
Venomous Fangs

After fighting with her life, the lady gave up at last and died. Krish is sitting on the couch and just looking at her. He opened his mobile and just checking the details saved in it along with a photograph of the lady.

So it is not a accidental or psychotic murder. He haven't kill her just because she kissed him. He is not a psycho to do soo. It is a preplanned murder. He waited in the pub just for her. He acted so gentle just for grabbing her attention. He attracted her and made her to write her own death sentence in her own home.

Her name was Sindhya Joshi. She was a political and business advisor for many illegal politicians and business men. She was an astrologer and makes her clients to have a blind belief over God and Astrology. That's why these people trusts her and does as she says. She was a share partner in many legal and illegal trades and earned billions from them. She is not so famous in public, but just to her clients. She is a privacy lover and does not allow any security or surveillance with her trusting nobody wants her to be killed. She is too enjoyable lady, she visits pubs every weekends and alcoholic too. And abuses men whenever she gets horny.

She is very ruthless killer. Kills everybody whoever comes in to her way. She even did killed the people who ever tried to change the situations that she already committed to be happened in her astrological sense. Till now her number of killings are 27. Recently she murdered a whole family along with two adolescent kids because they are going to testify a accident case against a well renowned business man. This thing came to krish's knowledge from his sources. This made him to target her and hunt her down at her own premises. Krish done this on the behalf of the victims by her and he did this for free. This justifies krish's character as a professional killer, but don't kill for his profession. He just do this for his own satisfaction after judging them whether they deserve dying or not.

While moving sindhya's body from the bed, unfortunately TV got switched on by pressing the remote. There is a breaking news in the news media about the shootout happened at the harbour. The CC TV photage is being telecasted in the channel which gives the clear cut visuals of what had happened there. In the channels they stated that the person who got attacked was unknown and the people who attacked him are also unknown. But from the news Krish got to know they are brutal people over a innocent deer.

He carried sindhya's body near to a bay of Mumbai Arabian sea where no one can actually see him. And tied her body to a heavy dense rock and dropped her into the middle of the sea through his own steamer. He cleared all the possible evidences that can make him caught and settled everything.

Now he directly reached harbour for having a look on the crime scene. The crime scene was already barrigated by the Mumbai police and there are a whole bunch of people along with media personalities with police forces. But Krish some how managed to enter there and found there are many bullet shells at the crime scenes being collected by the forensic scientists for the analysis. He entered into the crime scene very slowly without no one's suspicion and managed to collect 3 bullet shells and hid them in his pocket and turned back. Unfortunately a police inspector noticed him and approached him. His name is inspector Abhinav Singh. He is the same police who stopped Krish on the road the day when he killed Abdul Khasim.

" we met again. What are you doing here Mr. Krish? You are looking suspicious. Any link to this shootout?". He questioned. "nothing sir, just passing by the harbour. Got the news about the shootout. Bit curious about what would have happened. That drove me here. That's it.". Krish just smiled.

" buy you are not supposed to be in here. You may contaminate the crime scene. It is illegal. You can leave now." inspector said firmly. Krish gave a small and sharp smile and said "okay sir. Sure". And he started from the place and left it by looking it till he crosses the gate. Inspector also watching him leaving through the exit.

Krish travelled 5 miles away from there and stopped there to check the bullet shells. From the three he collected from the crime scene, two are 9mm fired from a pistol and one is 7.8mm riffle. All are illegal ammunition, locally made without government permission engraved VK 11 on them. Krish certainly had an idea where they can be made. So he is trying to find out who used them. He contacted some source to get the information.

The next morning, a special team is being formed and assigned to solve the crimes happened in Mumbai police headquarters. They are issued all the permissions and warrants for their investigation. They started investigating about the guy who was attacked rather than the gang who attacked him. They felt that probably he hid himself in the fear of his life.

Krish got an address of gangsters who bought the guns from VK weaponaries. He got fixed mentally to save the guy from these gang. He got to know that this gang is named as Venomous Fangs. And the minister, head of all the soldiers and the right hand of the boss is Daniel, who talked in phone in harbour before the shootout. Krish went to the address he got and hid himself behind the cars down at the parking of the building. He draw Daniel to his sight and observing his moves. Daniel arranged a meeting in the parking area with all his rowdy gang.

" still our current assignment haven't finished yet. It's a shame that our target is still breathing out there. I know where he is. We should accomplish the task. And be careful, police are on to us." he motivated his people. All agreed with him. They started in their vehicles towards the address they got. Krish followed them on his bike without making them feel suspicion. They travelled 15 miles to an apartment in Navi Mumbai and stopped their vehicles far away from the building. They all took stairs to reach 4th floor of sky High towers. The man is in the flat 404.

Daniel stayed in the car, sent his people with guns and weapons to finish him. 12 men went upstairs and surrounded all the possible escape routes from there to down. Everyone took there possessions and ready to attack. The guy is hiding inside the the flat. He heard all the sounds and understood there is something going outside. Every minute sound is seeming to be a gun fire to him.

The door handle was twisted by the guy from outside. He is getting too panic inside. Finally the door was open. Four members entered inside pointing their guns on to him. Then the first guy said " it's your end. Any last wish". The man got shocked and looking at him, his charming face can be never seen. All of a sudden there are three consequent gunfirings which brought the back three guys to the ground. And the first guy turned around. He was shot on his head on the exact center. And then Krish said

" hello Mr. Agarwal, Iam here to save you."