
Purple Rogue

"Where do you think you are going , Hernandez"Kiara heard him say. 'Leave me alone Mateo.I have to get to class "She replied hugging her books closer to her chest. "The Beta might have taken you in but we own you"The boy said with a light chuckle as he approached her .When he got to her he grabbed her by the neck and said"Go back to where that man picked you from" When Mateo dropped her she gasped for breath as her hands slowly balled into fist. As she headed towards her class she bumped into someone hard stone chest when she looked up she saw Roman looking down at her as he ran his tongue over his fangs . "Am so sorry"she said quickly rushing into her class. Roman looked at the girl that ran off there was something off about her when she had looked at him her eyes flashed purple . A mischievous smile spread into his lips.Kiara Hernandez was a unique girl with pale white hair and pale white eyes. When the vampire came to he her territory in search of his bride things started to change for her. She organised a dance and a lot of people die that night which raised suspicions. Suddenly the body of the lady was found and she was framed for murder. To escape the execution she runs away only to fall into the hands of slave traders and she discovered her ability to control people. After five years, she meets the prince once again. This time he needs her help. Will she assist him or push him away like he did to her? What is he in search of this time around?

Motunrayo_Oke · Fantasi
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7 Chs


"You cannot come with us to the battlefield with our baby in your body, Rosalinda"The man told his wife.

She waved her husband off eagerly

"Those motherfuckers dare attack my pack"She replied putting a gun in her high heeled boots .

"Luna you might go into labor on the battlefield we don't want you to give......"Her personal maid started

The Luna interrupted her saying"Silence!!!! Leave so I can be with my husband." The maid bowed and left.

"My love if you are going to the battlefield field at least take off those heels"The man said with worry in his eyes. "If I am going to die I should at least do it in style."The woman said with a smile on her face as she rubbed her protruded belly.

"Our baby is strong just like her mother"

A guard walked in ,bowed and said"They are here."

"Then let give them a fight they will never forget"she said as she took her husband's hand and they walked towards the door.

   The Etas and epsilons were trying to prevent the the rogue wolves from getting to the heart of the territory but they were too powerful . Rosalinda kicked the vampire that tried to attack her then shot it she blew the top of her gun dramatically.

She caught sight of the pack Beta struggling with four vampires she shot them and winked at the man. The man gave her a small bow before going to kill other vampires.She was about to attack a vampire that was drawing blood from an human slave when she felt it , her water broke. A gasp left her lips as she search for her husband.

"Valor!!!!!!" She screamed. She saw the Beta heading towards her.

  "Where is my husband? Where is my Valor?"She demanded from the Beta

    The man lifted her into his arms and Etas surrounded them

"Protect the Luna at all cost!!!!!!!!"The Beta ordered.

"Where is Valor?"She yelled grabbing the man shirt collar trying to endure the pain she felt in her stomach

"Alpha was killed ,Luna . He wants you to stay strong"The man said softly.

"No No he promised me that he will be there to see our child. Bring me my husband!!!!!!!"she screamed hitting the man's chest. The Beta ignored her and headed towards the pack house  when they reached the house he took a her to the bedroom and dropped her gently on the bed.Surprisingly the rogue vampires had not attack this part of the territory.

"I will be back let me get a Theta" The Beta said leaving the room . When he left she screamed gripping the duvet she screamed and gasped at the same time . "Where was the damn beta"she thought. "Ahhhhhhhh . Oh my God ,fuck" she cursed gripping the duvet. Then she remembered "Almora "she whispered calling her spirit guide. "You called me mistress "The ghost like creature said."Get this damn baby out of me "she said. The creature walked towards her and spread her legs

"Take a deep breath"the creature said She took a deep breath and screamed "I see her head one more push"it said. She screamed gripping the duvet finally the baby was out. Rosa sighed in relief when the creature healed her ."Where is the beta?"she asked ."He is dead"The creature told her . She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she did not hear the cry of her baby she said"Why isn't she crying?"There was panic in her voice.

  "Your daughter is dead"The creature told her bluntly . Her eyes snapped open and looked at the girl. "Then bring her back to life then " she snapped.

"I cannot do that it will cause inbalance"The creature told her

  "Then take my life I will die anyways Valor and I share a soul bond" she said looking at the creature that had uncertainty in its eyes.

"Do it !!!!"she  yelled. The creature raised it hand taking away her life essence. Her eyes started cooking but before she gave up the ghost she heard her daughter's cries a smile appeared on her lips as she slowly fade to ashes.