
Project Sparrow

As tensions rise between nations, millions of people are caught in the middle. Death tolls rise and the value of human life is discarded as governments solve their disputes by throwing as many bodies as they can at each other. The world now feeding the flames of destruction with hatred and death, faces yet another world war. In the midst of it all, several nations improved their technology and incorporated it within their weapons. The Republic of Lanston, formerly France, Belgium and Germany, led the arms race and began a secret supersoldier program as a trump card to win the impending war. Taking disabled veterans and soldiers who are no longer fit for combat and turning them to lab rats for body augmentations. Wanting to turn them to mindless killing machines, failing and killing most of their experiments in the process then calling them a necessary sacrifice to achieve power over all their rivals. Enter Hilbert Straüss, one of the few who had successful augmentations and is considered the strongest out of the program. They operated under the grid and were mainly used before to kill anyone who opposes Lanston's government. As the war slowly creeps up on the world, Lanston activates the program once more and requested to have all available field agents to be attached to the military. The world will now see a new generation of weapons that will forever change the face of warfare.

Exia_Valentro · Perang
Peringkat tidak cukup
48 Chs

Wolf Pack

After about an hour of driving, their car entered the city of Heross and they made their way to a ship dock that was crowded with soldiers. Large ships were on the water, some with large guns and others meant for troop transport.

"The third ship on the right, Catalyst, that's our ship." Jacques said as he pointed towards a large navy grey ship.

"She looks magnificent, major. Is this the transport designated to your unit or was this pulled out specially for this occasion?" Hilbert asked as he gazed upon the ship.

"She's been transporting us for 5 years. She's also been to every amphibious assault in the past 3 years. A behemoth she is." Jacques added with a bright smile.

Operation Iceberg, a large scale amphibious assault on the shores of Cairo, modern day A.E.G.U. territory. Lanston responded to the distress call from one of their embassies near a coastal area. Lanston mobilized several units including the 116th division to form a spearhead towards the embassy and rescue the workers in the embassy. This was the first amphibious assault that the 116th participated in that resulted in a victory, this also was said to be the reason why the A.E.G.U got involved in the war.

"I'd like you to meet the 116th, they're expecting our arrival." Jacques says as he rolls the window down.

"They must be very useful, I should acquaint them in the event I need assistance." Hilbert replied.

The car stopped and they stepped out to be met by a short blonde boy struggling to carry a crate of munitions. He looked to be just a few years younger than Hilbert, such a young boy forced to fight a war he didn't start.

"Captain, I brought a crate!" Eugene shouted before putting the crate on the pile.

"Good job private, that should be the first and last you'll carry since we're done loading up." Edward replies.

"Eh? I want to help more, I can still lift one more!" Eugene exclaimed.

"Eugene, don't be hard headed and listen to the captain!" Jacques shouted in the distance.

"Jacques! I thought you'd never come!" A dark haired man shouts from the top of the deck.

"M-major? You're finally back!" Eugene says with a bright smile on his face.

Hilbert took some time to recognize the faces of the soldiers around him, they all looked excited. It was as if they weren't heading to a battle but a party.

"Eugene here has been very helpful once he heard you were coming back." Edward chuckled while patting Eugene's head.

"Captain, stop it!" Eugene shouted as he covered his head.

"Yeah, stop it already Edward. Eugene is my kid!" Richard says as he climbs the ladder down to the cargo hold.

"N-no I'm not! I don't belong to any of you!" Eugene exclaimed as he run away to hide his blushing face.

"Are they always this noisy?" Hilbert looks over to Jacques.

"No, just now. They must've missed each other." Jacques replied with a light giggle.

Richard began to closely observe Hilbert, looking up and down and circling around him. Edward smacked Richard's head and pulled him back, breaking the awkward silence in the cargo hold.

"I'm really sorry, he's always like this when there's new blood in our division. Please ignore this animal." Edward bluntly said.

"No, it's fine. I'm not in the place to be invading this man's territory." Hilbert smiled sarcastically.

"Let's all calm down, Richard, Edward, go and gather the men for debriefing." Jacques ordered.

Edward dragged Richard with him up to the deck and started scolding Richard on their way up. Hilbert looked at Jacques then back at the two men, he was wondering why such a well decorated unit are acting like a bunch of dilinquents. Jacques waited for his men to gather up before climbing on top of a crate and looking over the cargo dock.

"Everyone kindly listen to the debriefing, also please welcome our guest and asset. Hilbert Straüss, from Project Sparrow." Jacques crossed his arms while announcing.

"Project Sparrow? What's that? A bird watching program for handicapped veterans?" Richard joked out causing the group to laugh with him.

"Yes, I believe it is...Captain." Hilbert replies before looking over to Richard with a smirk.

"Don't get cocky, as far as I'm concerned you're just deadwei-" Richard gets cut off as Edward covers his mouth and gets him in a headlock.

"I'm sorry if this brat talks too much, I'll take responsibility." Edward bows to show respect.

"Okay...Hilbert here is given the authorization to disobey direct orders from me and execute any decision he find fit for the situation. Is that clear?" Jacques announces.

The men nodded and Jacques dismissed everyone. They finished loading in the last of the vehicles and they headed to their respective stations. Eugene headed to the bridge where Jacques and the other were.

"Major, have you seen Richard? His head might still be burning from earlier. Eugene says to Jacques.

"I think he's with Edward, they might be with the others in the cafeteria." Jacques replied with a smile.

"Why is such a young boy in your unit, major?" Hilbert asks as he watches Eugene merrily walk out of the bridge.

"It's a long story but his unit first merged with ours during Operation Mockingbird. I'm sure you've heard of it before." Jacques added while reading the file for the mission.

Hilbert recalled the mission, he was still a corporal then and was still under the command of Frederic of the 256th marine corps. They were tasked to assault a city while the 116th assaulted and defended a nearby fort to prevent any reinforcements from reaching the advancing marines. The 116th took a huge hit then and lost over 400 men, taking major casualties while they held the fort from two enemy divisions and constant artillery barrage. It was a victory for Lanston but it was also one of the bloodiest battles in the war that the 116th participated in.