
15. Second Chance

"Marry me," he said looking into my eyes.

"What? You.. think..I.. will.. marry.. YOU?" Swara asked looking into his eyes.

"This is the only way left for you to save your reputation," Sanskar said.

"You are crazy. Do you even know what you are saying? First tell me what you think of me. A puppet? Your toy? You must be thinking of me as your puppet who is ready to follow your every order. Am I right, Mr.Sanskar Maheswari? You have lost your mind. I thought there must be some sanity left in you but no, you are completely shameless. You are the most disgusting person I have ever met in my life. I will never marry you," Swara spat.

"You think I want to marry you out of love? No, my name is being linked with yours. I want to save my reputation by marrying you," Sanskar said calmly, controlling his anger.

"I did everything that you told me but I won't do this. I will never marry a monster like you who uses girls to satisfy his mere lust," Swara shouted.