

Death is something that everyone will taste one day in their lives, today is the day of justice as we are going to execute the top most wanted criminals. These animals have committed atrocious acts, prostitution, drugs, murder ,fraud and many more.

Executioner: Huh you dirty pigs, how does it feel to know that your about to get beheaded?

Jay=*Bored* I don't really give a shit, just kill me already.

Freya= ~I can't wait for the party to get started~.

Yu=*Annoyed* mann, this is no fun just kill us already.

Luna: *Shivering* Why can't I kill??

Sole:*Scared* What is this feeling? Is this what they call weakness?.

Executioner: ...

Executioner: You damn lunatics, say goodbye

*Swings trying to kill* Suddenly a smoke bomb get's dropped nearby and everyone faints

Jay:*Coughs* What the hell just happened? Am I dead?

Jay stands up and looks around, all he sees a huge white room with no end, suddenly he hears a voice.

?????: Welcome Criminals, you may seem very confused, but a time will come when you will know everything, for now just survive, we have given you equipment in the bag behind you, we would like to see who truly stands at the top when it comes to survival. "May The Devil Be In Your Side".

Jay: Heyyy, who are you?, what is this place, why did you bring us here?

Jay's mind keeps shouting questions as not a single soul is there to respond them, all he knows is that he has to survive.

Jay: Dammit, what did he even mean by "surviving" well let's check what's inside the bag

Jay opens the bag

Jay: Huh?, a knife, really? *Jay seems confused but keeps on walking forward*

Suddenly a whisper comes to his ears: The challenge will begin in one minute

Jay: I really don't know what's going on, but if this is hell then where is the punishment, could it be heaven? (no I don't really think so) thinks Jay.

Jay hears a sound and run towards it

Freya: Hiyaaaa die you zombie hahah yay murder

Jay: Freya, your here too,what's going on?

Freya=W-what?, Jay?!, what are you doing here?

To Be Continued