
Mountain Size Accident

The Mountain King was ecstatic, he was fidgeting in his chair trying to get up on his own. " Of course I am happy if you can get me out of my accursed throne I'll be so happy to stomp our my kingdom again". Seeing the Mountain King with so much energy rivaling Wilson, she skipped next to his throne, clapped her hands above her head and grew into a small tree. Not a big tree that looks like it will grow into the heavens but a decent size one that might bear fruit one day but it was as big as the throne. The Mountain King looked at the tree perplexed, " How is this supposed to help me a tree that size is just a plant to me, how can this help"? Wilson looked at Roux's tree form and was awed and confused, why would turning into a tree help the Mountain King up? Then something popped up into his head, "Mountain King use the tree to help yourself up like an old person grabbing a cane." He shouted out as he ran up to the throne and Tree Roux, "The old people in my village use cane to help them walk so if you use Roux as a cane you can help yourself up". After processing what the child said, the Mountain King grabbed Roux's trunk and tried to push himself off his throne but to no avail. Wilson chimed in, "No no not like that use the top and push away not like ripping something out but trying to push your yourself out". The Mountain King tried again, listening to what the little human said and after a very forceful attempt, he got up and was standing on his own two feet again. " JOYOUS OH SO JOYOUS!" shouted the Mountain King as he jumped and danced around, holding tree Roux from the top of the tree. Minutes later, after covering his ear to shield against the booming voice, Wilson looked at the energetic giant and noticed the tree was gone, replaced with a little brown body swinging back and forth in the Mountain King's hands. " Mountain King... Mountain King... SIR MOUNTAIN KING YOU ARE HURT ROUX!" shouted the little Wilson as he ran up to the stone giant and started hitting it. Moments later, it registered what the human said to it, the Mountain King looked in his hands to see the tree had disappeared, replaced with a little, slender brown body hanging with the body's head in his hand. Scared he was hurting her, the Mountain King let go of her head and let her body plummet towards the ground. Wilson saw her starting to fall and without thinking he ran towards her with his arms outstretched. Even at full speed his little body barely barely made it to her, but the force of her falling pulled him to the ground and crushing his arms beneath her. The Mountain King was shocked not knowing what to do he wanted to help but thought he would hurt the crying child. Two minutes filled with loud sobbing with Wilson laying his head on Roux's stomach because he couldn't move his arms from under her. After the third minute, Roux started to try to move but was to weak from the Mountain King and falling, but the moment it registered to her that Wilson was crying. She hopped up and pulled him down to lay down next to him. Wilson was about to scream out in pain but then Roux kissed his forehead, all the pain went away. His arms felt nice and cool and his body went relaxed like he was ready for bed and even though it was tough, he pulled his arms and laid them across Roux and fell asleep like a baby. " Lionel take us to the hurt creature, I'll heal all of us when I am near trees and grass." Roux said weakly. The Mountain King heard her and gently scooped up the two and left the cave.