
Purebred Akatsuki

What comes after death? After their death six members of the akatsuki find themselves reborn into cat bodys.

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4 Chs

Chapter four

Being the prodigy of the Uchiha Clan, Itachi was an amazing ninja. One of the best. But he wasn't sure that helped him much now, in this situation. One where he was hiding inside of a woman's purse.

He was adept at staying quite but it was some what unnerving when you were just slightly bigger then a wallet. And that wasn't the only thing he had to avoid. It was a variable treasure trove in there.

After they left the house she only walked a short way before some noise and then setting him down again. Itachi assumed they had entered the large machine he had seen from the window earlier. It had wheels on it but seemingly no way to steer. He was astonished as it roared then they began to move again, music much like what the woman was listening to before accompanying it.

Like a carriage that moved on its own. He didn't sense any chakra at work, Kakuzu was right the Technology here was far advanced from their own. It moved for some time, Itachi could discern the passage of time by the songs that seemed to change beats every three minutes or so.

Then music was turned off and the machine came to a stop. She was talking to someone now. Itachi closed his eyes and strained his ears to make out what was being said. He understood none of it.

Panic set in when he felt the bag lurch. It was spacious enough to fit in but there was nowhere to hide. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea he lamented.

Antagonizingly slowly the bag was tipped toward Mary and she peered inside. Itachi had enough sense to appear contrite as she gave him a shocked look.

"What were you doing in there?" She asked him, carefully plucking him out. "Maybe I should get a smaller purse." She added to herself quietly. Then she pulled out the wallet and pulled a card from it. Itachi eyed her tentatively from his new seat.

She rolled the window down and the strong smell of coffee permeated. She interacted with someone, receiving a cup that she set down between them. He went to sniff it and got reprimanded with a simple no. He decided to not upset her and to behave himself so he sat back down.

Now out of the purse he was able to see she steered the machine with a wheel. But he was to small too see much other then the sky out the windows.

She stoped the machine and turned to look at him quizzical before she took a quick sip from the cup.

"Well it's too late to take you home, and you seem to be a well behaved little boy." She told him. He took favor to being called well behaved but not a little boy. "Ok!" She clapped and gave him a happy smile. "We're going shopping." Itahchi wondered what he got himself into as they began moving once more.

As time passed Itachi listened to the music trying to glean something from the lyrics. From what he heard they mostly seemed to be about romances. If they mention any locations he didn't recognize them. Mary would sing along occasionally, and he had to admit she had a nice voice.

After riding around some more she again stopped the machine and looked at him. "We're here." She announced happily then gave him a quick pet before getting out.

He fretted for a moment before she arrived at his door and opened it collecting both him and her purse in her arms.

Itachi's keen eyes took everything in.

There were machines everywhere all placed in neat rows and more moved slowly among them. They seemed to be people's primary mode of transportation. Everyone seemed to have the same strange clothes, he saw nothing familiar.

And not a ninja in sight.

They really were in a different place or time. He doubted anyone he knew while alive, of course beside the other Akatsuki, were here.

What had become of Sasuke.

Itahchi's inner turmoil had to be put on hold however as he had a mission. To find anything out about this place. The thought that maybe he could find a way back home took hold on a tiny place in his mind.

'No' He thought sadly to himself. He couldn't go back, he never thought about going back, he could never change the past. He accepted that a long time ago.

"This will be fun Saturn, usually I'm all alone when I go shopping. I'm glad your here." She told him while giving a scratch to his head. Itachi took comfort in that fact someone was enjoying themselves. Her smile reached her eyes and was quite infectious.

He tried to forget his worries for now.

They entered a huge building and to Itahchi's amazement it was a single shop dedicated solely to animal needs. He wonder if his small body was skewing his perception because this place was huge.

Itahchi was placed in a wheeled cart and again petted. He didn't know if he liked that or not yet. While it felt good physically he was concerned it made him more vulnerable. He wasn't used to human contact either.

She deftly made her way through aisles until she stopped and put a few large packages in the cart.

"We need litter, food, maybe some toys." She told him happily seeming undeterred by the fact he could not interact with her. Her innocents and happiness was refreshing. After spending so many years with insane criminals a normal person was a nice change of pace.

Suddenly Itachi could senses they were being followed. He wondered if it was cat senses or his ninja one that alerted him.

An older woman was eyeing them quizzically before she approaching. "Do you have something there dear?" She asked politely craning her head to get a look at Itachi. She didn't seem like much of a threat.

"Oh!" Mary turned to face her. "Yes, this is Saturn on of my foster kitten." She turned back to him and gave him a quick scratch.

"Oh how cute. Can I pet him?" Asked the old woman giving him that look.

"I'm not quite sure... he seems good with me. How about you let him give you a sniff and decide." She was giving him a look that said please don't hurt this old woman.

It smelled of moth balls but he let the old woman pet him to be polite. She wasn't as good as Mary though, too rough.

"Are you looking for a cat because him and his... um brothers... are up for adoption, I'm just fostering them until a home can be found." That was news to Itachi. So Mary didn't intend on keeping them.

That was bad. It wouldn't do well to be separated now. They would have to think of a plan to get her to keep them all. To endear themselves to her in some way. He would have to come up with a plan.

The old woman was making her way away from them now and Mary smiled down at him. "That was sweet of you, thanks Saturn." She bent down and gave a quick kiss to the top of his head.

He definitely was not use to this much human contact.

They walked around a bit more with her trying to get him to play, unsuccessfully, with some cat toys. Finally she seemed to be done and headed to wait in a short line.

Again people tried to pet him. He came to the decision he didn't like it if anyone but Mary did it. He reasoned it was because she had more experience with cats. She must know what she's doing.

He marveled at the convenience as again she seemed to pay with the plastic card. The idea of credit was not foreign to him but to use the same type in different places spoke of a extensively intermingling of businesses. He doubted both shop fronts were owned by the same family. This must be a truly huge village.

The weathers out side was warm. There weren't many trees and they seemed to be planted purposefully between every few sitting machines. The leaves where bright green. Itahchi reasoned it was around summer.

Once more Itachi found himself thinking of his little bother. If the weather was nice where he was. Was he even alive?

"Ready to go home Saturn?" Mary asked as she loaded the packages in the back of the machine then placed him in the front seat. "I'm sure you didn't have any fun but I enjoyed your company."

Itachi found he enjoyed her company as well. She always seemed to be smiling and would hum occasionally. Not to mention that fact she seemed to distract him from his more depressing thought. She was like a soothing balm. He was regretting having to go back to the rest of the Akatsuki.

After she got into her seat Itachi payed close attention to how she worked the machine. To his disappointment she didn't use hand signs but a simple key.

An odd ringing sound suddenly sounded out from Mary's pocket and Itachi watched as she pulled out a flat device a little bigger then her hand and touched it before speaking into it like she was talking to someone. He wondered if it was some sort of twoway radio. Itahchi strained his ears to hear the voice on the other end.

"Come on cutie! We don't get as hot guys to hit on us if you don't come." The voice from phone wined at her. Mary looked over at Itahchi, he was stoic as ever.

"Fine but only for an hour and I'm not paying for my drinks." She said with a sigh into the phone.

A loud squeal was heard on the other end. "Sweet! I'll be there early to help you get dressed!"

She huffed at the device "I can dress my self."

"Normal people don't wear leggings everywhere." The voice deadpanned at her.

"Whatever. Anyway I got some new foster kittens so look forward to that."

"Oh no not again... are they all sick and shit like last time." Itahchi decided he didn't like the person Mary was talking to.

"No they are all very good looking." She sent a wink his way, he wasn't entirely sure what to do with it. "They're all different breeds but look to be purebred. The long haired one might even let you pet him, he's a sweetheart."

"Eww you mean touch one of those things?! No thank you." Definitely didn't like.

And Itachi was sure he didn't like Mary referring to Deidara as a sweetheart. That didn't seem right.

The conversation ended with a "K see you then." Then she pressed the device and put it away. She gave him an apologetic look.

"Sorry Saturn, but I promised Brittany I would go out with her next time." She didn't seem to enthusiastic about her plans. He guessed she was only going to appease her friend.

"I really should just tell her no, but it's not good to have no friends and she's the only one from high school that still talks to me so I guess I shouldn't push her away right?" Mary babbled on as she began steering. Itahchi was starting to become uncomfortable with the situation.

"I mean it's not like I'm all alone I've got you guys..." She seemed to realized the implication of her words and slam her head on the wheel. "I'm so that crazy cat lady..."

A loud honking sound brought her back from her pouting. "Sorry sorry, just having a life crisis here." She apologized to the sound.

She gave a longing look over at him. The intensity of it again made him uncomfortable.

"If only you guys were human am I right." She joked.

Itachi found it hilarious.


When they got home Mary was trying desperately to hype herself for a night out when all she wanted to do was cuddle down with some kitties and watch some good anime.

First she placed Saturn inside then proceed to unload the car. When she made it back in with everything and made sure Luna and Venus were in the house having followed her, she looked for the other kitties.

Again they were gathered together meowing at one another. Like they were having some kinda Secret kittens meeting. She had cats that meowed a lot before but never like this.

Kittens meowed more then adults but they usually meowed at her or over each other. These one seemed to wait until one was done before the other began.

It had stopped being cute a while ago. Now it was just weird.

She would have to ask Brittany what she thought about when she can over. Then Mary rethought that. If she asked Brittany something so strange what would she think of her. Oh well what else was she to do.

She smiled down at her most affectionate boys as they circled around her feet. "How are my lover boys." She cooed to them as she pet both as they leaned into it.

First on the agenda was a proper shower. That meant shaving near everywhere and that would take time, maybe she should do a face mask too.

Again she was watched intensely by the cats as she got ready. The looks Luna gave her were particularly uncomfortable.

She was just getting dress when Brittany texted she was here and Mary texted her back to watch the cats as she let herself in.

"It's Brittany bitch!!" Her best friend called out as she entered the house.

Mary laughed at her antics. "I'm back here getting dress." She called out.

Brittany could be heard rushing toward her bedroom "No your not! I get to pick your outfit!!" She burst in a whirl of bleach, knock off clothes and perfume. Completely undeterred by the fact Mary was only in a bra and panties.

"Brittany!" She squealed trying to cover herself.

"Mary." Brittany wined back. "Please like I haven't seen that body at the beach." She began heading toward the closet. The kittens that were present gave her a wide birth and she didn't try to interact with them at all.

"Your wearing the black one." She called out happily.

That didn't sound to bad to Mary her black bodycon dress was her favorite.

"I brought the matching black shoes."

Mary groaned.

"Noooooo." She cried as Brittany made her way back to the room. Out of a paper shopping bag she had with her she pulled out the shoes. Black, strapy, things with a six inch heel. "I can't walk let alone dance in those things."

Brittany gave her a unamused look. "I buy the drinks, I pick the clothes. Besides we party so hard we go barefoot by the end of the night!"

"No britt, I said one hour." Mary clarified for her. Brittany pouted at this.

"You are so not fun."

"I have kittens to take care off." Mary said bending down to the bed to give Venus a kiss were he sat. Luna meowed at her and she could have sworn he seemed mad.

"Cats don't need to be taken care of, even I know that." Brittany flipped her strained bleach blonde sassily.

"I don't wanna be out all night Britt." Mary was shimmying into the dress as she spoke. She loved Britt she really did but sometimes she could be a little, much.

"Sweetheart do you know me." Brittany circled around Mary like a Predator "makeup time! Don't worry I brought my own."

Mary sighed looking at the professional looking makeup kit Brittany pulled from who knows where. She was not getting out of this.

She looked over at her kittens. Venus, Luna and Neptune were in the room watching her. They didn't seem to give Brittany much mind. She imagined the other three were having one of their "Secret" meetings.

"Hey Britt..." Mary started.

"Don't move." Brittany scolded her. She was applying eyeshadow to Mary in smoky tones.

"The kittens don't seem... weird do they." Mary tried to stay completely still.

"The only weird thing is a hott young thing like you is more interested in having a pussy collection then just one good man." Brittany replied smoothly while working.

"Britt!" Mary nearly jumped in her seat.

"Oh come on, girl! How long has it been since you got laid, high school?" Brittany gave her a smirk.

At this rate mary wouldn't need blush. She was 50 shades of red all by herself. Brittany laughed at her but it was good natured.

"At least tell me you'll dance with one of the men that ask you to dance."

Mary's face was calming down now as Brittany applied a matte red lipstick. A meow caught her attention and as soon as her friend was finished with her Mary turned to face Luna.

"You wouldn't force me to find some strange man for my bed would you." She cooed as she pet him. Her purred and leaned into her touch.

"I heard that." Brittany replied putting her things away. "Well stand up, turn around, let's get a look at you."

Mary did as she was told. The kittens meowed and Brittany laughed.

"Well at least they know a masterpiece when they see it. It's like I'm Leo dad vince and Your my Moaning Lisa." She said airily.

"Ok there are so many things wrong with that statement." Mary laughed. A car horn interrupted their conversation.

"That should be Marshal he's driving us, he's early." Said Brittany as she made her way to the front door, completely at home.

"What? How did you get here then." Asked Mary following her only slightly stumbling.

Brittany turned and smiled at her "The bus, I know I know, but I am sooo not being the D and D when I got you out. Come on since he's early lets go pregame!"

Mary gave her a look. "We're getting smashed tonight aren't we."

Brittany let out a full bellied laugh at that. "In more ways then one of we're lucky!"

Again Mary sighed at her friends behavior. Then she turned back to the collage of kittens behind her.

"You boys be good while I'm gone." Neptune meowed some kind of response. Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter watched her impassively. And it looked like Luna and Venus were about to fight or follow her, she could be sure which. She blew them a kiss be for shutting the door.