
Chapter 21 - The Ending?

Almost two years had gone by since Cilia had been freed from her prison, and Cilia would soon celebrate her ?? (Ima be honest, no clue how many years passed at this point) Birthday.

Fitting for the occasion, Lushas research on how to break the mind control on Cilia had recently gotten a breakthrough.

Currently, not only Cilia and her family but also Nisha, Lusha, and Judy were in the room discussing what to do.

However, they had one vexing problem. They didn't know if the solution had any negative impact on the consumer's health.

As they were discussing what to do now, Judy excused herself and retreated from the lab.

She had suddenly received a message after reporting the breakthrough.

*** (POV Judy)

This mission seemed to have been going on longer than usual. There was a strange feeling in her chest every time she thought about her mission.

She didn't know what it was and her instructions told her not to care.

Yesterday, he had reported the breakthrough of Lusha's research and today she was called upon duo to this topic.

As the device started to power up, a curtain of darkness enveloped her to hide anything from spying eyes.

„Subject 1590, you will do all it will take to destroy the research and get rid of the existing medicine."

„Yes, my lord!" Total obedience could be seen in her eyes as she kneeled to express her devotion.

„Good, if you get caught while trying to escape, commit suicide and erase all traces."

„As you wish." Although something told her to resist, it was nothing but the remnant of the previous her, which was too weak to go against the brainwashing.

Since she had no work left today, Judy started to prepare her plan while being ready in case she was called to work again.

*** (POV END)

Yesterday night, Lusha had revealed the existence of an 'antidote' against the brainwashing, even though it was gradual progress, which would need preparations for the optimal benefit.

This included remaking lost memories and triggering certain events.

However, this all was nothing but a trap. Lusha had slept in the lab to give the image of her overworking herself to make some finishing touches.

This was all in preparation for today since it was the most likely the time when an intruder would try to destroy or steal the research.

And this was true, Judy didn't have enough experience to see through such a trap and was ready to fall into it right away.

It was already dark and everyone was ready.

With Lusha in her Lab to restrict movement and Nisha blocking the only remaining exit. Cilia only had to cover their backs in case things would go awry and multiple people would charge at someone at once.

Not even the most trusted subordinates were informed of this operation.

However, the next event were shocking, to say the least.

A shadow suddenly emerged from inside a cabinet. It started sweeping clean all the tables and putting the contents in a backpack.

In the end, it took the green vial with the ready-made solution inside. Taking out a small pouch, the vial started twisting as it was sucked into this pouch.

The shadow silently climbed out of the window, when plants suddenly catapulted it to an open field a few meters away.

There Nisha was already waiting and slammed a hammer onto the shadow.

Although the intruder was strong, blocking such a blow completely was impossible even for it. As the ground cracked, Nisha threw away the hammer, and she reached for a huge shield.

The shadow, noticing a few presences nearby quickly turned around and tried fleeing. However, it only reached a distance of five meters, when the ground cracked and a wall of plants obstructed its way.

Before it could react, arrows started pouring down from between the cracks in the wall.

Although this attack was unexpected, the shadow turned around and hid behind Nisha. This however resulted in an arrow being implanted deep into its shoulder.

Nisha, who had been waiting for a chance, started choking her enemy, while Nisha started closing in.

Although the shadow tried to resist, Nisha's strength and Lushas restraint made this impossible.

After more than a minute, it finally collapsed as all of them sighed in relief.

It didn't seem like it, but they had almost completely exhausted themselves to achieve what they had done.

All their strength had flown into restraining the shadow.

Cilia, who had been unable to do much had also arrived and started stripping the shadow of its stolen goods.

However, this took some time as the pouch was hidden quite well.

The shadow, who had been pretending to still be knocked out and endured being groped finally decided to take action as a knife pierced Nisha's abdomen.

Taking the chance, where Cilia ran over to check on the wound, the shadow took the pouch gulped down the vial before throwing a fireball at the notes.

With only Lusha following it, the shadow successfully managed to escape. However this for the price of many injuries.

The next day, Cilia woke up in her bed as she looked over to her right, where Nisha had been laid down.

The wound wasn't serious, but Cilia didn't take any chances and woke up her sister to stitch Nisha's wound together.

Following that she laid Nisha town into her bed and got ready to sleep herself.

Although the intruder had escaped, it had only burned a few fake research papers and drank the vial.

It had probably thought they would catch up to it and decided to get rid of it.


Lusha was currently organizing her lab again, as he had previously remodeled it for the ambush. What she didn't expect however was a sudden guest.

*** (POV Judy)

My whole body hurt. I had half completed my mission. Unfortunately, I had not managed to escape with the research intact and was forced to burn-in.

Duo to my medical knowledge, I was able to treat my injuries well enough for them to not cause any lasting damage.

However, I felt strange. A sudden urge to do something appeared. It was something unknown and since it was not the urge to follow my orders, I decided to ignore it.

Although I would usually go visit the young Miss first, today I decided to make my way towards the lab, where the young Miss's mentor currently was.

My injuries were covered up by fake skin and the only thing I had to worry about was my posture during work.

Lady Lusha turned around as I entered the lab. Its layout was completely different than yesterday and notes were spewn all over the table.

I was shocked to find out, that my mission was a complete failure as I saw three other vials, similar to the one I had previously ingested.

„What brings you here?" As I looked up, I gazed into those emerald green eyes, which seemed to be able to see right through me.

I swallowed as a feeling developed in my body, which I could only identify as nervous? „Use me as a test experiment."

I was confused, I never wanted to say this, but my mouth had suddenly started to blur these words out.

„That will be useless, these things won't do anything to a normal person."

It happened once again, „I know, but I'm a… ". I was barely able to suppress myself from speaking further, as I had noticed what I was about to say would expose my mission."


A wave of exhaustion overwhelmed me, as I collapsed before being caught by Lusha.

*** (POV END)

Lusha was surprised by the sudden happenings. At first, Judy suddenly entered her lab, which was an usual occurrence by itself.

After she had asked what she wanted, an answer came, which confused her even more.

Judy should have known that it wouldn't help to test the effects of the treatment on normal people.

The confusion only grew as she could see the confusion on Judy's face.

Why would she be confused?

However what happened after that made her suspicious.

She started speaking, but suddenly stopped as if she was struggling to get those words out. In the end, she managed to get out three letters. S, p and y, spy.

Suspicion flashed in her eyes as she caught Judy, who had suddenly collapsed after muttering those words:

I'm a spy.


Judy currently had a high fever and was strapped on a bed, which Lusha had placed in her lab.

Both Cilia and Nisha were listening to Lusha, who was recounting the happenings as well as her suspicions.

„I was unable to find signs of tempering like with Cilia, but I have my suspicions. It might be possible, that her brainwashing has been finished.

After checking her body, it also appears as if she was the one we fought yesterday. If my conclusion is correct, the act of swallowing the vial made it possible for her free will to push through the brainwashing and give me a message."

„I'm still against using her as a test subject." Even if she was a spy, she was still Cilias servant, to whom she had grown attached to.

„Please don't misunderstand, it was she who proposed this." Although Lusha understood Cilias position, since Judy had volunteered and a test subject was badly needed, she would continue."

With Seraph's help, who was currently the Vice-leader of the medicine team, Judy's fever stabilized to a rather safe degree and continued to go down in the following weeks.


In the following year, painful screams would often escape from the lab and the only reason Lusha could still go on testing her findings on Judy were the rare occurrence where Judy was able to tell her to go on.

Although it didn't sound like it, Lusha would only test products on Judy after weeks of extensive research and trying them on normal humans.

However, the pain Judy felt, was primarily mental and was as such unpredictable.

With Judy's support, Lusha was able to make huge progress and after only two months a concoction was made, which enabled Judy to speak freely for around an hour.

This helped to accelerate the process once again and a final treatment plan was finally made after 13 months.


Half a year was the time needed for the initial treatment. As such at the start of the 14th month, Judy started testing it of her own volition.

This time, however, Lusha told her there was no need to test it, but Judy wouldn't stop begging her to test the full treatment on her one last time, since she didn't want any threats to remain for Cilia.

After almost ten days of constant begging, Lusha who already felt sorry for this barely 20-year-old girl gave in and started with the preparations.

The treatment flowed without any complications at first and only a few minor ones after.

On the 4th month of the treatment, Judy had taken back control over her body completely and begged long enough to start working as Cilia's maid again. Though her workload had been essentially taken over almost completely by other workers.

The treatment, which originally took only 6 months, continued until the 8th.

At that point, Judy had no remaining treats hidden in her mind. Unfortunately, only a minor part of her memories returned, as they were unable to find a cataclysm to awaken those that were still hidden.

Since there were not many drawbacks, Cilia was also able to start her treatment.

The only huge drawback which they encountered, was Judy's now fragile defense against mind attacks,

Which they figured, was because her mind had been fully controlled for quite some time.

Unfortunately, they had overlooked the slight differences a complete brainwashing and partial one.

As such Cilia almost died after the first months.

Due to this careless mistake, Lusha made sure to redo the treatment plan in only a day to make it possible to continue without break.

After the end of the year, Cilia too had finished her treatment.

Her memories however had mostly returned, with only a few unimportant returning. Well luckily for Nisha, the memory of her almost raping Cilia was one, that had not returned.

She almost sprang in joy when Cilia told her, that she still couldn't remember how they had first met.

Well, no one would want such a memory to exist together with their partner.

Although it wasn't her fault in the first place, since Cilia had intruded into Nisha's room, which was unconventionally in an inn, which also served as a brothel.

She thought Cilia had been sent to her room and decided to enjoy the otherwordly beauty in her bed.