

Valdis clings to her small hope, healing from her wounds, growing her powers, and exacting her brutal revenge. Torn between the idea of love and the feeling of despair. Join her on this journey, and find out the hidden secrets the gods have left. And what darkness is hidden in the most obvious of places.

LuRai · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter Three

**Trigger Warning: Intense Content**

This story contains themes and depictions of graphic violence, abuse, trauma, self-harm, suicide, and psychological distress. It may include unsettling and disturbing scenes that could be distressing or triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised. If you are sensitive to any of the mentioned topics or find such content disturbing, we recommend refraining from reading this story. Take care of your well-being and seek support if needed.

Asher closed his eyes, rolling his neck with a smirk as he wiped the blood from his face. He scoffed, the sword in his other hand dripping with fresh blood. "See father, people do change. It's just a matter of whether they can do it before they die." He crouched down face level with his father and smiled. An innocent smile that didn't suit the sinister look in his eyes. His father gripped his ankle, with a bloodied shaky hand, opening his mouth to speak but no words escaped. Asher frowned, "And here I thought you'd thank me." He got up and kicked his father's hand from his ankle before stabbing it with the sword. His father let out a pained grunt. "I'm only paying you back. I think it's only fair, considering the hell you put me through." He twisted the sword before yanking it from his flesh. He used the tip of the sword to tilt his father's chin to meet his eyes, the blood on the sword coated his father's chin dripping on the floor. "Tell me Onyx. Are you proud of me now?!" As he yelled he lifted the sword and swung it slicing off his father's head with a smile on his face, not flinching as the blood splashed on him. He kicked his father's corpse, moving the body out of the way, and used the carcass to wipe the blood off his sword.

Asher sighed and snapped his fingers, a figure dressed in dark clothing appeared.``Find out what the old man was hiding from me….And have Butcher take this trash out." He gestured to his fathers' corpse passively before plopping in a chair behind a large wooden desk. It was his father's desk, something only the head of the family would have. He propped his feet on the desk and yawned. "Tell Seina to bring me something to eat, all this enjoyment has me famished beyond belief." Stretching his arms he closed his eyes, with a clear conscience and good food. That was his motto. Taking what had rightfully been his from the start was no hassle. That cold stoic man was dead, and now he could run things as he wanted. Asher had been told he was a little unorthodox, but wouldn't you be if you had been raised as he had? Asher frowned, the images of his past starting to haunt the darkness behind his eyelids.

He grits his teeth, opening his pearl-colored eyes slightly before groaning. "What a pain." He mumbled under his breath before sitting up in the chair running his hand through his ash-colored hair before pausing as a knock on the door was heard. "My Lord, it's Seina." A firm but soft voice came from behind the door. "Enter Seina." A flower-like woman walked with soft features, almost doll-like, with sky-colored hair, and a pair of coal-colored eyes that seemed a tad overwhelming if you stared into them too long. She came into the room pushing a tray, littered with a plate of food, and a cup of some dark-colored liquid. Behind her, a larger male, who looked as though he would be too large for the door, walked in. He seemed a lot more timid than his features allowed. Seina pushed the cart around the corpse and stopped once she had reached the desk. She seemed unphased by the dead body or blood-covered floor. Even less phased by the murderer in front of her, as she simply placed the plate of food in front of him before waiting for further instructions. The larger man hesitated for a moment before walking over to the dead body grimacing, Asher having started eating his food glanced at the man. Swallowing his food before speaking, "You know for someone named the Butcher you seem rather weak-hearted." The larger man, known as Butch or Butcher, rubbed his neck. "Apologies sir, I just dislike seeing things in such disarray. Do forgive my hesitation, but it seems as though there's blood spilling everywhere."

Butch crouched and lifted the man's now cold dead hand, before letting it drop back to the floor. He grunted before pulling out a fabric from his apron, wrapping the dead body in it before scooping it up. He grimaced as the blood started to coat his hands. He looked to Asher and bowed his head before exiting the room. Seina glanced at Asher, "Shall I call the maids My Lord?" She spoke with little change in tone, only moving her gaze to gesture to the splash of blood left on the floor. "No. This is quite a pleasant change to this dreadful room. Leave it, let it dry, and serve as a warning to others." Seina nodded at her lord's words, by then he had finished eating. She carefully lifted the plates from in front of him placing them on the tray before refilling his cup. Not too long after the darkly dressed figure reappeared. He passed something to Seina speaking in her ear softly before bowing and disappearing, as though he had never been there to begin with. Seina opened the file, she glanced over the documents before moving to the front of the desk. "My Lord, you're father's project…. 'Experiment Eden' has escaped."


So side note. Yes, there will be a trigger warning at the beginning of each chapter even if there is nothing that fits that description. Out of respect for other people's mental health. I myself wrote this while being in a certain mind space, and I don't expect people to purposely trigger themselves or even accidentally.

for the sake of your mental health do not read if you cannot handle it. No story is worth mental deterioration. For those that do read, thank you for your feedback and support.

LuRaicreators' thoughts