
Chapter 4

I can't believe those two girls.. I feel so bad for that Hanna girl and her late friend..' Jungkook said while playing with his fingers. Everyone agreed silently.

'Those two were the kindest fans we've met so far..' Hoseok said.

'Yeah, they always give us food or anything whenever they come to our fan signs.' Jimin ruffled his hair and sighed.

'Let's not forget how they always asked how we were doing before saying anything else.' I said, smiling a little remembering the first time they came to our fan sign.

Flashback to 2 years ago..

I was bored, twirling the pen in my fingers as I waited for the next fan to come. When a book was placed in front of me, I looked up and smiled to this new girl. I've never seen her before. Could this be her first time?

I gave her a sweet smile before she blushed and quickly replied my smile.

'What's your name?' I asked her.

'Umm.. Kim Y/n' she tucked a strand of her hair behind her hair. A pretty name, I thought. 'Are you healthy, Yoongi-oppa?' I looked at her in confusion to her sudden question. She blushed again. 'Umm.. Well.. I saw in your last concert, you looked more tired and paler. Even though you're already so pale..' she mumbled the last line, but loud enough for me to hear. I chuckled.

'I guess I was a little more tired, due to hours of practice.' I honestly said. The choreography has been getting harder as time passes by. 'You guys really work hard for us fans, huh?' She said. I smiled. 'Of course. We'd do anything, as long as all of you enjoy our concerts.', I replied to her statement. At that moment, she took out a pack of chocolate brownies and an energizing drink,placing it in front of me.

I looked at the food in front of me. I looked back at her with my eyebrows arched. 'Is this for me?' I asked her. She smiled and nodded. 'I understand you guys are working hard for us fans, but you should care about your health more. I thought I'd bake some brownies for all of you as thanks for all your hard work. You know, we ARMYs don't mind if you take a break once in a while, we care about your health more. So, make sure to eat these to get some energy, okay? You shouldn't push yourself too hard.' She advised me. When she finished, she realized what she had said and immediately blushed,looking down.

'Wow' I said, chuckling slightly. My heart fluttered at her sincereness. 'I-I'm sorry, I got carried away, I-' I cut her off before she could mumble more. 'Nono, it's perfectly fine. I'm actually happy that you care so much about us. We always thought we weren't doing our best for ARMYs.' Her eyes widened at my statement.

'W-what are you saying? That's crazy! You guys are doing the absolute best for all of ARMYs, we can't ask for more. What you guys are doing now for us is more than enough, so please don't think like that..' her tone slowly went lower at the last line as she fiddled with her slim fingers. I couldn't help but to chuckle again. I slowly took my hand out and grabbed her hand, causing her to gasp a bit in shock. I smiled at her as she stared at me while blushing.

'Thank you, for everything. We, no- I appreciate it. Thank you so much.' I sincerely thanked her. I softly rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb. Her hand was so smooth and small compared to mine, it was cute. She couldn't say anything, she only smiled. 'I hope to see you again at our next fan sign, Y/n.' I said to her. She smiled widely towards me, so cute. 'I will. Don't worry.' She bowed to me before she moved on. She was so kind.

End of flashback..

'They always looked so cheerful whenever they came..' Taehyung said. He was blankly staring at the ceiling, as if pondering about something.

'... But today, Hanna looked so.. dead. Her eyes were red and puffy, and she didn't smile at all like she usually does.' He continued. All of us, including Jin-hyung, agreed.

'I was so shocked when I heard the news. I miss them a lot..' Jungkook said.

'Yeah. Their smiles really gave me motivation. Their encouraging words were really helpful.' Hoseok said.

'I just hope she'll go to our next fan sign..' I said. My heart felt a little said, realizing how I won't be seeing Y/n anymore. I won't lie, I always anticipated for her to come whenever we had a concert or a fan sign. I guess I fell in love with her beforehand.. No wonder my heart hurts so much. I felt tears welling up in the corner of my eyes, but I managed to fight them back.

'I'm sure Hanna will. And when she comes, I'll ask for her number.' Our eyes widened as we heard the Maknae's brave plan.

'Seriously, Jungkook?' Namjoon asked him.

'Yes. I want to know Hanna more. She looked so sad, I couldn't leave her like that. I want to be friends with her' Jungkook clenched his fists.

'I can't even tease Jungkook about liking Hanna right now...' Jimin sighed.

We all felt so down after today, as if we just lost something precious in our lives. Our source of happiness and motivation, that is.

'Guys! Enough grieving and come eat.'

I stood up and sat down at the table after Jin-hyung called us. We began eating.


As we were eating, Jungkook told Jin-hyung about his plan in the next fan sign. Jin-hyung nodded in agreement, but his face still showed dissatisfaction.

'Sure, that's a good idea. But.. the next fan sign, is in like 2 weeks.' Jin-hyung said.

An idea suddenly appeared in my head.

'We have a concert in a few days, right?' I asked. All of them nodded as their attentions were now on me.

'Why not we sing a song for the both of them as a sign of gratitude?' I suggested. They stood up and clapped their hands.

'Aiishhh hyung, you're such a genius!!' Jimin said

I wiggled my eyebrows while grinning proudly.

'What can I say? I am Min Yoongi Genius jjang jjang man boom boom.' I said.

' But, what song will we sing?' Hoseok asked, as he sat back down.

'Something related to them..hmm..' Jin-hyung rubbed his chin.

'Something related to missing, and breakups. What song?' Namjoon suggested.

'Why not I like It pt 2 and Spring Day, then I need u?' I suggested again.

'I like it pt 2 and Spring Day is good, but I need U isn't a good idea..' Taehyung scratched the back of his head.

'Expensive gir-'

'NO, Not Expensive Girl, Namjoon.'

'NO, Not Expensive Girl, hyung.'

We all said in unison, cutting Namjoon off before he could go even further with his crazy ideas.

'Why not Suga's First Love?' Jin-hyung finally spoke. Everyone 'ooh'ed, leaving me dumbfounded.

'W-what? Why me?' I stuttered a little out of shock.

'Because, you like Y/n! It's perfect.' Jungkook said while smirking. I blushed a bit.

'What are you talking about? No I don't...' I looked away embarrassed.

'Stop lying, Hyung. I sat next to you through all these fan signs, I've seen you eyeing her every move.' Taehyung said proudly, making me blush harder.

'Caught in a lieeeeee~~~!' Jimin sang as he walked upstairs. I glared at Jimin.

'Yah! Shut up, you jamless mochi!' I exclaimed.

'NAMJOOOOOOOOONNNNN!!!!!!'Jimin yelled from upstairs, making Namjoon laugh along with the others.

'Then, it's settled.' I said. We all nodded.