
Providence -The Fine Lines of Reality

- "My dear brother, who am I? Everything we know, is not what it seems. Even when I was certain I had the answers, there still remains much that I do not understand. No matter what happens, I will always love you." *UPDATES EVERY FRIDAY*

K1ngChoia · Fantasi
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5 Chs

2. Everything We know

The wind stung my skin as my body resisted it. This was a sensation I was unfamiliar with. I was not so arrogant to assume I could never feel no pain, unlike the others I know as kin. However, I was a novice to the feeling and I am hauntingly unaccustomed to its full wrath. The indigos of the universe stretched further and further away, my limbs flowed lifelessly around me vibrating ferociously against the breeze, negating all thoughts of pain, I began to appreciate the peace masked by agony. How was it that I, a channel of all creation, have never felt so connected to thine own intervention? This may be thy revelation to let it all go. Ye has already accepted that ye is not a part of their same agenda.

    Finally, I will be set free, free from all the blind corruption and consumption of another's bidding, free to leave behind all I was unfortunately possessed to bring into fruition. I can finally rest, accepting my fate I relaxed my gaze around me. The clouds spread out like a sea of cotton that was cascaded in a blazing glow of rubies and liquid gold. This truly is a magical experience there was no sound just the white noise of rushing. When does my body hurtled toward the Earth the medallions around me, rose from my robes and flashed as they reflected the luminescence of the ever so vibrant sea of untouchable Grace. Amidst all of my newfound acceptance, something kept my mind from being at ease the, unfamiliar voice.

    I knew not of its message or purpose, nor was I fully able to comprehend the vagueness. It attempted to convey to me, however, that voice has led me to this point, the seemingly dormant voice that was awoken during my conversation with Poseidon, I widen my eyes was that the reason Poseidon was troubled that voice did the voice come into being due to my resolve my essence and emotion colonnaded into that moment what is it all stored under pressure hidden locked away in silence never to surface. It surely is a possibility due to the fact that I cope with my emotion by enforcing logic guided resolve. However, looking back to my days of deep meditation, back to my days, finding my place within the void, and even before that I was never one to harbor enough emotion that would possess me into physically committing violent acts.

    Was it the voice force my resolve? I cannot fully discern. What was the existential presence that spoke to me, I am also unable to discern if that voice spoke through me. But something truly in raged brother in the words that were spoken were not of my own. The thoughts were my own, but the emotions and actions were forced internally, as if there were something inside of me that Poseidon could sense, and if that is true, then the presence within me is what enraged brother. The same presence that led me here ascending to the summit of the heavens, all to have me plummet to the depths of the world below. What or rather who yes, that is the revelation which I seek. Who are you enigma?

   I am unlike the rest of the Olympians. Sooner able to rely on intellect and divine intervention than just my physical prowess. The gold medallion bounce light off of my torso and arms, the gold radiating in the wake of dusk. Brief glimpses of my reflection would appear than vanish as a medallion spun about. I studied the images of me never before had I felt like a stranger to thine own curious eye. Never before since the very dawn of my creation had I've been aloof to whom I am. A deity would never survive within this realm if they're essence was ridiculed by self doubt. However, in this moment as the howling wind rushes past and all around me, as my threads fold and flutter violently and as my medallions strobe, and reflect the rays of the sun and then in this moment I could proclaim with the most of certainty that being reflecting me within my medallions was not me he was an entity I had never seen before.

    - " Do you truly believe they are capable of change?" - "What will it cost us?" - " When will you come to the realization that are past and current way has become the catalyst of our inevitable, definition, brother!" As I recall the past acknowledging that the words that were spoken word, and not of my own accord were haunting. Originally, I knew not of the presence of another, especially within thyself. Even for that matter which would explain the contrite emotions that began to consume me. What is it I that attacked my brother what did I wreak havoc upon the foot of our glorious abode physically I had no recollection of causing any harm or pain and mentally I was unaware of the heinous things I proclaimed against my kin, reflecting on the meeting I had with Poseidon.

    In the moment I voiced my concerns are the moments I weld with rage, my attempt to raise awareness to my brother, nai, my attempt to warn him of what I fear will be the price of our accession to the heavens. Alas, I lost myself to my emotions, and intern a part of me that I witnessed once before within sapphire eyes came into being in the clarity of it all has come to Firston. The spell I was under that captivated me to our wrongdoing and left me intoxicated to the might of us all this being. That, too, has come to the revelation that we deities are not in the right mind of our own.

    Each time I lashed out against him, the strongest of us all there I believed I was truly capable of making such bold accusations when in turn it was never that I would dare while in his presence, however, it was either that did the words that came to me, were not of thine own tongue, but they were the words of my will incarnate this being that resembles the self as if it were an exact replica, was no enigma at all the destructive and being that was conjured by my resolve, and my lack of restraint over my emotion. The being that cursed the gods, and lay waste to the mountain. Inside the being that escorted me here to the summit of the heavens, the very same being that retracted my wings, leaving me to plummet to the world below this being is me.

    But what significance of now did I feel it was necessary to curse the gods in rid thyself from existence. I have come to cope with these emotions since our victory of Titanomachy the fall of our predecessors. So why now? I glared at the medallion the being resided within the summit of eternity, grew further and further away as my fate with the ground neared with each waking moment, to no surprise the being glared back at me. I was unaware, nor did I have any fear of the entity. The entities eyes are soulless and cold. My for a being that was conquered by emotion, they seem to lack the ability to harbor any. My pressed lips sealed shut by the crusted saliva were uncontrollably, pried open, the same was occurring with the entity that reflected me. Then I began to utter the words I was thinking and as my mouth and tongue formulated a sentence, the same occurred with the entity. However, he spoke of the same phrase with a slight modification that led me to the realization that this entity is real despite any doubts. I spoke - " why have you come here and now?" he spoke in the same tongue at the same intervals - " why have I come here and now?"

    The revelation of the being's existence seemed to abruptly end this euphoric point in time, the descent from the heavens the loss of control over my mind, body and soul. For some reason the events leading up to this point seemed to unfold like that of a past life. Has this befallen me prior to this moment, have I experienced this before?Unsure of thyself I understood this never befallen me. The events that I can perceive however, they are unfathomably familiar. In contrast there my descent is into an eternal lake of fire for defying my creator. I took a deep breath in hopes that it would keep me sane, but the refreshing breaths I had taken for granted so many times before, and just today begun to fully embrace were not able to calm me only insinuate more internal conflict. Panic began to consume me leading me to act without thought, and I began to hyperventilate. Each breath more unfulfilling than the last but losing sense of mind I am unable to remember that I do not need air. Damaging thyself with each withering breath.

    I could feel the tears within my esophagus, each rush of air, enlarged the ones microtears to violent gashes. I could feel the rapidly forming within me. Taking it another breath because I cannot fully assess the internal harm in an attempt to calm myself. However, this breath forced my now gash ridden nostrils to send something directly to my lungs, which caused me to gag on my own breath. Opening my mouth and tightening my chest I took a deep breath that burned my throat, then exhaling through my nose, which caused all that was currently occupying my nostrils to be sent rocketing. A golden substance trickled form me.

    Never before had any of the divine bled. Even within the heat of battle our divinity alone was enough to grant us all everlasting durability, just like our enduring abode we too we're beings immune to deterioration. Along with pain, famine, and fear even death was beneath us. Then why I began to wonder. We are so beyond pain deterioration sickness all these things... my body went numb. The rapid descent slightly stilled. It feels as if I fell into water, my weightlessness, the old, the previous moment this feeling was brought into fruition by the liquid that began to trickle upwards. My jaw dropped as my eyes examined the hue that resembles that of polished metal it's shine so unlike that of any solid color assigned, naked only be described as metallic.

    Ichor, the fluid that flows like blood through the veins of the gods I have only heard tales of it from the Titans beings not of the divine. The two had blood, but there's was of a cobalt hue. There's was tainted in from it bore monstrosities along with most of the divine, including thyself. However in the hue of the liquid that surfaced was that of a golden hue, a hue that far exceeded the realm of anything I could have ever imagined. I raised my right arm to bestow upon thy hand the alluring liquid, to my surprise it was warm, my curiosity was overwhelming. Was this liquid the same as that of the liquid I know to be ichor?

    Could I, a being of insurmountable proportion, truly fall victim to the unbearable clutches of curiosity. I was appalled and also disgusted with thyself, and unfortunately there was nothing I could do but fall deeper into curiosity's domain for it dawned upon me that I had no power here. As the metallic liquid flowed around me, onto and in between my fingers I tightly pressed my fingers together trapping the liquid between them. Sliding my fingers from crease to base. I noticed the liquid begin to stiffen, its once silk like essence began to resemble that of the sap of trees.

    More of the metallic liquid arose to the surface, it is truly enchanting. Again, as it arose I captured it within my fingers and the clutches of my hands, then repeating the process I clenched together the liquid through my grasp smoothening it over and observed as it went from silk to sap. If only I had the same command over curiosity as I do precious metals and minerals alas, my wit is unable to prevail. The metallic liquid, captivating it truly is, I brought my hand that was now clothed by it to my face to further examine it. The closer I drew my hand to my face, the more my body began to react unfavorably, a pit began to brew within me. Even while falling externally, I felt as if i was sinking within thyself.

    There was nothing that I had ever feared before, nothing before this day. The more I ponder the very concept I come to the realization that the only familiarity I have with the term fear, is the term itself. I am a novice to all it insinuates. However, here and now I could sense my curiosity being overcome by something I am unfathomably unfamiliar with. Famine, pain, strife, despair, fear... all these unfortunate things we divine were familiar with, familiar with the terms themselves that is. Never experiencing these things just producing opposing aspects to enforce balance such as good health, peace, prosperity, wealth, triumph... never at the mercy of what accompanied the universe before the dawn of our creation. My throat and nose began to be ridiculed by... complications, and with these complications I began to acknowledge the pattern of events that has transpired ever since the breaths I have taken became stale and cold.

    What I command is that of the purest and imperishable of metals and minerals, never have I had any command over a fluid like substance such as this. Denying that the fluid could be of my doing I was positive my intuition was surely becoming clouded by ignorance and the bane of curiosity was awaiting me to succumb to its command. Unsure of what was to come of me, I feel as though I am truly becoming aware of thyself, internally and externally. Spiritually and mindfully I had already become familiar with thy true self due to meditation and I had negated all aspects of thy physical essence, for that was not the true me. However, on this day my exposure to things that were foreign to me, things that I knew only the term of. I was at their mercy, my physical essence defenseless to the very things I casted away. What is becoming of me.

    The metallic substance was shimmering in the dawning sun. I allowed more more of the unfamiliar liquid to engulf my hand, it is as if I have bestowed a golden glove upon thy right hand. My attention averted to my left hand it flowed lifelessly besides me as I continued to plum it ever-so-gently, captivated within this moment. Divine insight and intuition have been my guide whilst instinct has paved the way alas curiosity however, seems to have other plans for me. Oh my, how challenging these plans are to resist. I lightly twitched the fingers of my left hand, it had remained motionless for some time now, so I had to be sure I had not lost my connection with it. I drew it close to my face, to the area that seemed to be where the metallic liquid flowed after each breath. I knew not what to think, nor did I feel the need to act, and even still with every ounce of my being my insight, intuition and instinct were no match for the inevitable impulse of curiosity.

    Closer, closer, the overcast of my palm led the rays of the sunlight astray and within my eyes all I could behold was the somber silhouette of my hand as I drew it nearer. I could distinctly discern the signals being sent throughout my nervous system, with each intricate pulse my hands would tremble. The tremble would happen rhythmically at first while there was a considerable amount of distance between it and I however, as I drew it nearer the rhythmic tremble turned to a violent quake. The closer my hand became I could feel feel the overwhelming impulse to cease my advanced but as if it were possessed I was no longer in control.

    As i felt my quaking hand hover above my mouth the micro hairs that spread across my face began to rise and I could feel my fingers as they vibrated against them. I tightly shut my eyes, the muscles that sculpted my face where all active now and tensed. I knew not if i was capable of accepting the truth, a truth that I was not ready to accept could occur. My hand, after what seemed like ages, it finally made contact with my face, and and I smeared it gently over my mouth and against the opening of my nostrils, and down my chin. Each finger caressing my skin until they reached the edge of my chin. I inhaled once more through my mouth, the air was still stale, I exhaled through it the same. I swallowed the dry saliva that encased my throat. Light began to pour in as I removed the shade of my eyelids, if it were midday the daylight would surely have stunned my vision, however, the protection of dusk allowed my vision to adjust rapidly. Unfortunately never had there been a better time in my existence to yearn for the inability to see the light. For all it does is haunt one with its revelation.

    Both of them, both of them, now stained by the metallic liquid. Both of them! As alluring and majestic as this sight is, I am lost and unable to come to any conclusion on how or what I am feeling. What could this possibly mean I wonder? The medallion draping from my neck medallion gleamed in my eye, I had almost forgotten about the entity within it. - "Surely you have an answer. Hence why ye has brought me here correct?" I starred back at the reflection, accepting its existence has truthfully been the most logical thing that has happened thus far. The being within the reflection continued to observe me, after a few white noise filled moments the being finally uttered a phrase. - "Ye are the first but by far will it be the last to realize that the divine are vulnerable beings that... will... fall." The stilled euphoric moment burst back to life, my weightless excursion rapidly turned to a decent of despair. Here I am again, back to the moment that reality bared its fangs, and the essence of my physical being revealed onto me the mere base of all its vulnerable limitations. If this is my full capacity, then what of my kin the divine? Are they too not everlasting beings?

    The wind continued to burn my skin as it wiped against me. At first I was able to brush off the pain, because I never knew pain until today. However, I am now vulnerable in its wake along with the inability to control my wings and the metallic liquid I have begun to produce I have begun to accept that there is absolutely nothing that I truly know the full extent of the medallions I encased myself with moved about me frantically. I subtly caught glimpses of the being that made a home within the medallion around my neck, I snatched it from the air and pulled it to my face. The being that shared my face seemed to have a snarl spread across his own.

    My voice trembled as I spoke - "no more games, no more vague and directionless responses. Enough is enough! What is it that ye seeks from me, speak now... entity!" The metallic liquid that was draped over and around my hands has now been smeared across the rim of the medallion and faintly across its base. the liquids hue blended well with the gold, so well in face that I has no idea of how much had covered it. The entity's smirk faded, and his face no longer bore any notable expression, he just continued to study me. I began a bellow to the entity, my arrogance was to mask my ignorance - "I am beginning to believe all ye copied of me was my face. My intellect however, is something ye were laughably ..."

    - "Your intellect is that of the upmost insignificant and irrelevant. Thy focus has been to set me apart from the, whilst ye has failed to accept that through thine own selfs inability to foster the initiative to become an insurgent against daunting matters. The same matters that ye has come to the realization that they are the catalyst for the destruction of thine own kind. And through thy realization ye has come to accept thine inability to act has led to the creation of a being that is able and willing to do what is necessary. I have surfaced now to reveal the limitations of the divine, and to asure ye that countdown to thine inevitable demise, has begun!" The entity abruptly interjected and caught me off guard. His facial expression resembled that of mine now, I am unsure if the reflection I was witnessing was thine own or that of the entity now.

    - "Thine outburst has gained my audience, I humbly submit to all that ye has in store, but my audience will come at the cost of exhaustive elaboration. Enlighten me on all that ye perceives. However I must bring awareness to a pressing matter at hand. My physical essence and it's true vulnerability, thine own emotions once controlled now consume me, the metallic liquid produced by me, the robbing of my abilities, if this is your method of destruction then I can assure you it will not work on all of us. I have accepted my end but the others will not go so tranquilly. I am convinced this is all of your doing. Is that correct entity? Ye forced thy way through the emotions that ye manifested and manipulated within me. So I ask, what does ye truly have in store for the?"

    So intrigued by the very thought of the entity beyond his reveal I was starstruck. Could this being truly be the result of thine own resolve? The emotions I was experiencing were all true however, they were just dormant. All until this day, all until this... entity. My mind grew weary. What if this being was not created or manifested through me, but rather sent to me as a premonition for perceivable events yet to come? What if this entity was created to destroy us and is using me as an instance? What if this entity chose me because I am the very thing that interferes with his agenda?