
The Start of Something Strong

"Oh really?" Dan asked looking at the happy dancing, " Do they show their affection this often or just every now again"? Just watching the two sentinels dance and show human emotion made everyone more jolly as more and more joined in on the dancing. Officer Kane, Dan and Wilson backed away from the growing dance party when Wilson noticed a figure swaying back and forth taller then everyone else. Wilson pointed to it and was about to say something when a blue ring flew over his head and clamped down on to the figure causing it to thrash about. Yet, as soon as it started to cause a scene the club's bouncers caught the tall figure and brought it to Dan. " What are you doing in the city, Forest Witch?" He asked with a sinister grin. " Was it you messing with my young star"? All the witch did was yell before Dan put his hand over it's mouth to silence it. " Officer Kane do you mind if i keep the witch for a bit? To learn how to keep my girls safe." Dan asked looking at the officer. Kane looked to Wilson and pointed to the witch, " Were you guys attacked by the witch"? Wilson nodded and explained that there was a still another thing that had gotten away from the fight. " See not only a witch but a wraith too so let me keep the witch awhile and find out what is going after my girls and I will give it back to you so it can go to jail how about it then?" Dan asked, as if presenting it like a deal. Officer Kane nodded "Just call it in as a stalking and attempted assault on a club worker, I'll come and get it personally." he said as he turned to Wilson " Let's get you back to your father". They started walking out to the side door when Dan caught up to them. " Wilson before you go i have a deal for you. Come work for me and I will help you get whatever you want. I promise". He said with big smile and a thumbs up before leaving with one of the bouncers upstairs. Officer Kane just walked to him and tapped him on the shoulder and pointed out the door and all four left without another incident. As they drove back, Wilson only thought about one thing, (If I stay I get to see Nicole more if I work for him). As he thought about it he felt a slight flutter in his heart that kept a goofy smile on his face. Suddenly, he hit his head on the dash of the car. After getting his bearings he looked at Officer Kane who was trying to hold in a laugh. " Sorry but i think you haven't thought about it fully what is your father going to think?" He asked looking genuinely concerned for Wilson. He smiled at the officer, "I think I can persuade him I just got to lie a bit." Officer Kane looked down and got out of the car. "We are here by the way". Wilson looked and saw his father waving at him. Him and the guardians got out and greeted his father. They hugged and Wilson looked up to his dad, "Father we have something to talk about."