orphaned doctor's apprentice, is on his own quest to help save the lives of his city’s people. Coming across the three villagers on the road, he is enchanted by Finn’s beauty but finds a wall around her heart. These four join forces in an effort to help the people they love, conquer their own pasts, and survive the onslaught of romance, magic, strife, loss, and war. As these young adventurers are bound together and torn apart by the circumstances around them, they will begin to learn just how different the world is than they had always thought. Their battle against the darkness, both external and internal, could define the future of their nations. *Book is completed and fully published, I hope you enjoy!*

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525 Chs

Edmar's Plea

"Pardon? I think I misheard. That Rhone healer-girl?" Caspian was confused.

"She's not really a healer, she just learned those skills incidentally while serving the Void," Cora put in with pursed lips. "I was willing to give the girl a fair chance for a new life, but this is beyond what's allowable. The power-grabbing gall! To throw herself at the next leader of our people!"

"She didn't throw herself at me, Mother," Edmar's voice began to rise again. "And how can you speak so ill of the girl who saved Father's life?"

"A scheme, no doubt, to get close to us," Cora's stinging response startled Caspian a bit. She was normally a strong, but kindhearted woman.

"She was a servant of the evil creature that ruled the Rhone?" He struggled to catch up. Naomi hadn't shown any reaction to the woman. "And you allowed her to treat Father?"

"Yes. It was a risk, but our doctors had nothing they could do. This girl offered her treatment, and I decided that the potential benefit was worth the danger. All the other Rhone girls hate her, but I decided it must be leftover prejudice from before. The ill-will between them is an ongoing problem of mine," Cora explained. "I should just send her back to her people and let them deal with her as they wish."

"You can't!" Edmar cut in. "I won't allow it! I must have her!"

A knock sounded at the door, surprising them all.

Haf sighed and answered it this time.

"Sir! A boat has arrived from the river. The Prince of Rhone has come!" A messenger declared.

"I see. Thank you, I will be there to welcome him shortly." Haf nodded, dismissing the man, then turned back to his family. "It is fortunate we are all present. We should all go together to welcome this important visitor."

Caspian was still absorbing the information about Brenna as his parents ushered him out of the home. They walked quietly toward the river to meet the prince halfway.

"You feeling ok, Ed?" He nudged his brother.

"What, just because I'm in love, I must be sick?" Edmar shot back.

"Something like that," Caspian admitted with a grimace. "This is awfully fast. Perhaps you should wait and see if your feelings hold strong or not."

"You were the biggest advocate for love before marriage, and now you stand in its way, you hypocrite," Edmar sneered.

"I'm just saying, this is a sudden change of heart for you," Caspian insisted. His brother had been acting strange recently, but had seemed to have an explanation for much of his behavior on the ship.

It hadn't quite satisfied Caspian, but it was at least something. This, on the other hand, had no reasonable cause.

"The heart wants what it wants, Cas. Maybe you'll figure that out someday… except that you're already tied down. Sympathies that you'll never find what I have."

"You're baiting me, but it won't work." The younger brother sighed. Maybe he should have some sympathy for Edmar? He wasn't willing to say out loud just how hard he was falling for his wife, but he couldn't deny it seemed a bit crazy after knowing her for so short a time.

Perhaps Edmar had found something similar.

It bothered him, however, that no one had bothered telling him that Brenna had been a servant of the evil creature from the Darkness.

It seemed like something he should know. And with his recent suspicions about Edmar's actions on the voyage, it sat uneasily with him. 

Apparently the news of the arriving boat had spread. A crowd had gathered, including most of the delegation from Klain. Mayra hovered near a couple of soldiers and two other Klain women, one older, one younger.

Caspian watched as the group from the boat walked forward, a man in Klain-style clothing at the lead. Mayra, apparently too full of excitement, ran forward to hug the man.

"Roland! How are you? How are all the babies?" She squealed.

"I'm fine, Mayra, but I think I should greet my hosts before I catch you up on personal matters." The man smiled tolerantly, ending her hug and waving slightly to the rest of the Klain grouping of people. 

He strode forward and gave a nod to Haf, who was obviously the leader.

"Welcome," the Commodore said with mild confusion, returning the deferential nod. "I was informed the Prince of Rhone was arriving. You are not quite what I expected."

"That is one of my titles," Roland smiled a bit apologetically. "I have an honorary position on Klain's Council as ambassador between Klain and Rhone. It's rather a long story, but essentially, though I was born as Prince Derek of Rhone, I was raised as Roland of Klain. I will answer to whichever name makes you more comfortable, but I am more used to being called Roland."

"How fascinating," Haf recalled some of this information from the Emissary who had dealt with Roland, now that his memory had been refreshed. "I'm sure we would love to hear this long story once you are rested from your journey."

More temporary guest houses had been under construction since Brenna's dispute with the other girls. Haf acknowledged that once trade was established, something like an inn would be needed for travelers who visited, and planned to repurpose the Bridal Hut once the women were all married.

As it was, the visiting bachelors from other areas of the shore were sleeping on ships and rowing in every morning.

"I am well-refreshed, and eager to begin my work here." Roland said.

"Which is?" Cora asked curiously.

"I was sent by both of my nations to help in the investigation of the possible reappearance of a former acquaintance," Roland gave her a tight smile, making his message clear without announcing the entirety of the situation to the listening crowd.

"Come. We will get you settled. Were you well acquainted?" Haf asked curiously, as he began leading the way back to his home.

"Moreso than many, in my way, but not in any pleasant sense of the word." Roland's mouth thinned into a flat line.

"More than Brenna?" Caspian threw in. The knowledge of her close association with the dark creature was still seeping into his mind.

"Brenna?" The prince stopped in his tracks and turned toward him. "What do you know of Brenna?"

Edmar's eyes darkened with jealousy.

"What do YOU know of her?" He asked curtly. "She's to be my wife."

"Let's take this discussion inside," Warned Cora. It was a wise suggestion. Rumors had often started on less than that.

Caspian noticed that Roland's gaze was now locked on Edmar, assessing.

Once they entered the hut, Roland whirled on them. "Brenna is here? Of the Rhone? Perhaps there's more than one…"

"More than one who served the Void? The other girls despise her. Do you have any insight to offer?" Cora asked hopefully.

"You say you're to marry her?" Roland said to Edmar instead of answering Cora's question.

"Who are you, if I may?"

"He's my eldest son." Haf answered.

"And your line of succession, he's next in line for power?" The foreign prince pressed. Cora's eyes were getting wider with each question.

"Edmar will be the next Commodore, yes." Haf's eyes cut over to his son, sharing in the rising anxiety.

"Edmar, how long have you known Brenna?" Roland asked next. The man was on the defensive now.

"Not long, but–"

"How does she smell?" Roland cut him off.

"Smell? What do you mean?" Edmar blinked.

"When she speaks to you, is there a sweet, cloying scent on her breath?" The prince's blue eyes were in earnest now.

"Yes… I believe she likes fruit." Edmar finished lamely, before puffing out his chest. "Why do you know what her breath smells like??"

Roland ignored him, and turned to Cora and Haf instead.

"When I first went among the Rhone, their queen, my supposed grandmother, Titania, brought a woman to meet me. The queen, of course, turned out to be the Void, but the maiden was quite human. Knowing that I was in the line of succession, she used some sort of magic to try to seduce me.

"It was a scent on her breath. It clouded my head and muddied my thoughts. It made me feel an imitation of love that had an almost irresistible pull. I already had another woman in my heart or it might have taken hold of me altogether." He shuddered as he recalled the memories.

"And that was Brenna?" Cora asked with concern.

"Yes. I fear that where she failed to marry into Rhone's royal line, she might be attempting it here. I never asked what happened to her, trusting that Father was rooting out all potential traitors… then again, perhaps she does not serve the Void now, but only her own desires."

Caspian's face was unreadable as he softly addressed Roland. "Is she the only Rhone woman with the ability to enchant men?"

Mmm Brenna making a mess of things.

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