
Chapter 18

Cilia woke up, as she felt like she had just been run over by a monster wave. She had an uncomfortable feeling the whole night, but she didn't know why.

Since it was already time to start working, Cilia got up and started her day.

As her master was sleeping upstairs, Cilia didn't dare to clean that floor and thus started upstairs.

Although she called it cleaning, the only thing she did was to freeze every room and separate the dust from the furniture. She was strong enough, that such a bit of expenditure was neglectable.

Having finished cleaning every room, but the bedroom, Cilia made her way to the kitchen where she prepared a simple breakfast. Her cooking had made a major leap in the last years, as she had continuously made food for other people.

If she wanted, she could even open a restaurant. Since she had worked a lot on her cooking to get where she was today.

Having finished, Cilia made her way to the training ground, where a small hut was placed on the side, for her to change clothes. Taking of her working clothes, one would be shocked to see her whole body covered in wound, bruises and scars. Endless scars covered the back and the front of her body. One big scar was especially huge, as it spanned from her stomach to almost her chin. However all these were quickly covered up, as Cilia wore a long sleeved shirt and long trousers.

It was currently five in the morning, when Cilia started her daily training.

After two strenuous hours, Cilia had finished her training and made her way towards the river, which running near the house.

There were little bathhouses placed along the stream. Among them Cilias was directly next to the one owned by Jamie. However unlike the normal bathhouses, Jamie had somehow made it, that there was a window installed into the walls, which were supposed to separate their areas. Luckily it had to be opened from both sides.

After cleaning herself in the cold water, Cilia had to quickly return, as her master would be furious if she wasn't by his side when he woke up. It would be even worse if he knew that she had secretly been training in the morning without him knowing. She didn't know why, but he would only allow her to train once a day. However she would train before he woke up and after he went to bed every day.


„Your breakfast has been prepared, master." Cilia, who had been waiting since half an hour for him to wake up, helped him get rid of the blanket.

With his confirmation, she helped him undress and escorted him towards the prepared bath, where she waited for him to finish while having his clothes, which were prepared before, ready.

She tried not to allow herself to make any mistakes, as Jamies temper had grown worse over recent times.

He would always hit her for making small mistakes and after some time had found pleasure in degrading and hurting her.


„What is this?! I remember telling you, not to give such poor, fucking breakfast!"

The sound of his plate shattering could be heard around the house, as Cilias head started bleeding from the impact.

„I'm sorry master, please let me get you something else." Cilia, already used to her masters outburst, bowed down and pleaded for him to forgive her. Recently, James doctor had told him not to eat as much greasy food, especially in the morning. As such Cilia had started to prepare a simple breakfast, but he had never eaten it.

After two tries and two times being punished, Cilia had started to prepare a simple, as well as a scrumptious meal. She couldn't go against her masters orders, but she could trick them. However unfortunately for her, Jamie seemed to be in a bad mood today, as he ordered her to enter the punishment room in the evening.

Yesterday, Jamie had once again tried to force himself onto her, but it seemed that because of her exhaustion, she had fainted, which made his mode deteriorate. This had happened more often in recent times, but she could always get him to stop, duo to her still being 'weak' after almost dying.

Since today Jamie had work to do for the council, Cilia quickly covered her wound with her hair and changed into her armor.

Since she was his bodyguard, Cilia had to accompany him for the duration of his work.

While outside, Jamie would have a more 'normal' behavior. He was still provocative but way less violent, which allowed Cilia to be a bit more careless. Though not enough to get in enough trouble for him to remember after they got back.

Since she didn't need to protect him while he was in the premises of the council, Cilia was able to have some more time to train in an abandoned field, which she had made into a low quality training ground for herself.

„Cilia!" She turned around as she saw a familiar face running into her arms. It was her little sister, Seraph.

„When will you come visit us again, you haven't been home since close to a year!"

However her annoyance fell on deaf ears, as Cilia would only respond in the shortest way possible.

Seraph was already aware, that her ex-boyfriend had been with her for the sole purpose to spy on her and make it possible to threaten Cilia, but half a year ago, Cilias teacher, Lusha, had found an opportunity to get rid of all the threats on CIlias family and get them under the protection of the elves. Which was considerably easy with her being the queens sister.

However, it was to late for Cilia to get back from the clutches of Jamie and Markus.

Duo to her family trying to get her to leave the city with them, Jamie had forbidden her from meeting anyone previously related to her. This caused her to stop meeting them as she kept her distance.

Cilia, after telling her sister off and finishing her training, quietly wiped the sweat from her body and got some food in the cantina.

While eating, she received a message, which told her to appear in Jamies office in half an hour to escort him back. Since the last assassination attempt one year ago, only a few small fries had tried to harm Jamie, which Cilia had taken care of with a single swing of her sword.

There was still one and a half hour till the appointed dinner time after they got home. Cilia took her time to change clothes and took 20 minutes to study a few more blueprint. In the last few years, she had studied enough blueprint and techniques to build simple futuristic spaceships. However she had no way to build those, as she needed to build a factory from scratch to build the machines for another factory, which would produce the machines for another factory and so on. It was almost impossible at the current point in time to even produce fully functional modern day weapons.

As the 20 minutes came to a close, Cilia went downstairs and started cutting vegetables.

Today, she was going to make a typical dish, which her grandmother used to always make for her. After cutting potatoes, carrots and putting in beans and peas, Cilia threw them into a pot with previously prepared vegetable broth.

After letting it brew for a few minutes, Cilia prepared some pork sausage and cut it into tiny pieces. Since it was such a simple dish, Cilia had around forty additional minutes and decided to prepare a few simple brownies.

They had recently acquired a bit of chocolate, which was reinvented two weeks ago. With the chocolate, milk, eggs and flour, Cilia put the brownies into the magical oven, which she had developed with Yurrik.

Since they would take longer that the time remaining until dinner, Cilia readied the table.

After being done, Cilia still had almost 20 minutes remaining, since the dough was already prepared beforehand and she began to set her portion of the food. She wasn't actually allowed to eat the same food as her master, since she was but a servant. But she would make another portion or another kind of food for herself and the other servant.

Though it would objectively always look way worse than the food prepared for Jamie, since she wasn't a masochist who enjoyed being beaten. Due to the disgusting look of the food she would prepare for the servant most of the time and the fact that Jamie would never allow her to eat at the same table as himself, her actions had yet to be discovered. Jamie treated her as nothing but his property, the 'love' he felt for her was nothing but the desire to possess something special.

To enhance this opinion, Jamie would oft bring home good looking woman, just to grow bored of them after a few days and throw them out.

Those were the days, where Cilia had the most amount of freedom. But in the end, after growing bored, Jamie would return to his violent nature and turn back towards Cilia, the only person that could physically be beautiful enough for his needs, strong enough to survive his abuse as well as the only one, that couldn't run away.

After watching Jaime eat his fill and being hit for arriving with the food to late, since he had gotten hungry, Cilia with the help of another servant started clearing the table and clean the dishes. Since Jamie had decided to punish Cilia today. The rest of the day, which she would have been able to enjoy in room, at least as long as Jamie didn't call for her, was instead spent in the punishment chamber..

It was a room connected with Jamies bedroom as well as his study. It was nothing but a dark room without a window filled with all kind of tools.

Be it tools for torture, sexual pleasure or other things, there was everything.

(think of it like a mixture of sex dungeon and torture chamber)

Since she was ordered to spent the evening in this room, Cilia, after finishing her duty's, appeared in the room, where Jamie was already waiting for her. Today was quite the mild day, since she was only ordered to remain in there for the evening, which would end in the worst case in around 4 and a half hours.

Jamie, who was already eager to relieve his anger, bound the cuffs which she was always forced to wear to the wall, making Cilia unable to move her arms and feet,

Even if Cilia didn't want to, she couldn't disobey, as she could only watch as her body was toyed with for close to 3 hours.

If she would be a normal person, death would have been imminent as he would toy around with machines and make her stay awake for the whole time of punishment, even if the duration were days. She would usually be unable to sleep if she was ordered to remain during the night.

Having had his fun watching her struggle with shame and humiliation, Cilia was allowed to leave the room, supported by a maid, who escorted her to her room.

This was her usual routine, as the following week was without any special occurrences. Luckily this visit in the punishment chamber was a one time occurrence this week.

At one point however she was suddenly called into Jamies office after having her lunch, just to be ordered to stand in his office as decoration while in her underwear.

However every time she thought about hurting or leaving Jamie, her thoughts stopped and she once again resumed her duties without thinking about it again.


Hello there!

Since some readers preferred the mc not being r**ed I omitted this part, since I had a reluctant to write it in the first place anyway.

Since it is like that, I decided to make it more of an either just humiliated her like in this chapter or Jamie deciding to use toys/ machines while watching her suffer. (Yes also kinda humiliation)

Cause nothing would kinda make no sense, considering Jamies current personality/ obsession.

Here the vote, just write a paragraph comment:

Humiliation only

The Degeneracy shall continue

I'll check after like two days or so and rewrite the story accordingly.

Hey! I just wanted to let you know, that there will be a low chance of me signing a contract with webnovel currently.

It has many reasons, the main one being, that I want to start writing a few different stories, which include maybe a fanfic, before starting something of a bigger project.

If I do continue with this novel after the first arc, I might sign one but it's unlikely.

So no paying money to continue reading for now! Hope you like my novel and feel free to leave feedback and a raiting.


Cetotriscreators' thoughts