
A dream or not?

Chapter 10

• ten •

( Winter's POV )

I WOKE up in a small room curled up in the blankets. The sun rays is passing through the windows. It was peaceful, the sound of birds chirping and the gush of the river flows is audible. I sat on the bed scanning the entire room.

Where am I?

A loud explosion interrupted the peacefulness and a woman entered the room I was in.

"Tabitha!" she exclaimed in panic and went towards my direction.

Who's Tabitha?

"I-I I'm not Tabitha. My name is Winter" I said but the woman didn't heard me

I can't seem to recognize or identify her face, it was blurry.

She grabbed my hand and then suddenly I was not in the room anymore. And the woman was no longer in sight.

I am now alone in the forest. It was raining hard and the sound of the thunder roaring.



Someone was calling that name again. I looked around the forest and saw no one.

"Tabitha go! Go now! Run!"