
Protocol: Stigmata

Art Cover: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83397795 In a world on the brink of Honkai domination, the fate of Earth hinges on the formidable Valkyries. These extraordinary warriors are the last line of defense against the impending chaos, and their legacy is preserved at St. Freya High School. Established in 2000 by the visionary Theresa Apocalypse, the school's primary mission is to provide refuge and guidance to those scarred by Honkai experimentation. Here, they can learn to harness their latent powers and, upon graduation, join the ranks of the Valkyries. However, the status quo is shattered when an extraordinary young man is unexpectedly enrolled at St. Freya. Gifted with rare talents and abilities, he is destined to become a Valkyrie and bring about a new chapter in the battle against the Honkai. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters except for my OC, All credit to Mihoyo/Hoyoverse

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85 Chs

The Perfect Duo (1)

In a split second, I seized the initiative, launching a barrage of slashes at Rita. Unlike her usual playful demeanor, she danced around, sidestepping and leaping back, occasionally attempting to pat my head with a teasing grin.

"Are you underestimating me?" I panted, feeling the strain.

"Oh? I never doubted your strength. I've seen what you're capable of against Fu Hua," Rita said, her smile unwavering.

Weakness still echoed within me, but I tightened my grip on the sword, determined. I took a focused stance.

"Getting serious, are we? I'm eager to see what you're made of, Master," Rita teased, swinging her scythe with a flourish. With a dash, she closed in, unleashing a flurry of scythe strikes.

I countered, sidestepping and parrying, searching for the right moment to retaliate.

As the clash intensified, Rita's movements became even more fluid, her scythe a deadly extension of her will. Each of her strikes was calculated, leaving me little room to counter. The arena echoed with the clash of metal against metal.

In the midst of our exchange, Rita suddenly somersaulted backward, creating distance. She twirled her scythe with a flourish, her eyes locked onto mine.

"Shin, you're holding back. I know there's more to you than this. Show me!" Rita egged me on with a playful smirk.

A surge of determination coursed through me. This time, I wouldn't hold back. I lunged forward and continued to slash.

In an instant, Rita's scythe landed blows on both my arms, causing them to bleed. Stepping back, I attempted to regain my composure, but exhaustion was already setting in.

"Shin... You're like a boar charging forward... A boar that's just fast and straightforward," Rita remarked with a smirk.

"Shut up," I grunted.

"Hehe~ How about trying that sword of yours?" Rita teased.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I pushed forward, but Rita swiftly countered, using her scythe to pull me in before pinning me to the ground.

"See? You're charging again, just like a boar."

Gunshots interrupted our duel, and Rita swiftly dodged, darting backward. "That was rude," she remarked.

"Shin, are you alright?" Mei crouched down beside me, holding my head.

"Leave this to me, Shin!" Kiana took a determined stance, wielding her dual pistols.

Kiana sprang into action, firing a series of rapid shots toward Rita, who gracefully evaded the bullets, ducking and weaving between the attacks.

"Kiana, you're too predictable!" Rita taunted, gracefully dodging the shots while advancing closer to Kiana.

Mei helped me to my feet, concern etched on her face. "Shin, can you stand?"

"I'll manage," I grunted, trying to shake off the pain.

Meanwhile, Kiana continued her onslaught, attempting to keep Rita at bay with her relentless barrage of bullets. Yet, Rita effortlessly dodged each shot, closing the distance between them with an elegant dance-like footwork.

That fighting style... Kata Gun Style, That's impressive but wait a second... Rita's already closing in!

"Kiana, watch out!" I warned, noticing Rita closing in.

But before Rita could reach her, a surge of electricity crackled in the air. A flash of lightning followed by a loud rumble diverted everyone's attention.

A silhouette emerged in the distance, wielding an electrified blade. It was Mei, the atmosphere around her crackling with electric energy. Without hesitation, she dashed into the fray, aiming her blade toward Rita.

Since when did she!? Isn't she right beside me? She's fast...!

In the heat of battle, Rita gracefully evaded Mei's attacks, the nimble maid dancing away from each strike.

"We won't let you off easy!" Kiana's determined voice echoed through the arena as she continued firing at Rita from a distance, her shots aiming to restrict Rita's movements.

Rita chuckled, her movements fluid and calculated as she countered every strike. "You're persistent, I'll give you that!"

Mei's determination flashed in her eyes. "Kiana-chan, keep her busy!"

Kiana nodded, focusing on maintaining the pressure with her gunfire, aiming to keep Rita on the move.

"Raiden Mei and Kiana Kaslana... Quite the pair," Rita remarked with a hint of admiration, swiftly dodging Mei's electrified attacks.

"We're just getting started!" Kiana shouted, her focus unwavering as she continued providing cover fire for Mei.

As the battle intensified, Kiana and Mei's teamwork was evident. Their movements were seamless, synchronized in a beautiful dance of offense and defense. They dodged Rita's attacks with grace, their collaboration unmatched.

In the chaos of the arena, other Valkyries attempted to take advantage of the situation, but Kiana and Mei were like shadows, elusive and untouchable. They used the surrounding Valkyries as mere stepping stones, dodging, leaping, and using their opponents' attacks to propel themselves back into the battle.

I sensed the tension rising around us as more Valkyries closed in. Bronya stood beside me, her expression calm yet resolute, her eyes scanning the surrounding foes.

"Shin, Are you alright?" Bronya's voice cut through the chaos.

"I'm fine... but we've got company," I said, noticing the Valkyries closing in on us.

Bronya's gaze hardened as she assessed the situation. "There are approximately 59 Valkyries in the arena."

"59... That's quite a crowd," I muttered, scanning the circling Valkyries warily.

Bronya's gaze remained fixed on our adversaries, her eyes flickering with calculation. "Their intention is unclear. But in this chaotic atmosphere, it's better to expect the unexpected."

As we observed the encroaching Valkyries, I could feel the tension escalating. Their formations seemed sporadic, some waiting to see our next move while others readied their weapons to attack.

"Seems like they're not making the first move yet," Bronya noted, her tone calm but alert. "They're waiting for something."

"Waiting for what?" I asked, trying to catch any subtle cues in their movements.

"Hard to tell... Perhaps for us to lower our guard," Bronya responded, her gaze unwavering.

"What's the plan?" I asked, already tightening my grip on my sword.

"We focus on ourselves first," she replied with a confident smile. "Mei-senpai and Kiana can handle Rita."

"Roger." I nodded, readying myself for the upcoming battle. "Shall we?"

Bronya's Bunny19C gleamed in her back, determination in her eyes. "The Bronya is ready."

As the tension surged, the air filled with anticipation and hostility. Valkyries closed in on us from every direction, weapons gleaming in the harsh light of the arena.

Bronya stood poised, her Bunny19C at the ready, her gaze scanning the encroaching opponents. 

"Shin, stay focused," she said, her voice calm yet firm amidst the chaos. "Let's take them down together."

I tightened my grip on my sword, a surge of determination rising within me. "Yeah, we've got this," I said, trying to match Bronya's unwavering resolve.

Bronya nodded, her eyes calculating as she assessed the situation. "Now!"

With Bronya leading the charge, we leaped into action. Swiftly, we engaged the first wave of attackers, our movements calculated and synchronized. Bronya's precise shots with her Bunny19C provided cover, allowing me to engage in close combat with the Valkyries.

Side by side, we fought fiercely, our teamwork and coordination giving us an edge against the encroaching valkyries one by one.

Despite the overwhelming odds, we stood our ground, determined to push back against the relentless assault of Valkyries converging upon us.

But all I can ask is why are they targeting us?