
Promise, You're The Only One

Wei Hen is a transmigrator from 21 century.  He transmigrated into a man with an 'intersexual body'.  The world he transmigrated into was a bit like ancient Chinese but not earth. "They're like to call me demon..." "They're like to call me slut..." "Fine... I'll be what they're called me!" Hahahahha!!! From then on, a new version of Wei Hen emerges from the abyss. "Let them see what a true slut demon is...". He made his ex-husband regret it. He seduces the emperor. Revolt. Established his own kingdom.

Lustful_Dewa · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Am I Not Enough...?

"You are crazy!". Chen Jiang was stunned by what Wei Hen spoke. He forcefully released himself from Wei Hen's embrace.

"Chen Jiang please!". Wei Hen was upset by being turned down by him.

"I'll be good for you!"



Wei Hen ran out of his reason. He doesn't know what to do.

What should he do to make him and his husband return like what they used to be?

"Chen Jiang please...I'm begging you...hic-".

He pleaded while sobbing and hiccuping.

"You should rest. You look horrible right now". Chen Jiang said. He furrowed his eyebrows.

Wei Hen's appearance right now is messy with his tears, snot, and his sweat. He also looks tired because of preparing for Chen Jiang's Party. But what did he get in return....?

Wei Hen felt like he has no hope anymore. He saw his husband's face. He wanted to find something...Something that can make him not give up on this household of his.

"Chen Jiang". He stares straight at his husband and observes the latter's expression.

"What?". He said impatiently.

"Do still you love me?". Wei Hen asked seriously. He was no longer crying.

Wait this is the wrong question...

"Do you love me?". He asked again interjected Chen Jiang who was ready to answer his out-of-the-blue question.

"Why do you ask something like this so suddenly?". He frowned annoyed by the question.

"Answer me, Chen Jiang!". Wei Hen insisted.

"Yes. I love you. Now go wash and rest early. You don't need to attend the party tonight". He answered lazily and didn't forget to remind Wei Hen.

But Wei Hen didn't move. Instead, he asked, "What about He Xiu did you love her?".

"You should rest. I'm going now". He said. He felt lazy to serve him anymore.

"DO. YOU. LOVE. HER!". Wei Hen still insisted and said the words one by one punctually.

"Yes! I love her and I love you too!". He said angrily.

"Do you call that love!?". He asked in disbelief.

"Yes! You two are mine. She is my wife and you are my concubine. What wrong with that!". Chen Jiang yelled at him as he lost his demeanor.

"I never thought your love is so cheap that it can be divided among other people". Wei Hen exclaimed in cynicism.

"Your jealousy is a sin! You can't keep your husband's love to yourself! In this era, you can't be like that. I as you're husband, can punish you because of your attitude!". He said rigorously.

"F*ck with that rule! F*ck with this era! F*ck with this society!". Wei cried hysterically.

"Wei Hen! I can repudiate you anytime if I want! Don't say I didn't warn you!". Chen Jiang warned him while pointing at his face.

"You disappointed me!". Now everything is clear to Wei Hen. His husband didn't love him. His expression, his attitude, and even his words just now are enough proof to convince him that his husband didn't love him.

This didn't include the child that his husband had with that woman.

Wei Hen felt for the first time he is so stupid.

"Am I not enough...". He mumbled slowly as he gazed at Chen Jiang while the latter felt bothered in his heart when he saw the former's face.

He tried hard not to cry, but it was all in vain.

The feeling of being betrayed and cheated on tormented his heart and mind. Like being pierced with the knife a thousand times.

How could he betray me?

Wei Hen clutches the cloth around his chest.

It hurt so much!

He grimaced in pain. Not from the mortal pain but his mentality.

He stares at the one who was the cause of all of it. The man named Chen Jiang! He the one who promised would love him only. He was the one who he trusted and his first love. The one who pursued him for over a year to make him, his. The one who acted like a good husband in front of him every time. All of this is a great joke...He didn't know that his love was so cheap that it can be divided.

It's all a great joke!

"Haha hahaha!!! Ahahaha!". Wei Hen laughed hysterically while clutching his stomach. But, contrary to his predicament the laughter didn't contain the happiness it should be but a strong sense of sadness, sorrow, grief, and disappointment.

Wait... Wei Hen was suddenly silent and called for the servant. He tidied himself up. Reached for the handkerchief in his pocket and wiped off the snot, the unpitied tear and unappreciated sweat on his face. Fixed his messy hair. He seems like a new person.

He sat at the main seat in the room.

When Chen Jiang saw this, he also sitting not far from him. He was puzzled by his abrupt behavior and thought about his male concubine's sudden action. He didn't foresee Wei Hen would be thrown a tantrum. Wei Hen, his beautiful male concubine was so gentle, patient person, and never let him down would become this mad.

"You, call a physician.. Now..". Wei Hen was calm and reserve this time. His face turned cold. The servant then ran out not wasting a time.

Chen Jiang was curious about why he suddenly called for a physician.

Moreover, he was lost in thought for a while when he saw this cold version of Wei Hen.

He looks rarely enchanting...

A room was quiet for half a sichen before the physician entered the room being led by the servant.

"The physician is here Madam". The servant said.

"Hmmm, now bring Chuhua here". He said.

The servant stunted for a second before striding out to carry out the order.

A while later, Chuhua was brought to the room being led by a servant. When her eyes met with Chen Jiang's, her complexion suddenly become red. She obviously didn't focus at all and didn't realize what she was in for now.

Wei Hen, of course, noticed her behavior. It was so obvious.

Wei Hen clenched his fist. The blue veins slowly pop out on his skin.

"Physician, you can check this maidservant's pulse". Wei Hen said coldly.

Only now, did Chen Jiang realize what was happening here. He also knows and could guess what would happen.

The physician felt the pulse of the unprepared and dumbfounded Chuhua.

She was caught off guard when she still steal a glance at Chen Jiang from time to time the moment she entered the room.

"It's a happy pulse Young Master Wei". The physician indicated confidently. "A three-month happy pulse". The physician continued.

"W-Wei Hen D-didi, Jiejie can e-explain". Chuhua stuttered uncontrollably. Her eyes sometimes switch from Wei Hen to Chen Jiang from time to time.

When the servant told her that Wei Hen requested her presence, she thought it was to greet Young Master Chen Jiang. Because she heard the news of Young Master Chen Jiang had been back from the Imperial Capital City from another maidservant. She also heard about Chen Jiang's return with a woman the 'Main Wife' and an infant the 'The First Son'. But she didn't upset by it. Instead, she felt so excited when she was told, that Young Master Wei Hen asked for her presence.

But she never knew it was to test her.

Wei Hen ignored her and glanced at Chen Jiang. "Care to explain the detail to me?". Wei Hen holds his rage.

"Wei Hen didi, I'm willing to share a husband and be a sister to you!". But before Chen Jiang could answer Wei Hen's inquiry, Chu Hua cut in.

"Chen Jiang". Wei Hen still ignore her and continued to ask for Chen Jiang's explanation.

"Yes, it's my child". Said Chen Jiang sternly, without guilt or fault as if he was righteous.

He the young master of the Chen family, the number one scholar, and a man in this era should have a few concubines. What wrong if he had a child with a maid? A lot of young masters out there also have a few maids as a bed warmer.

More importantly, he, as a successful scholar needs a successor to continue his bloodline.

It was a common sense here. And with that facts, it's proof that he was right.

"Wei Hen didi, I'm willin-..".

"But I'm not willing!!!". Wei Hen yelled, interjecting Chuhua from repeating her bullshit.

"And one more thing, we are not related, so stop calling me by my name and called me younger brother, there is nothing between us anymore. You are a maidservant and I am your master. I never thought you this ambitious". Wei Hen stated clearly with a hurt expression.

He never thought this slut was so ambitious and would betray him and successfully seduce his husband.

Now things had come to this point. Wei Hen had no more things to do with this household. He didn't want to share his man with anyone else. And it's too late to fix everything. His husband already had two women in his harem and a baby, even an unborn child. It should become more and more in the future. So he had to leave this place. He rather becomes single all his life than share his lover with someone else.

"We're done". He said while striding out of the room.

"Where are you going?". Asked Chen Jiang. There were no expressions on his face. Neither guilty nor sad. It's pure righteousness and confidence.

When Wei Hen saw this, he could just sneer in his heart. What true love? There is no true love in this world.

"I'm leaving. Ahh...and thank you for your love and kindness all this time". He said while his words carried full of gratitude.

"Don't you regret your stupid decision!". Chen Jiang was stunned for a second by what he heard before reminding Wei Hen.

"Don't worry, I will not". Wei Hen gazes at the Chuhua for a second before leaving the room. He also didn't forget to pay the physician.

"Come back here!". He raised his voice to command Wei Hen.

"I said come back here!". He repeated furiously when he saw Wei Hen didn't stop walking towards the exit.

"I'm not your servant and I'm a HUMAN that had feelings". He said while looking at Chen Jiang with a hurt complexion for one last time.

He also didn't bother to fetch his belonging because it was all not important to him. In contrast, if he brings them it will make him feel awful and will hinder him in the future. He doesn't even give a damn how and what Chen Jiang will do to its in the future.

Chen Jiang was infuriated by what Wei Hen said and done. His handsome face contorted with fury. Wei Hen, his male concubine dares to talk back to him. It was a blatant tantamount to his status as a husband!

"Young Master Chen Jiang, are you gonna let Wei Hen go just like that". Chu Hua broke the silence.

Chen Jiang look at the pretty maidservant who was always relieved of his remaining lust after he had not enough with Wei Hen or the one who he would find whenever he craved a woman's voluptuous breasts and curvy waist. After so long spent time with Wei Hen, although he had what a woman had, it's not the same as a woman's body. When he cannot hold it anymore, he approached this maidservant. Furthermore, this maidservant also seems to try to seduce him eventually. So it's a win-win situation and it's made things easier for him.

"Don't worry, he will come back to me later". Because there is no one better than him out there who is better than him as the one who loves him as he does! If he's not come back, then, it makes things easier for him because keeping a male concubine is a hindrance to his career. But he still wants to keep him...

But his mother and father opposed him keeping Wei Hen in. Saying that it will tarnish his reputation when he became a courtier. And the main family patriarch of the Chen Clan from the capital city also suggested that it should be.

It's just he doesn't feel right when he thought of Wei Hen is not beside him in the future. They had lived together for five years...

Maybe, he will forget him slowly.