
Promised to the Tyrant

All Omertà ever wanted was to be seen and acknowledged by her father. But when that day finally arrived, when her father called upon her for the first time ever in all of her 17 years of life, she was asked to pack her bags & leave with a stranger in order to fulfill her duty towards the family. Sent as a payment to settle a debt with the Sicilian Mafia, Omertà is faced with the all-powerful head of the Sicilian mafia, Lucifer Agosti, also called ‘tyrant’. Named after the devil himself, Lucifer and his three brothers are inhumanly powerful, cruel and merciless. What happens when she is trapped with the ruthless “tyrant”? “What is this child doing here?” I hear a husky powerful voice snarl. As I look up, I come face to face with beautiful cold grey eyes, bottomless grey orbs that could pierce through anything. I have no idea who he is. With his perfectly pointed nose, thin lips, chiseled jaw, he could have been an angel. But his eyes rage a war of their own, and despite those angelic features he looks like the devil himself. He has an imposing and frightening aura, like a never-ending darkness, a blackhole that would swallow you through. He just screamed danger; Unable to hold his piercing eyes, I look down & am welcomed by a very chiseled bare chest I flush a deep red and try to stare at my shoes indefinitely to avoid any further embarrassment. “Hey, you, stray. Stray I am talking to you” “She is not a stray, well not anymore brother” Set come to my rescue. Oh, so he is Set’s brother. Does that mean….it is him, the head of the Italian mafia. The one they call ‘tyrant’. “This is no place for a child to play! What is she doing here?” he barks, & I lose my trail of thought. “What will you know about playing Lucifer, your no fun brother” Set teases. What a strange name, Lucifer, though it suits him he is terrifying. He glares at his brother, almost growling at him. Everybody, backs off, putting their head down in submission, but Set looks unaffected. Everything goes quiet, both the brothers are giving each other this weird look, like they were having a private conversation in their head. I just can’t handle this tension any longer, & as I start to fall something strong grips me making me feel funny.

RC_Kapur · Fantasi
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8 Chs

The Announcement Part 1

**Present **

*I should not have gotten out of the car, I should have listened and stayed inside. Nothing could have prepared me for the scene in front of me.

The almost naked girl is now fully covered, with blood dressing her from her naked butt to neck. I have never seen so much blood ever in my lives.

I have never seen so much blood ever in my life. But that is not what has me spellbound in my place unable to move.*

**Same Day Morning**

I spent the entire four-hour ride to the Luciano estate rambling through the various What and Whys in my head.

As we get closer to the estate, that nasty feeling in my gut, keeps getting deeper and deeper. I feel a sense of weightlessness, it's like I am falling from a height into an endless pit.

We step out of the car, and into a large clearing, bigger than the football field, with a huge building and dense forest surrounding it. The cars are parked on one side of the clearing, closer to the road that leads here.

My guess is that the huge building that stands at the opposite end of the clearing is the family house, but to be honest it's less of a house and more of a mansion. The structure made an imposing statement with its pristine white marble surface and razor-sharp angles.

Too glamourous, too showy even, like it didn't belong here in the middle of the forest. Clearly, at odds with the nature around it, almost offending the serenity of green forest, just as the people who had gathered in the clearing. Glammed up in their sharp suits, opulent dresses, elaborate hairdos and picture-perfect make up face.

This is far from their usual attire, I would know since most of them live in our neighbourhood, all us kids go to the same school. They are all dressed to impress, after all its not every day that one is invited to Luciano estate.

Seeing such beautiful people around me, I start to feel conscious. As I quickly glance at my reflection in the car window, I am glad for the dress that Maria had given me this morning. It's new, well new for me at least, but still about two sizes bigger for me, making me look even younger. As is, I am on the slighter side, and that includes my so-called girl assets, I look much younger than others my age.

And my face as usual is plain & pale, with dark circles under my stark green eyes, another of my mother's distinct non-Italian features.

I am just glad that my usually wild & fiery red curly hair are strangely behaving themselves, despite the long car ride, but the mane that sits on my head still looks too big for my face and body. But at least today they won't get me a lot of attention, neither in a good or bad way, I hope.

"Oh My, Oh My! Camel Toe is here." As soon as I hear Elenora, all my earlier hopes of being invisible disappear.

Elenora is the IT girl of our school and neighbourhood, she and her friends belong to elite group in our school and within the mafioso (mafia) family. She is also Maria's best friends' daughter though that has never dampened her teasing or even bullying.

"Ele, doesn't the dress look familiar to you" one of the Elenora's friend, whose name I can't remember, asks.

"Isn't this the one you wore to your birthday party last year, the one that your mom got custom made for you in this colour" the nameless girl continues.

"Oh yes, I gave it away a while back to an orphanage. Afterall it is so last season" Elenora smirks, with her friend giggling loudly in the background.

"I see my hand me downs are working well for you Camel Toe, my leftovers suit you" she continues, with more giggles from her gang of girls.

I just murmur a quick Thank you and start walking faster to catch up with nana who is couple of metres ahead of us. I try not to get bothered by any of their words, I am used to them after so many years.

By the time I catch up with nana, we are almost at our assigned table. Not sure what to do I quietly sit down next to nana, aiming to be as invisible as possible. Pondering over my earlier questions & worries, that I still don't have an answer to.

"Omerta, Omerta do you want to eat anything" nana's question pulls me out of my deep and disturbing thoughts. I look at nana holding out a plate of arancini, they are my favourite thing on this planet, but I have no appetite right now, even though I have not eaten since yesterday morning.

The recent events have left my stomach in knots leaving me with no appetite. While everyone around me appears to be calm and normal I get a sick feeling like something bad is about to happen. I can barely keep down water, I am so nervous that I want to throw up.

The party is in full flow now, the dancefloor is plagued with people, and the one that are not there are dancing were hanging at the bar or scattered in groups talking and laughing loudly. It was a true Italian gathering- loud noises, louder laughter and even louder dance moves.

Maria is also standing in a corner with her friends, we know most people here, they are many new faces as well. As I start to scan the party, I realize that most of the new faces don't look very Italian.

I mean sure you see the brown hair and the Roman nose on quite a few, but their physique is not very Italian. The newcomers are all taller, and not just taller by Italian standards, they are taller by American standards as well. That it is not all, they are well-built like proper gym bodies, like bouncers like they spend hours and hours training, there is absolutely no trace of the Italian belly.

Even the women, with their Italian facial features and Italian full bosom, they are taller and well-built, very fit and athletic.

Unable to keep my curiosity, I enquire with nana "Nana, I don't know everyone here, is everyone here from neighbourhood". Questions regarding mafioso, from women are not encouraged after all they are not technically part of the mafioso (mafia), so I was trying to be a little vague, not sure if it was ok to ask.

But it seems like nana was aware of what I am referring to "They are all part of Luciano family"

I look at her hoping for some more light on the topic. Luckily, she is herself very forthcoming about the topic

"The new faces that you are talking about are not just part of the mafioso, but they are also the blood relatives of the Luciano family. They all stay on the estate together, and hold high ranks within the mafioso"

"So, they are all Italians?"

Nana's smile told me that she was not very surprised by my question.

"They are as Italian as you could get" She smiled

"No, it's just that they don't look very Italian, are they from a different part of Italy than the rest of us?"

"Tell me Omerta, what do you know about the word "Don"?"

"It's the head of the family, the mafioso" I answered instantly

"Oh Christ! This American Schooling, you kids have no idea about your heritage. The word Don originally comes from the latin word "Dominus", that technically means Lord, and it in the centuries ago it was used to address the blessed ones"

"The blessed ones?"

"The ones blessed by almighty himself, you see the priests, kings and the ones that were bestowed with powers by gods. They were all called the blessed ones."

I am not sure I follow what Nana is referring to "Sorry nana but how is this related to the Luciano family?"

She continues to explain "So as you know the Cosa Nostra has been in active since the 19th century, but that actually is the only formal name Cosa Nostra. The mafioso philosophy dates to thousands of years before that. The legend started with the pagan gods"

I see how my nana a devote Christian, has trouble referring to anyone or any entity as god

"When the pagan gods left earth, they blessed certain individuals with you can say their deity, you know portion of their divine power. They were the blessed ones. The divinity made these so-called blessed beings were much faster, stronger, smarter and attractive. Like leaps ahead, they were natural leaders, bold, warriors and protectors. These blessed ones took it upon themselves to ensure the protection and prosperity of the community, hence forming the mafioso (mafia) and hence the leaders became the dons. They see that the Dons of Cosa Nostra were direct descendants of these beings."

Well my nana, like multiple generations of her family, is die hard believer of the Cosa Nostra. She does not see it as crime syndicate. Mafioso for her is the family that protects one another and helps one another prosper. And no amount of crime records, police reports or news could change that for her.

"Do you actually believe that Nana" I ask her, but I do have an inclination what her answer would be

"Well it's not just the Luciano family, all dons and their families are blessed. The physical proof is in front of you, especially the Originals"

I look at her confused, she continued in an angry tone "Aah! This American education is no good. I am referring to the Original Sicilian Mafioso, Head of Cosa Nostra. The one Don Luciano pays his respects to, the one whom we all pay our respect to"

Of course, I know who she is talking about, they are said to be as terrifying as the devil himself.

People refuse to even name the, they are the ones that do not need an introduction, nor a mention. The ages old lore goes "Agosti on your breath, can only mean death!!".

Before I could ask more questions about the blessed ones, my father is back at our table

"Come Omerta we have to pay our respects to Don Luciano"

Why do I need to pay my respect, as far as I know it's a male ritual? Something is off.

Looking at my terrified & confused expression, my father explains with one word what my next action should be "NOW!"

*Author Note: Thanks for reading the chapters, I had edited the intial chapters a little bit. Hope you guys are hooked!

I will be sharing Chapter 4 tomorrow. Just for your reference I will be updating three times a week- Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday. Enjoy Reading :)