
Puppeteer's system

Ajay , a 15 year old boy , kidnapped from his house accidentally came to a the Unox realm because of a tear in his universe. Unox, a strong eats the weak world , where this innocent 15 year old introverted nerd gets stuck but the good thing is he has a system and his luck is pretty good too...

BinitT · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Self destruct

Unox Realm,

Mudmound village,

The sun is rising and everyone is already up. The women are preparing breakfast , kids are playing in their backyards , farmers are getting their farming equipments ready and hunters are polishing their weapons.

This is a common scene in the morning time in pretty much every village out there.

After a while , a group of hunters left the village and went towards the forest. Out of nowhere , they heard a loud tearing sound , the hunters stopped in their tracks and looked at the sky. The people back at the village were also able to hear this ear piercing sound and were looking at the sky.

From the spot the sound was coming from , there formed various cracks and a hole like crack appeared.

From within the crack , a egg like white body came out. It landed in the forest and loud explosion sounds resounded in the village.

The hunters were scared. Among the hunters was a young man named Alan. He was the most powerful person in the village yet he was just at 8th stage of body strengthening. Others were at 6th , 5th , 3rd or 2nd stages.

Alan was worried about their safety. If something happened to them their families wouldn't have food to eat and people to protect them from ferocious beasts. So , he said," This seems to be related to seniors of very high realm. We shouldn't meddle in their stuff. Let's return back."

Everyone agreed with Alan and returned back.

What they didn't know is that the so called ' senior ' was a weak boy with no cultivation in a futuristic thingy.

At the crash site,

The teleportation pod had been sucked into a crack in the universe and had come here.

Ajay was safe but we can't say the same for the forest. Various trees were uprooted , some were broken in half and the pod was in a crater about 25 meters in diameter.

All the beasts and birds in the forest were scared and running away the crash site.

A mechanical voice sounded and said,"Malfunction has been detected. The passenger has not reached the destination." The door opened. Ajay was awake and was horrified to where he currently was.

He was coming out and accidentally pushed a button. The mechanical voice sounded again and said,"Self destruct sequence activated."

' Shit!',he thought and made a run for it.

The countdown started,



' Why am I here' Ajay thought.


'I should be at home playing video games. '


' Faster..'


' A little more and I will be safe ' he thought.

Boom! A explosion resounded in the air.

The explosion sent Ajay flying.

When he was flying in air he thought to himself , ' How do those bastards in movies just walk off with explosions happening behind them. Maybe I am a bit thin. '

Alan and the hunters who were returning home released a sigh of relief thinking they made the right choice.

Ajay however was flying in air and when he landed

he hit his head in a big rock and fainted.

This is the best I can do hehe

Hope you enjoy!

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