
What is your name?

Mumbai, India

From the window of flat 801, spice towers whose construction was obstacled by the government months ago, a black coloured barrel of the sniper peeped out. It is aimed towards a commercial complex infront of the tower. The view finder of the s & t motiv k14 sniper is looking for its target.

The person aiming the sniper is 6 feet 1 inch tall, possessing broad shoulders and muscular body, his mild shave and brown eyes makes him attractive. His biceps got tight because of catch holding the heavy sniper for minutes.

His mobile phone vibrated. He received the call from unknown number.

"Hello, listen carefully. Here is your target. Within few minutes state minister Abdul Khasim and his members will be coming out of the commercial complex exit gate. Along with his group, a journalist in blue shirt will be stepping out. And the journalist is our target. Finish him with no life chances and just mind that any of the ministers group shouldn't get hurt. Complete the task and u will be funded the balance amount into your bank account soon". By delivering this message the call hung up.

All of a sudden the sniper rested down by him and he started surfing in his phone.

He is checking the online record of mr Abdul Khasim. The latest news is showing up with the interview by a renowned journalist who is digging out about Khasim's criminal activities. And the report is alleging Khasim as a white collar criminal.

After reading the news for two minutes, the sniper again repositioned in the same place where it was belonged to. But the person holding it is thinking seriously about something.

Then within seconds he saw the Khasim and his people heading out along with the journalist.

The journalist curiously asking questions to Khasim. But Khasim seems very unhappy and a bit irritating.

Our sniper got the focus on the journalist. He is clearly aimed and pulling the trigger for once will take his life. He will be spot dead. The guy with sniper is now got to a judgement and unlocked the rifle. He is just waiting for a right moment for completing the task.

Khasim suddenly looked towards the spice towers and he was staring the whole building, as if he is waiting for some desired moment.

This gave the man with sniper a clearity that Khasim is waiting for the journalist to be shot. The sniper's eye dilated and all his thoughts were came into conclusion. He just spoke to himself in a whispered way "its time now".

Next moment, the muzzle of the sniper's barrel changed its angle 15 degrees left and the trigger was pulled.

In 1.2 seconds the bullet knocked inside the Khasim's forehead and ejected out from the back of his skull. All the Khasim's men who are waiting for the journalist's death got horrified. They all are stained by Khasim's blood all over their faces. They are still in a confusion.

The journalist got scared and ran away from the scene.

Now the sniper's muzzle is putting off the smoke and the sniper guy gave a cunning smile.

He aborted from the window and packed his weapons and got out of the tower. He started his bike and going in a medium speed. In the meanwhile police department got the information about the murder shoot and heading towards the crime scene. The sniper guy have sensed the sound of the siren and got alert.

There are 3 cops cars are heading towards the crime scene and two of them passed away from the sniper guy just closely. And suddenly the third vehicle stopped infront of sniper guy's bike.

He slowed down and got his helmet off.

The inspector from inside the vehicle asked the sniper guy, "heyy young man, who r u? I never saw you in here."

"Iam new to Mumbai" sniper guy said.

"What makes you to visit Mumbai?" inspector questioned in a doubt.

"I came here for working. I am a mechanic. I deal with troubled people with their troublesome problems" sniper guy answered in a diplomatic way which made inspector to irk.

Inspector looking him sharply. Then sniper guy answered in a low voice, "I repair everything …. Machines, gadgets sir etc…

Inspectors got an elert through his wireless to report at the crime scene as soon as possible.

"Okay, I need to leave. Be careful in this city" inspector warned him. With a tiny smile sniper guy replied "always".

Before moving his vehicle, inspector asked "what is your name?"

"I am KRISH. Glad to meet u inspector". He replied. And moved away while the inspector is still not sure in his case.

Krish enjoying the cool breeze from the beach and riding his bike in a smooth way, talking himself and feeling himself.

(His inner voice)

Yes, my name is krish. What you saw is true. Iam a professional killer. I usually shoot and kill people. I am getting paid for my precise target and un delayed completion of tasks. I never caught up. Rich people are my customers who give the task to kill and pay me in satisfaction. But bad people are my victims who I choose to kill. If a rich guy pays me to kill a good guy, the scene turns over and I finish the according to the justice as I did today by killing Khasim. Because the journalist doesn't deserve to die. I killed enough people. But I feel I have done enough judgement.

Who am I? why am I doing this?

Every one forgot that iam an Olympic champion.

Yes, true, I won gold medal trice in rifle shooting. And I am an international shooter.

So what made me to turn as a professional killer. And what am I doing? No one knows.

Because my life is a big mystery. And my past was astonishing.

But right now, I am on a project…