
20. First Kiss

Swara was sitting and admiring the decorations when she felt a pair of eyes on her. She turned back and was shocked to see the person.

"I am back. Missed me?" asked the person.

"Y-O-U?" Swara managed to speak.

Swara smiled and ran to the person and hugged him.

"Where were you Laksh? I missed you very much," Swara cried.

"Swara, it's almost a month. Where were you? Uttara called me the day I left and said that you were missing. Where were you? How are you? I saw the news about you, Sanskar Maheswari and Sahil Sen Gupta. Is everything alright? Come, let's go home. Everyone is waiting for you," Laksh said.

Just then his eyes fell on her mangalsutra and sindoor.

"Swara! Are you married?" Laksh asked. Saying that he was shocked would be an understatement.

Swara just nodded her head in response.

"When? Why? How?" Laksh asked.

"Laksh, relax. I will tell you everything," Swara said.

"Tell me. I am curious to know what happened in my absence," Laksh said.