
Purgatory End


Kaiwardin_Official · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Intro | Hunt Of the Final Main 1 |

The place was dark. The only noteworthy piece of light was a lantern placed on a wooden desk. On side of the desk, a dark silhouette can be seen. The silhouette was two meter tall, wearing a dark robelike dress. As for the person itself, it was like a fog covering all of his facial features so the person's face was indescribable.

The person was sitting on a single sofa. Tapping his fingers on the desk in a repeated manner. Suddenly, it stopped and spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Say, you know it right? "


"Stop this pretend ignorance, will ya? "

'What are this person talking about? I don't understand a single thing. '

" HAHAHAHA!!! Is that how you're going to play? So i have to word it out for you? Alright then! "

As these words leave his mouth, the the world around him started to shake a little. Now the person's eyes can be seen now. Well, it wasn't just visible but it was also glowing really brightly. The colour of the eye wasn't prominent but it was probably crimson on colour.

"They didn't died if it weren't for you. They died because of you"

'Who? I have killed a lot! Who are you talking about? '

"Origin "

'... Huh? '

"You are going to pretend now? "

'No... They abandoned me...They don't exist for me! '

"Well, your face telling a different story "


The world in itself now started cracking. The darkness look like it's collapsing in itself. The whole place is getting wiped in real time.

As his mental breakdown start getting worse and his own voice drowned his ear, he heard a last word from that dark silhouette.

"One day you have to face your origin!"


"Chose what you will regret the least"

After that the whole place broke into fragments of light so bright that it was impossible to see through it. As the lights blinded the world, eyes opened...


8:30 AM...

*beep *beep *beep


'It was just a dream... I can't remember it anymore... but it was terrifying'

The dream itself got wiped out from his memories completely. Like a eraser removing pencil marking.

He looks everywhere from his bed that he was lying.

It was a gloomy looking room. As his bed was completely attached to the window and his apartment being in the corner, the only light source is the windows.

The light falls in the bed as well as his face.

Completely black neatly cut on the lower half and top hair lenth was only the size of middle finger of a middle age man. It was fallen on his face. his face was rather handsome. Upright nose, prominent jaw, stark eyebrows and most importantly the diamond like eyes. As for his skin colour, it was pale white. He looks more like a vampire to tell the truth. But it really compliment his face.

As the sunlight lights the room, he can see his desk on the side of the table. On desk, there was a PC, some books, few open notebooks where some magic scripts were written and a Photo Frame. There were two people on the Photo Frame, One was he himself and the other person was indistinguishable due to low light level but it was someone older that is for sure.

There was a Bookcase in side of the desk. The Bookcase have a huge amounts of books and mainly grimores. The Bookcase was the biggest thing in the room. Except that, he only have a Cupboard for clothes, Another desk which have Material for psychic use. And a Clothing Stand.

He got out of his bed and went to the bathroom to get a shower. It was the only way to feel better from the nightmare before.

Taking Shower wasn't enough. His head still hurts but he still has to go his school. He was at his final year and there was only 4 months for the final assessment.

As a 17 year old, he have to go to school if he want to keep his attendance streak. He put his School dress and start making his breakfast on the open kitchen living room. He made Some rice and scrambled eggs, fried them with some leftover chicken from fridge and made some fried rice quickly. It wasn't the best Culinary out there but it was definitely tasty. He quickly ate that on his coffee table on the living room. Then he put on his bag and left.

'Oh! I completely forgot about it. '

He came back to his room to take a pendant, wore it and left, this time for good.

[btw if you wondering, he does live alone]

The place he was living was a 2LDK flat of a 4 floor building and he was living in 3rd floor.

Nothing noteworthy happens after that, he went to his school as usual. At school, he is 5th in his class so he definitely not bad at School. Although his attitude toward his classmates are not rather super friendly but rather cold, he is still pretty popular at his school for his Compentence.

Let that aside, the school ended pretty normally.

"We're going to Cafe that recently opened, wanna tag along?"

"Not today, I have to go finish something. "

"I see! Bye then. See you Tomorrow"

"Bye. Tomorrow it is! "

His friends went their way. After looking his friends going further away, the face that he was wearing vanished and swapped by a More Experienced look.

His phone start ringing so he pick up the call.

A heavy voce resounded from the other side.

" We've found it."

" I'm on my way"

A glint of light flash in his eyes. He end the call.

"The last piece huh. "


1:30 A.M... Hotel Saver (Near Hotel Manison)

He was talking with someone at parking lot. The man was wearing a ink black jacket and a black mask that was covering his entire face except eyes. his eyes were amber colour so it wasn't that striking. He had black hair with a streak of grey.

"This is the detonator. After the job is done, start the fireworks. "

he handed out a thumb size Pendrive size remote with a square button in middle. While the guy was handing over the the remote, he saw that the guy had a tattoo of double four sided overlapping stars in his wrist but he just ignored it as it was not striking.

" It's the last part, right? "

"According to the data. Yes it's the 5th and last part. "

"Which one is it again? "

"It's Space"

"Finally... "

As he was having a sense of nostalgia, The masked person intrupt and said with a heavy voice

" It's Time, target's here"

"I'll take the package to the Ruines."

"Alright, good luck"

And the Mission started.


A Slithouth start walking in the front of building, It was wearing a black trench coat, black Combat trousers, black High Boots and have a white gloves in his hands. His black hair was combed backwards and his iris which was white as snow was glistening in the Nightlight.

In front of him was a reinforced Extremely high grade door. The door have a Number 00-02 on it. He stared for a while then asked

"Are you sure it's the one? "


|The scan is Complete. Three people are inside. All of them has 'S' rank energy levels.|

"Anything else? "

|You have only 5 more minutes left. Good luck|

The Comm ended there.

'System Activate'

A mask over the mask appeared in his face covering the whole of his face including his eyes as it was trying to stabilize something. from his point of view, Everything start looking colours inverted and somewhat blurry.

A robotic voice then heard.

[System Status: Active]

'Start battle Mode: Lv. 3'

[ Control Assist Activated: 3rd lock unlocked]

The view Slightly changed again. This time the view, look less transparent but a lot more data is being shown.

'All set'

Now he look at the door for a slight second and kicked the door, and with a bang the door broken.


Inside the room, three people were seated together in a Military grade lab, in front of them was piece of stone. The stone was semi transparent with purple hue in it. On top of that was a Strange symbol. It was a star with Eight sides and they were connected by a Circle and the whole symbol was divide by two from upper Rightside to lower Leftside. The Whole Stone was giving a pressure to those three people, it's pressure was strong enough that that two centimeters area from the stone's space is unstable enough to make purple sparks flying. It Was Put in A almost translucent black cube which wasn't corroding from the space disturbance. Those three people Stared at the Stone for a while then one of them suddenly said...

"The Oracle is trying to Snatch this?"

"Are they really gone mad this time? Other four have also been stolen, Aren't they afraid that they will turn the world against them?"

"I think this is a sign. They are the most cautious bunch, to them being reckless like that means they are preparing for something big"

Oracle's, or rather say Oracle of Mains. You can say they are the terrorist organization of this world. For the common people at least. Well, they don't know superpowers actually exist so government made them look like terrorist and in some cases they are. But actually they are just another Superhuman organization who sought for greater power or in this case, the only independent Organization Strong enough to stand toe toe with all those different governments opposition.

This Planet is Called Liuga, which in Ancient Version of the Current international Language means "Graves of 'Them' ". A rather clichy name but it's the name the So called gods decided in Ancient times so people of the World call it that unanimously in all 198 language.

The social hierarchy of the Current world is distributed in 4 pieces. Civilians Government, the bright side of the line or the ignorant line of the civilians. It's control the society of the civilians and make sure they stay ignorant about those bizzare things. After all, not everyone can accept everything. They have the rather normal hierarchy structure, from volunteers to president and to even a member of Continental Governess Seats who handel the continental level problems.

Bloodline Hierarchy, It's Second type of the hierarchy system. Pretty simple system to say. If you are from a distinguished family than you are special from others, and not then... good luck. But there are three different thing that are different than that.

First, These bloodlines are not from people whose ancestors did a great deed or something. There ancestors are basically a creature from higher life hierarchy( At Least demigod level).

Second, Everyone don't have to have blood ties with each other in that family. An outsider can also part of them by consuming their family's Ancestors pathways Characteristics ( godly part) and be at a pretty decent level (mid level). As for what those Pathways are, let's talk about that later.

Third and the most impactful one, Supers. They are the most radical thing in this world, their awakening is completely random, their power type is also random (Though it can be slightly influenced by their parents).

Supers existence are known to the civilians world, albeit they barely know anything and have to learn about in schools for supers, The school MC study is a normal school that only civilians and low potential supers can study. To go to super school, you need to have high potential powers. As for what those potential thing is, it's a structure that the researchers made to gauge people's power practicality or Destructivity on strategic level. The potential Class is divided in Six division which are Class 1ー to Class 5 where Class 1 is the lowest and Class 5 is the highest. With the most destructive Class 0 which represent theoretical powers which can cause really problematic things in their full power. Although the potential is definitive the power class's future power but potential doesn't means total destructive power. That is defied by another class which is Power Class. It's Created for gauge individual power level. it's power level is like this...

| E« D« C« B« A« A+ ««« S |

Pretty much it, but the power level can be really confusing and really misleading about threat level... but let's talk about that later.

Finally, the most powerful and distinguished people are in this place. God Treaders. As for What they are, Basically they are going to a path where dying is the best possible outcome of failure. Treading the path of Gods, sounds pretty nice... but it's anything but nice. Let's not talk more about it.

Anyways, The Oracle Organization's motive this time is to Combining of all main elements to Create their own God, For the sake of their establishment in the world of Course. The Main Stones are treasures that World has for 7000 years and their Archaeological Value is tremendous but that is not the problem here. Each Main Stones Harness a Main Universal Element and Researchers only understand 2% of the the structure. That's why these stones are treated with extreme caution. And now four of them has been looted by Oracle. This thing spells trouble... for the the order at least. Now the three people that are sitting in the room are 3 S-Grades ( just for your knowledge, there are only 7 S grades of Liuga. 8 actually, if not in terms of raw power but lethality) who are assigned for the safety of 'Space main'. Someone might think why they are sitting in a hotel and how the hell a hotel have meeting room, then the answer is simple. Hotel Madison is one and the only Strategic base in Kovas's Capital and the room they are sitting is at least 1 km bellow sea level. They are deployed to send the 'Space main' to the headquarters of Alliance which is situated in Forza. which is the North Pole of Liuga. The first person's Name is Blaze Lord Zeon. He look like a Super fit mid person who is in his mid fifties. His hair were completely grey with his beard. His eyes were like blazing amber. He was wearing and coat, and the inner part was a operational suit which is mainly use for defence. The second person was looks like in his mid thirties. He have golden long hair and it was neatly binded like a bun. His skin was extremely pale and his iris were clouded which were in the contrary of the fit body of his. The most striking thing about him was his earrings which looks like it's center have a blood droplet which keeps spinning at a constant speed. This person's name was Illusionist of death, Xian-riu.

Last person was a bald guy who was also looks like in his mid 40's. His looks were rather Average... if someone don't count the Glowing Scars on his head. He was a water Mage. His name was Sea of Destruction, Aranis. He was also wearing the same dress as everyone with a slight compressed water storage mod.

After a long while, Zeon lamented softly.

"It's really Overkill this time"

Xian also said with a disappointed voice, likely agreeing with the comment.

" I have to agree. 80 floors filled with at least 3000 B-grade combatants and more than 200 A-grades. Even a S-grade will be easily perish, not to mention with us three, I don't think there was even need to do that much"

The Main Stones are Continental treasures which have a irreplaceable historic value. But if that was all, then they haven't sent 2/5th of the whole Union's Combat personel to escort Last Main in their hands. It was because These Mains were the reason the living beings were almost completely wiped out 3 times. And there are only 7 noted world destroying Catastrophe are registered in human history.

The most disturbing thing is most of the time only one or two Mains are mostly involved in those Catastrophe so it was pretty scary that five of them are Coming together. It alarmed all Forces of Liuga and temporarily suppressed their Conflicts. That is why they Soon created a large force to escort the Space Main to Sealing Chamber.

It was Impossible to Transport the Mains Through Long term Teleportation because even though it look like it is breaking the the space around it, The actual space around it become too tough to make a hole in the space and teleport. As for normal Aerospace service, it requires a cool down for a Certain amount of time or it cause ignition of their respective Elements so the trip was really Tense because of it's transportation difficulties.

The Three of them are actually waiting for the Cool down to end Which was about in 3 hours. They were patiently waiting for than they suddenly heard loud Explosion. The sealed door opened with a Bang.

Three of them subconsciously Looked at that way. At that time, Zeon suddenly felt a chill in his back and he instantly tilt his head to the right side and a Extremely Concentrated Energy beam went by were his head was. Even though S ranks can't use their full potential in the planet Liuga because of the restrictions put by Some higher being and they can only use a fraction of fraction What a Peak S rank' can, their regeneration and vitality are no joke so only by exhausting their life force or Destroy their head are the only possible way to kill them. Although if only their head is left, then they will also die, rather pitifully.

For a second Zeon' thought that the sneak attack had failed but he felt something was wrong. When the energy beam sneak attack didn't work but why didn't his teammates didn't helped him? so he tilted his eyes on the right and to his horrer, Both Aranis' and Xian' were covered with Extremely Solid space around them and it was giving a really ominous vibe, and inside them their reaction time, movements, and even thinking speed had been slowed down. And not too Unobviously his lower half was also covered with matarialized space.

Sensing the danger, his arms turned hot incredibly quick and turned blue with the blaze. He then Smashed at the matarialized space. The who frame start shaking by the shockwave. It was sure that if it happpend on ground floor, the whole building would have demolished. Crack appeared on the space by the smashed space and the time it takes covering him increased but a Long blade silently went through his chest from behind. He turned his head and saw two white eyes gleaming like diamond were staring at him. The person silently looked and only utter a single sentence.

"You should have silently trapped yourself"

and then he lightly tapped on his handle and thousands of small black lightning sparks enter Zeon's body through the blade destroying him from inside out.

What follows was a shrill Cry of agony but it quickly calm down. After the unconscious guy gets trapped in the space, MC walked to the cube and lightly picked up the cube with his bare(gloved) hands but the main can't do any damage to it.

He looks around a bit and goes to the control panel of the lab and typed many keys on the panel to come at the option named [Code 3E - 240] and adjusted it to max. The code itself is simple and easy to stop from operation site but to stop it or start it from virtually far away is basically impossible as it's functions.

The thing it does is cut the facility from mother database and wipe every single bit of data including but not limited to Logs, Confidential Data, Projects, Personal information, Co-Ordinates, Legal Information, Backups, Etc. He sets it at 5 minutes and start arranging the the events of the mission.

As following...


As Mc enters through the front gate of hotel Manison, he sees the attendant of the hotel. As a 5 star hotel, it was extremely quite. Even though it nighttime, it has only 10 - 15 people on the lobby including the attendant. As he goes front of the attendant to say something but before saying anything, the attendant hurriedly replied

" Sorry for your inconvenience sir, but today our services are closed for Official reasons. Please understand"

The way of apologizing was indicating that union isn't going to take any risks, within the oracle's expectations. So he Said to the mind connection as it was connected to the white streak guy who was inside of the same room but change was, the whole place were filled with hovering panels, and those panels were showing loads of data, and I mean LOADS of.

" No. 01-A02? "

the white streak guy reply casually.

"fret not, Only 6 C's. You can definitely go with the plan. "

"I see"

The talk happens at a really fast speed so no one found MC suspicious. He looked at the attendant's eyes and return a reply with a same service smile.

" Sure. But I would like to take my refund right now. "

the attendant was like "Huh? "

while the receptionist was in a sense of confusion of the meaning behind those profound words, MC raised his hand and lightly flick his fingers and before the C's can in the darkness even understand what happened, the time-space of the lobby stopped.

As everything stopped, MC hopped to the other side of the reception and cracked the code in the Confidential file which was safed by quadrant-encryption in 3 real time seconds with the pre-set Codes and keys.

he turned to the side of a fellow in the Hall who looks rather ordinary. He went to to him and copied his finger biometrics and iris biometrics.

"Is the scan Complete? "

" Almost... ... ... Done! I am sending it on your Dashboard "

"alright "

MC then lift his hand and touch his back of his neck and Nanobots covered his face and make a mask. The Mask's view was almost the same as naked eyes but it was analysing everything and mainly big creatures as humans.

As the mask was analysing, it got a map database from the white dude.After It got downloaded and MC said in his mind ' Show Map View'. He can command from his mind because the mask was connected to the nerve with brain waves which the mask reads, as no operations are needed.

As he said that, the view of the mask changed. The view turned black and walls were showed in a translucent bluish white. The living lifeforms were showed in red as the personnel of the lobby were still alive, just sent to a temporary coma and C class And bellows would wake up in a day or two. The mask was also showing the walls behind walls due to the map but can't analyse the lifeforms from too far. Also a 3D map of the whole underground was showed in Upper-Left corner of the maskview.

He then started walking to the lift in front of lobby. There was guard laying in the ground unconscious. He grabbed his head and dragged him inside the lift.

After the Lift closed, He grabbed the guard's hand and used his index finger to tap the lift buttons. The Combination was total of twelve numbers and then pressed the the emergency stop button.

As soon as the button was pressed, a sensor screen barely taking 3×3 cm area appeared. It's 5.5 ft high up from the Lift's floor. It has a red glow on it and like it was waiting for scanning something.

Right after the screen appears, MC didn't spared a second and directly lifted the unconscious guard by head and directly shoved his head at the screen and putting the guard's left eye on the screen.

The scan quickly complete. After completion, the whole lift shook slightly and then start going downward despite being the front lift of the hotel and not to mention the speed it was descending.

MC put down the body of the guard, and looked at the gate of the lift. He knew this was going to be messy and bloody. he muttered in inside of his breath, 'This is the last time. after it's done, I'm done. '

His crystal White eyes suddenly look like a little lifeless and somewhat hollow. A robotic female voice sounded in his mask. | Many high danger life signals detected! Average Capacity: B+ ! Layer 2 unlocked as per System Commands |

A extremely strong Semi-Transparent aura burst out from MC and it was so dense that it was almost tangible and was covering his body and the perimeters keep growing.

After 30 seconds, the speed of LIft Slowed and start stopping and another mechanical Female voice was heard.

| Level 1 of the the Union Base 2-303G7A is reaching. The package is on Level 30, Unit 2-F . The Isolator have 15:00 min. After that, Union will send backup. Mean You only have 15 to do complete the the mission,... |

The Lift has stopped by now and the door start opening, rather slowly because of the air pressure.

| ... and the Battle mode is Now Active! |

A mask appeared which was covering his whole face but looks light. He looked at the gate of the lift open up and Saw A lot of people. At least 25 people at the lobby.

A smile appeared on his face which was not that much of a meaning with it. The aura Burst from his body and

also a notification called | Isolator Activated! |

and a timer of '14:59 min' appeared. The whole 30 levels were now isolated from the mother network of the Union.

He said with a calm voice, "let the hunt begins" and it begins, the hint of the 'Space Main'.

As a first Chapter, there are less Character interaction has happened, Maybe you can see more about the characters and more characters on the later chapters. As for your thoughts, plz comment them and logically criticize my work. TY from Author. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

As for the name of the MC, You will know why I'm saying him MC on the first chapter and not by a name in a later chapter. That's it.

Kaiwardin_Officialcreators' thoughts