
Chapter 15 : Enjoying.

\AN: Look at this FFs Rukia on the last chapter's comment./


[>Sub Quest Completed<]

[>Successfully Defeat A Captain<]

Rewards: Shinigamification.



[>Description: Can transform Hollows or humans in Shinigami.<]

"Ooh, neat. I now can turn Shinigami into Hollow and Hollows into Shinigami. This is useful." I said to myself while sinking back into the water.

Rukia coming here was an unexpected but pleasant surprise. Good thing she is a Tsundere.


[>Hidden Quest Completed<]

[>Successfully Recruit Kuchiki Rukia<]

Rewards: Shinigamification Upgrade.


[>Shinigamification Upgraded<]

[>Description: With the upgraded version, you can make a Shinigami learn their Bankai.<]

"Hmm, this is really good. I can make Rukia really strong with this. But only if she can prove herself loyal." After relaxing for a bit, I thought of what to do when a certain black cat appeared.

"Oh, hi Yoruichi. What were you doing until now?" I asked looking at her.

"I was taking care of the four humans you saw on Kisuke's shop, after one of their friend being kidnapped and brought here, they wanted to rescue her." She said.

"So, you are babysitting them?"

"You can say that, but what were you doing to release all your Reiatsu?" She asked transforming to her human form outside of the water.

"Nothing much. Just teaching a white-haired kid." I said while eyeing her body.

Beautiful golden eyes, oval-shaped face, long eyelashes, plump lips, delicious chocolate-brown skin, big breasts with dark chocolate-colored nipples, a big fat ass, big plump thighs, and a purple triangular bush pointing down to her sealed pussy.

"Like what you see?" She asked sinking in the water.

"Who wouldn't?" I shot back.

"But I was wondering, why are all womans here are gorgeous?" I asked looking at her.

"Hmm, to be honest. I don't know either." She said shrugging.

"Where are the four humans?" I was looking at her honey-gold eyes.

"I just know of one. The orange-haired boy, he is fighting Zaraki." She said, relaxing

"What?! That is a good show! I am going now, bye!" I said excited and walked away.

"Hmm, you are weird." She said, alone.


After one hour, I was searching for where the fight is taking place, but as I do not know where I was going to, I was just waiting for their Reiatsu to raise. Suddenly something jumped on my right shoulder.

"Yoruichi, weren't you bathing?" I asked the black cat that was on my shoulder.

"Yeah, but I already ended it and was wishing for an entertainment." Was her answer.

"Ok then, do you know where they are fighting?" I asked.

"Yeah, follow that way." She said while pointing with her right paw.

Following her directions, we ended up on a area that had many buildings made of stone. Jumping from building to building, I reached a place where I saw Ichigo Kurosaki and a bandaged Kenpachi Zaraki fighting. The moment we arrived was the same moment that Ichigo strikes Zaraki's chest but instead of cutting his chest, Ichigo's hands are the ones that suffer damage.

In my mind there isn't any memories of my past or something, I don't know who I was, what I was, etc. Inside it there are just the memories of these fictional and mystical worlds, and from my years inside this world. My oldest memory in here, is when I heard that calm and angry voices. In these years here I thought a lot about what they could be, and my only conclusion is that they were my parents. And someone killed them, as I walked through almost all that wasteland, but I did not found them. Of course, I did not went to Las Noches, that place is where Baraggan Louisenbarn is. The angry voice said something about him, so I want to talk and see what does he know about them, but not now, I will go there with Aizen and see what should be Baraggan's answer.

Letting this aside, let's see the show.

"What were you thinking about? You was releasing a strange feeling." Yoruichi asked.

"Nothing important. But thanks, now let's see what Ichigo will do to defeat that battle junkie." I said focusing my attention on the fight.

"Yeah." She said.

Ichigo then backed away and talked something to him. And after resolving himself he tried to attack again, this time he cut Zaraki's chest. Then he got full of himself and attacked more, and Zaraki or defended with his sword or with his body, as he overestimated himself Zaraki thrusted his blade penetrating Ichigo's sword and right through his chest. He fell on the ground, dead. Zaraki turned back and started to walk away.

"Did he died?" Yoruichi asked herself, surprised.

"Wait and see." I said answering her question.

Then after a few seconds, his previous diminishing Reiatsu got back stronger than before.

"How can he power up like this? If a sword went right through my chest, puncturing my heart, even I would have problems to come back. That is if I did not died from the attack." I said.

"He is special. Kisuke said to me, he has something inside him that keeps him alive no matter what, is like he is not fated to die. At least not now." Yoruichi said.

'Not fated to die? But my system is called Protagonist Killer. If they don't die before their time, how can I kill them?' I though to myself.

[>Ding Ding Ding<]

[>You discovered your purpose. Naturally, Protagonists don't die before the right time, but your mission is to kill them whenever you want. The Protagonist Killer System, enables you to do so.<]

'But, why? Why do I have to kill them?' I asked.

[>So that you can travel to the next, and kill more of them.<]

'This System is a Psychopath.' I though.

Ichigo now got up and talked more. This is what I hate, lots of talks and almost no fight. Then Zaraki took his eye patch out and raised his Reiatsu, creating a yellow pillar. Ichigo then started tk increase his Reiatsu, it seems that they decided to finish this fight with one attack, as Zaraki did the same.

After reaching their absolute maximum of Reiatsu, they attacked at the same time, creating a Reiatsu bomb that exploded, sending everything to the skies. The building I was on top started to crumble so I had to jump out of it. After reaching down, I looked at the fight and saw a Ichigo that had a sword sticking out of his left ribs and Zaraki that tanked Ichigo's sword.

Ichigo then fell on the ground and Zaraki stood on the big crater beneath his feet, with a big cut on his right side and many others on his arms.

"Yoruichi, save that idiot before he dies and if he ever encounter Byakuya, help him escape and train him until he knows his Bankai." I said to the cat on my shoulders.

"Why would he have an encounter with Byakuya?" She asked.

Without responding, I walked to near the crater when I heard.

"Enjoyed the fight?" Zaraki, who was almost fainting, said.

"Not gonna lie. It was really good, but I thought it was too much talk and little fighting." I said while he looked at me.

"Yeah, I thought so." He said falling on the ground, unconscious.

After falling asleep, a pink-haired little girl came and bowed to me and to Ichigo.

"Thank you for making Ken-chan have fun. It was a long time since he had his fun, but you two made him happy, so thank you again!" The little girl said, grabbed Zaraki and started to run away.

Approaching Ichigo's unconscious body, I crouched and placed my right claw on his neck. Almost piercing it.

"Nah, you will have so many uses for me. And I would like to see the despair and fear in your eyes. Kukukukuku. I will have so much fun with you. Ahh, this will be the price for making my Rukia sad." I said while making an cross on his right cheek using my Acid and Reiryoku Poison. He will not heal this unless I do so. Kukukukuku.

Getting up, I then started to go to the hot springs.