
Protocol: Stigmata

Art Cover: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/83397795 In a world on the brink of Honkai domination, the fate of Earth hinges on the formidable Valkyries. These extraordinary warriors are the last line of defense against the impending chaos, and their legacy is preserved at St. Freya High School. Established in 2000 by the visionary Theresa Apocalypse, the school's primary mission is to provide refuge and guidance to those scarred by Honkai experimentation. Here, they can learn to harness their latent powers and, upon graduation, join the ranks of the Valkyries. However, the status quo is shattered when an extraordinary young man is unexpectedly enrolled at St. Freya. Gifted with rare talents and abilities, he is destined to become a Valkyrie and bring about a new chapter in the battle against the Honkai. Disclaimer: I do not own the characters except for my OC, All credit to Mihoyo/Hoyoverse

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Herrscher of Blade - Tsurugi

A Herrscher, known by various names like Lawman, Lawmaker, or Ruler, is essentially an embodiment or envoy of the Honkai, a malevolent force.

These beings take up residence within human hosts, capitalizing on the host's negative emotions. Herrschers operate with the aid of a Herrscher core, which is vital for their existence.

If the core remains intact when the host body is destroyed, a Herrscher can move on to another host, provided that the host has the core implanted.

Herrschers are known for their incredible abilities that surpass human limitations. They can manipulate natural laws, command armies of zombies and Honkai Beasts, and pose a significant threat to human civilization, which is the ultimate goal of the Honkai.

While a single Herrscher is formidable, defeating humanity's technology usually requires more than one of them working together.

The Honkai adapts over time, and Herrschers adapts with it. In previous eras, two Herrschers could bring about destruction, using abilities designed to counteract each other but lacking the means to contend with the destructive potential of other Herrschers.

Fortunately, there are rare cases in which Herrschers can overcome the malevolent will of the Honkai inside them, enabling them to resist the temptation to harbor hatred towards humanity.

In these exceptional instances, Herrschers may choose to become allies of humanity rather than enemies.

In the darkness beneath the rubble, my panicked breaths filled the air, making it harder to inhale as I felt trapped and desperate. But then a soothing male voice broke through the despair, accompanied by a gentle hand grasping mine.

"You won't die," my brother's voice reassured me, his grip firm.

Confusion filled my mind, and I struggled to understand what had happened.

"Brother, what happened?" I asked, my voice trembling.

He sighed with a hint of regret. "Hehehe. It seems that the Honkai beasts attacked suddenly. I should've anticipated it, but I ignored the warnings. I'm sorry, Tsurugi."


The oppressive weight on my chest made it difficult to breathe, and I could feel my fear growing.

"Brother, I can't breathe," I gasped, fighting to get enough air.

His response was calm and comforting: "Calm down. Help is on its way, and she will save you."

"But what about you?" I asked, worried for my brother's well-being.

"Shin, I'm afraid I won't make it, but I have something that you'll need." His voice was tinged with resignation, but he smiled at me.

My confusion grew, but I trusted my brother. He reached out, his arm glowing with veins, as an orb materialized in his hand.

"Take it," he urged, offering me the glowing orb.

Reluctantly, I extended my right hand to accept the gift. However, as the orb came into contact with my hand, I felt an intense burning sensation that coursed through my arm.

The burning sensation in my right hand was unbearable. I called out to my brother, but when my vision cleared, he was gone. Confusion and fear welled up within me, and I began to cry.

"Why? Where did he go?" I sobbed.

As I wept, the disembodied voice of a girl began to echo in my mind, arguing with someone, though I couldn't see them.

"I'll leave the rest to you, Tsurugi," my brother's voice resounded.

Another voice responded with irritation, "You're an idiot for giving up so suddenly. But oh well, at least I'll destroy your little brother's body."

"Please don't be like that."

"Shut up and go die already!"

"Hehehe, yeah, yeah." My brother's voice grew faint as he turned and walked away. "I'll leave the rest to you."

She didn't respond; she didn't even nod; she just stared at him. And then, as he faded away, she whispered to herself, "I hate idiots like you."

I was left in darkness, tears staining my face and my right hand still burning from the mysterious orb my brother had entrusted to me.

And then everything went dark.

That time on the mission Tsurugi was her name, A Herrscher. She was a herrscher of who knows who. It was her that almost took my body. Though she's probably trying to help me since I can't think of any ill intentions from her,

But according to St. Freya, herrschers manifest out of the host's negative emotions. Yet I can't feel one from her.

Is this why my brother entrusted me to her? I don't know, but all I know is that her name is Tsurugi.

I awoke from the flashbacks, the headache still throbbing in my head. "Tsk. Dang it."

"Shin! You're awake!" Kiana's voice reached my ears, and she immediately wrapped her arms around me.

Wow, so soft!

Her hug was soft and comforting, and for a brief moment, I was taken aback.

"Kiana, where's Mei-senpai and Bronya?"

"They went ahead without us. You should be grateful that I stayed here for you."

"Thank you," I said as I slowly sat up and attempted to stand, but dizziness washed over me.

"Shin, don't stand up yet!"

"I have to. We need to catch up to them."

"Right," Kiana sighed, and she stepped closer to support me, letting me lean on her shoulder. "Fine, let's go. I expect Mei and Bronya have already finished the mission."

"Yeah, I hope so too."

I hoped with all my heart that Mei and Bronya had been successful. But as we reached their location, my hope began to wane. Mei was on the ground, and Bronya... Bronya was different.

Bronya's appearance had changed dramatically. Her entire form was shrouded in black, and her once-grey eyes had transformed into a sinister shade of red. It was as if she were in a completely different mental state.
