
Chapter 49 : Īsan Vs Unohana (Part 1).

Then, I dashed at her direction and thrusted my sword, she dodged to the side and I followed her by slashing at her but this time she blocked it. The strength send her back, dragging her feet, she seemed surprised as she showed a really little expression of surprise, she moved her eyebrows a little.

"Koutetsu-san, back away and go heal the others! He is strong!" Unohana, with a hint of a smile.

"Y-Yes! Captain Unohana." Koutetsu said before running.

As I was in a frenzy, I ignored all of the people around us and only focused on the woman in front of me. She used her {Shunpo} and vanished from were she was, then she appeared really far away. When I followed her.

"To feel my hidden bloodlust from a far, you must have killed many. Many being died to your hands. But thia will end now, Mister. I will kill you... And it will not be slow." As she said that, she undid her hair braids, and shaked her hair.

This made her hair fall straight down her back and the sides of her face. The look on her eyes were that of a genocide. And she was. Her smile turned creepy. And the scar on her neck was open to anyone to see.

"YES! THIS IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!" I said using my {Sonído} to attack her at high speeds.

It was a long time ago that I used {Sonído}. I miss the feeling of simply vanishing from one place and appearing at another place. Before I only used my physical speed, without any technique.

On each one of those attacks, I she was sent back, but when she counter-attacked, I was the one going backwards. When our blades clashed, it made sparks in the air and the sound of metal clashing against each other. The sheer speed of our attacks was so high, that the sands around us were dancing. When our attacks failed, the towers near us suffered from the cut.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! THIS! THIS IS THE STRENGTH FROM THE FORMER KENPACHI!" When I said that, I saw her face changing a little.

Her attacks grew stronger, I knew she was holding back her strength as she was enjoying the fight, but telling the truth, so do I. When she did a descending slash and it hit my blade, I felt my feet entering on the ground. Not that this would affect anything on the fight.

Vanishing, I appeared on top of her, holding my sword and attacked her from up. She simply dodged to the side and thrusted her blade, when I got to the ground, I parried her sword and punched her in the face with my left hand, she flew back, and stopped at a rock, this rock exploded when she hit it.


She got up, undamaged.

"Good punch. This fight is enjoyable." She said, she had an cruel smirk.

"TRUE!" I said.

"Stop screaming. Your voice is becoming annoying." She said

"*Cough*. *Cough*. Sorry. I was excited to find someone as physically strong as me." I said after calming a little.

"I am not even taking this seriously." She said entering on her battle stance.

"Neither I." Was my answer.

She dashed at me and attacked even faster. It seems that she was increasing her strength and speed gradually, to see if I could follow her.

'*Sigh*. She is the same as Zaraki. Well... I cannot judge. I am doing the same.' I thought while defending her attacks using my sword.

Parrying one of her attacks, I sheathed my sword, took a stance and used one of the Iaijutsu Techniques that the Old Man taught me. It was the Quick Draw. Then I draw my sword diagonally at a blinding speed, it was even faster than the speed of the sound as it made a loud noise, I slashed her.

When it made contact with her body, she jumped back, but as it was really fast, it still hit her. Even after dodging backwards, it left a wound that went from below her right breast to her left shoulder. This cut the cloth that was holding her breasts and made them return to their previous place.

"Tch. Why did I had to have such big breasts? If they were smaller I could fight better." She said, using her left hand to grab on her left tit.

"Stop complaining. There are people that wanted to have the same size as you." I said.

"Doesn't matter... Hmm? I cannot fully heal it. Interesting." She said after healing but the wound, but instead of being healed completely, it left the huge scar.

"That was a fast attack. Hmm. Iaijutsu, right?" She asked.

"Yes. As expected from a Master of the swords technique. Cut the chit-chat. Come." I said.

She did as I told and attacked me, each time faster and stronger. I had to counter-attack, so I was accompanying her.

'Hmm? Ichigo is-.' I was interrupted by Unohana, who sent me flying with an attack.

"Pay attention to the fight." She said.

The strike got my stomach and if I did not had the {Regeneration}, it would be problematic.


I impacted a wall and entered inside one of the towers. Many debris from the ceiling fell on me, taking them off me. I got up and dusted my clothes. Going at the opening and looking up, I felt Ulquiorra's Reiatsu increasing.

'Hmm? This is weird, Ichigo was full of wounds, how did he get to the point that he can fight Ulquiorra? If such thing happened, he needed to have been heal-.' I was interrupted by the violent Unohana.

She had the intent of cutting me in half. But I blocked it.

"Don't interrupt my thoughts! Fine. I am tired of playing. "Sodatsu(Grow): Serpiente Del Mundo"!" I said loudly after puncturing my stomach with my sword.

Then from me a black energy surged and acted like a beacon, being sent right to the sky, the energy made the surrounding wither and die. After a few seconds of this, the beacon stopped and here I was.

Looking at my right hand, it was black, all black. Black flames were coming out of it, together with black sparks. I was shirtless, as my right arm was black, it extended to my right shoulder and to my ribs. It was like my arm was dipped on an extremely black ink. My left arm had many tattoos, together with my torso. They glowed in red, yellow and blue lights. Focusing at them, I felt that they were Nordic runes or something. Then I felt they whispering in my mind.

'Grow stronger.

Kill. Kill. Kill.

Destroy everyone.

Surpass your previous one.

Don't disappoint her.

You are a shame.

You should die.


She awaits.

Grow stronger.

Surpass your destiny.

She awaits.' Many and many and many voices said this and a lot of other things.

"Who is her? Destiny? Previous one? *Sigh*. This hole is deeper than I thought." I said to myself.

My hair grew, I could feel. How I missed this long hair. Then Unohana tried to attack again, but she could not even come close enough without backing away.

"Kenpachi. Forget about coming near me. Unless you activate your Bankai, there is no change of attacking me." I said to her before returning to analyze me.

Turned out that these 'flames' were poison. The most powerful kind of poison. {The True Poison Embodiment} sure is strong as the place where I stand is sizzling, the acid poison is doing it's work. Jumping from the tower, I landed on the ground, looking around me, I saw that everything turned into an poisonous wasteland.

Swinging my hand, many poison blades flew at Unohana's direction. She blocked and destroyed some of them.

"Tch. This is annoying. If I get near him, I become poisoned. And his poison is a bitch, it destroy not only the inner organs but everything that it touches. But still... I am enjoying this fight more than amything before." I heard Unohana saying.

"Kenpachi, Yachiru, Retsu, Unohana. Which one do you want me to call you? If you aren't coming, I will continue to talk." I said to her.

"You are annoying. "Bankai: Minazuki"." She said.

Then her blade shortened and from it came a red liquid. It was an acidid poison. Her Reiatsu thickened and became even stronger. It seems that Hueco Mundo was having trouble holding on to our Reiatsu, as the ground was shaking intensily.

The waves of my Reiatsu made the things near me melt, not by fire but by the sheer corrosion of my Reiatsu. While hers sent the sand away and was more violent than mine.

Extending my right hand to my right side, I made a doible edged Greatsword. The blade was as tall as me, and thick. The hand guard was pointing towards the blade and it had many engravings on it. The handle had 20cm while the blade 180cm. It was completely black.

I inclined my body and dashed at her with the fastest speed that I ever used. And I could feel that this was not everything that I could do. She did the same. Both of us moved our swords at the same time, clashing them.