
Chapter 16 : Rescue.

I was relaxing the hot water, seriously, I got addicted to this water. Kūkaku got out saying that she wanted to talk to an old friend, I advised her not to, but she said she could take care of herself and left. But as I cannot rest until she is safe, I said to Rose, Sun and Apacci, to protect her from the shadows and Harribel was escorting Rukia. Then suddenly I felt someone entering the Study room, when I saw who it was I wasn't surprised. It was a transformed Yoruichi carrying a unconscious Ichigo, getting up, I got near them and asked.

"What did this idiot did this time?"

"Tell me one thing. How did you knew that he was going to encounter Byakuya?" Yoruichi said seriously while putting Ichigo on a mat.

"Hmm, let me see. Byakuya is the brother of Rukia, as the brother of a person that is going to be executed, he want to spend time with his sister. Even if it is with her behind a wall. He want to be near her, because he cares for her." I said while looking at my masterpiece on his cheek.

"But Byakuya is known for being rather emotionless with others, how can he care for a traitor like Rukia?" She asked sitting on the ground panting.

"You okay?" I asked looking at her condition.

"Yeah, hah, just a little tired. Hah, Not exercising in 200 years took a little too much of me when I was escaping from Byakuya, hah." She said between breaths.

"Hmm, but answering your question, if you had a brother and you love and care for him, would you really hate him for being a traitor? Would you be so 'emotionless' to simply not care for you brother's well being, even when he is going to be executed publically?" When I said that I saw her face becoming thoughtful. She was probably thinking about her brother.

"So... are you going to teach Bankai to him?" I said.

"Yeah, I already have a plan." She said while getting up and going somewhere.


After a few hours.

Ichigo started to show signs of walking up, Yoruichi already returned and I was waiting for him to get up.

Waking up, he ignored me and saw Yoruichi, then he immediately got up and tried to press her on the wall, just for me to grab his neck and lift him up.

"Hey, hey, calm down kid." I said to him.

"Release me you fucker! Yoruichi! Why did you do that, if you knew that I had the most chance of getting out of there alive?!?!" He screamed as he thrashed.

"If I had not done that, everyone would have been dead now." She said looking at me.

"If you could have rescued someone, why did you not rescued Rukia?!" He screamed again.

"You have an irritating voice kid. Why don't you shut up?" I said putting my hand on his mouth, sealing it.

"There was no way that you or anyone there could defeat him. But this doesn't matter now, I will make you stronger. Well... Its not me but your Zanpakutou will, Rukia will be executed in 3 days. And in these 3 days you are going to learn a new form of your Zanpakutou, this form is way stronger than your current form. This form is called Bankai." While she teached him, I dropped him on the ground and went back to the hot water.


After 3 days. A few minutes before the execution of Rukia.

I was waiting for the execution to begin. The ones that were going was me, Harribel, Rose, Apacci, Sun, Kūkaku and Yoruichi.

"Why are we waiting?" Yoruichi asked.

"Ichigo has to get the spotlight, after that, we can go." I said.

After 10 minutes we went out to the Soukyoku Hill.

When we reached the Hill, we found a gigantic stair. Grabbing Kūkaku on a princess carry, I said.

"Let's use {Sonído} to reach there." Surprisingly, she did not insulted me, this is weird. Now that I think of it, her insults reduced a lot after the talk I had with her.

Then after grabbing her we moved really fast until we reach the top of the Hill. Wr found out that almost all the Captains were here to watch the execution. The most problematic one being Shigekuni Genryusai Yamamoto, Captain of the 1st Division and Leader of all Gotei 13.

Looking at Rukia, she was suspended in the air by two white cubes,she was in front of a big phoenix like bird.

"Harribel and the others, protect me, but if that old man comes, run as fast as you can." After saying that, I vanished a appeared behind Rukia grabbing her, I destroyed the white cubes and landed on the ground. The others came near me and were in a attack pose.

"Aizen, my business here is done, hope yours is too." After saying that, Ichigo appeared, was surprised that I already rescued her and began his 'rematch' with Byakuya.

After that, Soi fon came rushing at us to kill me. At this moment...

"Yoruichi, your lesbian friend wants to kill me, do something." I said looking at Yoruichi.

"She is not les-*Sigh*, Fine." She said and dashed to meet with Soi fon, the two in their clash ended up falling of the Hill.

I looked at Rukia who was on my arms and saw thar she was looking at me with a strange light in her eyes, when I looked at her she turned her head to watch the fight, but her cheeks were red. Whispering in her ears I said.

"I told you that I was going to rescue you, didn't I? And only if you follow me I will tell you, how sexy you are."

"Yes, you said you would. Shut up, don't talk about this now." She said, her cheeks growing redder.

After fighting for a few minutes, Ichigo finally forced Byakuya to use his Bankai, so Ichigo used his too. Even with his Bankai, Ichigo was having a hard time, he was almost loosing when his Hollow mask suddenly appeared, making the him gain the upper hand. After their last clash, I saw that Ichigo's friends came here and Byakuya vanished, Ichigo was loosing too much blood so he was going to fall when he fell and knocked his head on Orihime's.

After that they kept their love talk, when I said to Rukia.

"See, he loves Orihime. He does not see your true worth. *Whispering*, How sexy you can be, he will not know the softness of your body, he will not see your private parts and your wonderful smell. But if you follow me, you will see how much I can love a woman." At the end I licked her earlobe and moved my right hand to her right nipple on top of her kimono, squeezing it slightly.

"Uuuuhhmm~, s-shut up i-idiot, you already know that I will come with you." She said after moaning.

Meanwhile Ichigo was getting healed. Only now that Uryu saw me.

"How can a Hollow be here?!" He said.

"Calm down, he is here to help, he said that he wanted to rescue Rukia too." Ichigo said, poor him.

"This is strange." Uryu said.

After getting healed Ichigo got up and came closer, just to see Rukia's emotionless face.

"Rukia, something happe-" When he was talking, Aizen, Gin and Tousen suddenly appeared a few meters from us.

"Hmm? You are already here? I thought we had to do a signal. Well... This saves time. Now we should go, I finished all my businesses in here." He said

Suddenly a big sword came from the top, trying to kill Aizen, but he simply stopped it with one hand, the man using the sword was Komamura. Komamura then punched using his Shikai, when it hit the ground a dust cloud came, but Aizen got out of it casually.

"Tousen, explain youself!!!" Komamura said. Tousen said nothing.

Then Komamura then started to use his Bankai, when Aizen suddenly appear in front of him and uses the "Hado #90. Kurohitsugi", creating a large black box around Komamura that is pierced by several spears. After the box dissipated, it showed a seriously wounded Komamura, who collapsed.

At this moment Ichigo saw that I wasn't planning on letting Rukia go and said.

"Hollow, give me her, I will protect her."

"Hmm, I don't think so. Rukia, do you want to be protected by him?" I asked Rukia, who in return, simply shakes her head.

"See, I don't think she want to be protect by a weak Shinigami substitute. Hehehehehe." I laughed when I saw his face.

Grabbing his sword, he pointed at me and said.

"You better give me, or you are going to take a beating like Byakuya. Orihime, Uryu, Chad, back away." His eyes were serious.

"But Ichigo, didn't you said that he was helping you?" Orihime asked.

"Yeah, but I think that he is just another Hollow, one that will die." He answered.

"*Whispering*Rukia, darling, stand behind Harribel, I am going to teach this brat that you aren't something that he can get." Putting her on the ground, she ran and stood behind Harribel.

"Cocky kid, I think you remember what I said about your voice, right?" I said looking at him.

"That my voice was annoying, right?" He said entering a battle stance, with his sword in front of him.

"Bingo! Also... I am not like Byakuya." I said and vanished from my spot, just to appear behind him.

"Boo!" I said in his ears, grabbing the back of his head and knocking it on the ground, so hard that it created a little earthquake.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Orihime screamed and was going to attack, but was interrupted by Rose.

Turning him, I saw his bloodied face and unfocused eyes.

"Filthy Hollow!!!" Uryu was going to summon his bow when he was launched back by Sun.

"I am going to give you the same treatment that Captain Hitsugaya had, but the difference was that he was stronger than you." After saying that I was sitting on his stomach and started to deliver punches on his chest.

Chad came running, but was stopped by the headbutt of Apacci, the attack hurt him a lot.

After 6 punches, I heard 3 of his right ribs, breaking. He coughed blood and was unconscious but I continued. After 5 more punches, 2 of his left ribs broke. It was then that I stopped, if I did not, he was going to die.

"Why are you doing this? You better stop or I am stopping you." Yoruichi said after she came back from her fight with her friend.

When she said that, Harribel went full berserk and dashed to attack her.

"Stop Harribel." I said.

"But, Master!" She tried to contest.

"What happened to our previous friendship Yoruichi?" I asked.

"Friendship? We weren't friends, I was your guide until you met Aizen. After knowing why were you searching for him, I started to search for ways to kill or maim one of your friends here. But I did not found and choose to wait, to see if you are a good or bad guy. But I think I have my answer." She said while entering a battle stance.

"Aizen, I think all of our business here are done. We are ready to go." I said to him, ignoring what she said and appeared behind Rukia, grabbing her again.

But at this moment the other Captains and Lieutenants came and 'immobilized' everyone. Rangiku and Yoruichi were the ones obstructing me.

"Hi there big-tittied girl, I told you that you would know why I said that back then." I said to her

"Yeah, you did." She said seriously while frowning.

"Don't frown, it will make you ugly." I said joking.

She ignored my joke.

"I know why he did that, I you want to know. You will have to find me." I said to her, but when she was going to say something, Aizen smiled and said.

"It is time." After this, a big yellow light came and enveloped him, this light is the {Negación}.

Looking up, you could saw a big hole in the sky and many Menos that arrived to save us.

"We may meet again, but until then, you guys better be strong, because I will. Hehehehehehe." I said to Ichigo and the others.

"Yoruichi, the time I spent with you was wonderful. A pity that you choose them, but one day I will make you choose me." I said to her.

After that many lights that came and enveloped us. Me and Rukia, Harribel, Sun, Rose, Apacci and Kūkaku, after many useless talk between Aizen and the other Captains, we were sucked to the Kumón vanishing from our previous place.