
Western Tavern

Western tavern, powai, Mumbai

" I've got the moves like jagger

I've got the moves like jagger" dj is playing this song and everybody is shaking for the rhythm.

Krish sat at the big table where the bar attender makes his majic with different alcohol. He is sipping the drink slowly slowly and haven't finished it since 3 hours. He is observing the guy fixing the booze and starring at him with high concentration and curiosity as if he is making a chemical reaction at laboratory.

"You need something else, sir?" bar attender intervened his observation.

" no, Iam fine" he replied moodlessly.

The bar attender removed his apron and sat just infront of Krish, relaxing himself.

"now my shift was done, someone else will have my duty, right now Iam a customer just like you. Would you like to share with me the reason behind ur ultimate silence" he asked. Krish just gave a doubtful and uncomfortable look.

" nothing like that, just Iam curious by observing ur behaviour. Visiting a luxurious expensive bar, ordering a non alcoholic soft bevarage, sipping it drop by drop since 3 hours, but still your eyes are red enough to get after having 15 vodka shots. You doesn't look like u ran out of money, expensive outfit and accessories. So what's the matter?" his anxiety questioned.

" I never consumed alcohol, its not in my diet. But still Iam in a bar, having a softdrink in my glass. I can't have the thrill of alcohol directly. So I have this softdrink and just feel like enjoying alcohol in this esthetic atmosphere, makes me almost drunken guy. Just for relaxation." Krish smiled without looking at him.

" wow… wonderful habit, no wastage of money" he replied. "So what are you interested at?..."

" Currently, uncertain…" Krish smiled. So what about you? Enjoying booze?"

"Me? Hahahah… actually I employ here, but for real, Iam the boss. My brother owns this pub. And I feel to happy to serve here while no one knows who's the boss." he chuckled.

" hmm…. Undercover employer… Haa? Good one… But did u broke your undercover infront of me..?" Krish questioned him.

"you are seeming very interesting to me and I wanted to have some time with you" he looked at Krish…

Hahahah hahahahahhah… hahah… few girls are laughing themselves and passing from back.

"So, are you interested in girls… don't hesitate… Just give me a word… I know many, u can enjoy" he is still provoking Krish.

Krish gave a serious look " are you playing broker here? Trading girls?"

He startled… Krish smiled back and said "just kidding".

"Uffff,,, at once I thought you are angry with me. Seriously no interest towards girls?" he asked again.

" What's ur name?" Krish asked. "Sandy, yourself?" he asked. "krish". "glad to meet u". They shook their hands.

"Iam deeply in love sandy" Krish stated.

" Ohh.., so?! is she here somewhere?", sandy asked. Krish noded his head negatively. "then what's the problem in enjoying with girls present here? You should enjoy the moment bro. Don't waste your manly hood."

" look sandy, a person who is truly and deeply in love with his girl, cannot even enjoy the scent of another women… He will be out of your reach. Next time don't even ask any true guy." Krish said.

" impressive principles, is it that great your love story? Iam really interested." sandy asked.

Krish gave a smile and said "every story is interesting to their own… But my one is the top of all sandy".

"is it?, then Iam all ears. Just start it bro. We might have a long night. My pub will be kept open till the story ends. Start it." sandy asked. Krish smiled and noded his head negatively.

"wait… Wait… Wait… What are you krish? I know half of the youth here, but never saw you. New to the city? Why are you here?" sandy asked suspiciously.

Mean while one of the customers started fighting with bartender. So sandy went there, as he is incharge there. After this conversation, sandy got a little idea about Krish. Krish is a smooth going guy, who doesn't have any bad habits and don't even touch other women. He is in deeply love with a girl. Sandy trusts Krish a lot. All of a sudden a car stopped out of the pub. Looking like it is of some VIP's. A lady stepped out of the car. She is 35 and attractive, dressed in a very traditional long kurthi. Her attitude and beauty made every one in the pub understand that she is so powerful and egoistic at the same time they fell at her back. All men staring at her except Krish. Then obviously her interest shifted towards Krish. And she got attracted to his looks and features. She's staring at the lonely guy sitting and enjoying his drink. Krish noticed her staring at him, but didn't give a damn to her. After a while, volume increased and everyone there swinging there bodies and the whole pub is seeming to be like a mess. Nobody cares others present there. Krish slowly walked out from there towards exit. He left the pub. Soon after him, she took exit and left. Sandy is still in the dispute.

Krish was standing slowly walking on the road, no sign of his ride. He is being followed by the lady and she is being followed by her luxurious sedan. Krish noticed her, but kept on moving. She just gestured her to leave the car and move away. Driver left.

" hey handsome". She strucked him. "acting like u don't even care a hot lady following you"

" no habit of minding women following me. But got to know Iam being followed by a hot lady. Might be true." Krish whispered at that silent night.

" I like your attitude. And how dare you to reply me? How dare you to ignore me?", she caught his collar and pulled him near towards her. " so, what are the plans tonight? Like to join me? ". She asked him in a seducing manner. Their faces are very close to each other. Krish looked around and found nobody is watching them. And said

"Iam all yours"..... Both got into the car.