

In a world overrun by the undead, Elias Blackwood, nick named 'The Nightshade', a lone psychopathic serial killer, thrives amidst the chaos. Concealing his true nature behind a facade of normalcy, he manipulates and preys upon unsuspecting survivors, reveling in the opportunity to indulge his darkest urges. As he stalks his victims through the night, leaving a trail of blood and terror in his wake, Elias grapples with the shadows of his own past. But in this unforgiving world where survival is paramount, Elias will stop at nothing to claim his rightful place as the ruler of the darkness.

Darkking_101 · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Entry 3

Dear Diary,

As I wander the desolate streets, the echoes of my past reverberate in my mind like a haunting melody. Memories of my time in confinement mingle with the chaos of the present, blending into a twisted symphony of pain and pleasure.

The cityscape stretches before me like a canvas awaiting the stroke of my brush. Each abandoned building, each decaying alleyway, is a testament to the fragility of civilization.

I move with purpose, my steps measured and deliberate, as I seek out those who would dare to come my way. The dead may roam the streets, but it is the living who pose the greatest threat—a fact I am all too eager to exploit.

As night falls and the shadows deepen, I become one with the darkness, a phantom lurking in the depths of the city. I stalk for any prey with a hunter's precision, my senses attuned to the slightest hint of movement or sound.

And when I find them—those foolish enough to cross my path—I will strike without hesitation, without remorse. For in this world of the dead, mercy is a luxury I cannot afford.

And so, I embrace the abyss that surrounds me, reveling in the madness and the mayhem that defines this new world. For in the darkness, I find solace, and in the chaos, I find purpose.

I am The Nightshade, a harbinger of death in a world consumed by madness. And as I continue my journey through the heart of darkness, I do so with a smile on my lips and madness in my heart.

End of Diary Entry.