
project 01

Jack, a man with a lust for violence, wakes up in a new body, in a fantasy world that is ruled by the rich and the powerful. (This is my first attempt at writting and I am just doing it for fun at the moment, so please don't expect regular chapters. Also I am dyslexic so expect mistakes.)

Dark_O · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
42 Chs

Chapter 25: Consequences

As we left the barrier concealing the village I was left underwhelmed and disappointed, I had been expecting to see some grand display of a fantastical forest, but Instead I was greeted buy a rather ordinary scene. A single dirt road coverd on both sides by dense lush forest the only difference between this forest and a forest from earth was the fact that the trees leaves were a myriad of blues, pinks and purples apart from that it was relatively ordinary.

Three hours later.

Sarah and I was still travelling down the dirt road in the middle of the forest, Sarah was resting her head in my shoulder with a contstsant faint serene smile. Right now she looked like the most content person in the world and because of that very reason... I felt like a total and utter piece of sh*t!

I've said it before and I'll say it again empathy is a b*tch! I couldn't face the fact that everything this amazing, wonderful, beautiful woman thought she knew about me was a fabrication. It had slowly been eating away at me for a while, but now with her not only accepting my "advances", but actually accepting my marriage proposal as well.

I needed to tell her the truth or at least as much of the truth as possible without sounding like a total lunatic! I knew... I knew the risks, I knew she could and most likely would hate me if I told her and yet the pain I felt from hiding the truth somehow felt worse... I couldn't take it anymore I had to tell her I'd rather have her hate me than fell that pain a moment longer.

I checked my map and to my surprise it's range had increased dramatically from 100m to 300m with this new range I was able to se a clearing coming up ahead in the forest.

"Hey we should stop soon and have something eat, we only had some skewers earlier and I don't know 'bout you but I'm hungry."

"hmm... sure I could eat." I could tell she wasn't actually hungry and was only agreeing to please me in fact I knew it. Elves have a lower metabolism rate and don't need to eat as much as humans.

"We'll stop as soon as there's a good spot 'kay"

"Sure." She smiled and went back to resting her head on my shoulder.

With the speed we where travelling we reached the clearing about fifteen minutes, we had cooking supplies and some spices all we needed was some meat to accompany it. After pulling the cart into the clearing I quickly got the supplies out the cart and set up a fire, I let the lizard go and have a drink at a small stream it was well trained so I didn't have to worry about it wondering off but I still decided to tether it to a tree just to be safe.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat, be back in five."

"Suuure five minutes, if you say so bigshot." Sarah said sarcastically with a wink.

"Ooh, you doubt my talents young miss? Then please allow me to demonstrate!" I playfully changed my voice and smirked. 'unlock STATS.'

"Hahaha, go ahead then, impress me." she giggled, crossed her arms and jokingly commanded.

"Your wish is my command." I smiled mischievously. I took a few steps away and looked back at Sarah with a grin. 'Lightning aura'.

I activated my favourite spell, the minimum activation only took 10 NRG to activate and lasted ten seconds I could keep it going by using more NRG every ten seconds and I could use more NRG to increase the effect, it increased all physical attributes but it affected speed the most with 1 NRG equalling 1% increase in speed. Essentially at the top end it meant for ten seconds i could increase my speed by 1580% that's 252Mph! And that's without the effect of my STATS and TITLES! (Author note: How this spell works will be in chapter comments if you want to check it out)

The only downside to this spell was the fact that I couldn't decrease the amount of NRG it needed once I increased it. Bassicly if I activated it with 100NRG I couldn't then reduce it to 10 or it would deactivate instantly.

I activated the spell with 500NRG as white lightning coursed through and arced all over my body as my eyes glowed and sparked with white lightning.

"WHAT!? WHEN!? HOW!?" Sarah shouted in surprise.

"Ha! See ya in a... flash!"

*BOOM!* Dust exloped from where I was standing as I dissapered from sight literally five seconds later I returned with two dead rabbits in my hand, I deactivated the spell and stood there looking at the dumbfounded Sarah with a smug grin on my face. Sarah's confusion quickly turned to anger and she stood up.

'Time to face the consequences.' I thought apprehensively.

"Explain! Now!" She demanded.

"Haa... this is gonna take a while. You might want to get comfortable." I sat down in front of her. Seeing the look on my face she knew I wasn't joking and despite being annoyed she sat down to listen to me.

"So explain yourself." She had her arms crossed and looked furious.

"Ok, first things first give me the ring."

"Wh-What!?" She was confused and angry and worried all at the same time.

"Listen, just give me the ring. If you still want it when I'm done I'll happily give it back okay." my voice was stern more like an order than a question.

"Jack... you're kind of scaring me." Her anger vanished replaced by worry and fear.

"Please... Just... Just give me the ring... Please." I pleaded with her.

"O-Ok." She hesitated and eventually took off the ring and handed it to me.

"Thank you."I took a deep breath and mentally prepared myself then continued.

"Everything you know about me is a lie." I spoke quietly and slowly.

"What... what do you mean?" She had a very concerned look on her face.

"It's all a lie, it was all fake, fabricated, total and utter bullsh*t!" before she could talk I continued.

"My entire past was just something I spouted in the moment to gain the sympathy of everyone there my mother, my imprisonment, my suffering, none of it was real, it... It never happened."

"...." She didn't say anything she just sat there taking in what I was saying.. Then she finnaly looked at me with anger and disgust and spoke.

"Was it all fake, everything... even us?"

"No my personality and behaviour is all me none of it was fake but I did hold back a bit in some regards."

"Held back? Like how?"

"Like my attraction to you, i mean didn't you find it strange that a ten year old boy was so attracted to you I mean even now I'm only supposed to be fifteen."

"Well it was a bit strang when you was younger, but age doesn't mean that much to an elf so once you reached fifteen I was okay with it... Wait! Supposed to be!? JUST WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" She started to explain calmly like it was something she had to do often. then suddunly relised just what i had said and exploded with anger.

"That's... going to be hard to explain I know I'll just show you."

"What?" She asked, once again confused.

I Didn't awnser her and simply pointed my hand at the ground to the side of us. the ground began to tremble and dirt started to rise from the ground in the form of a perfectly flat brown rectangle roughly five foot wide by four foot high.

"Earth and lightning what the f*ck!?"

"I'll explain that everything about my powers afterwards for now just watch, what you are about to see is my true story, no holding back this is raw, true me... before I came here any way.


"Dont ask questions or I'll lose concentration, just watch." I cut her off before she could continue.

Different coloured energy started to gather on the screen as Sarah stared on in amazement despite the situation. Slowly an image formed of a woman in labour, in the matter of about an hour and a half I showed her my whole previous life. I showed her my two deaths and miraculous revivals(without showing the entity I called Grim.)

I showed her my twisted personality, my psychopathic and sadistic tendencies. I showed her how I struggled to cope becuase of my hypocritical hatred of despicable humans as well as hatred of myself for being just like them if not worse. I showed her how I forced myself to accept that side of me despite chatting it and how i adhered to a self imposed moral code to only take out my darker side on those that I felt deserved it and how low that threshold really was.

I showed her my career as a illegal fighter and as a criminals bouncer and bodyguard. I showed her everything from earth and its marvellous inventions as well as the rare few people that where actually good and then i showed her the atrocities that mankind inflicted upon it's world and each other. I showed her everything up to the moment of my death.

I then showed her how I had changed a bit after inhabiting my new body and how I once accidentally manipulated her emotions towards me I also showed her that once I realised I stopped it immediately. I even showed her just how brutally I killed the criminals and scum that populated Han village.

I stopped the images and waited for her reaction her hatred, her disgust but to my surprise, when I looked over at her she was crying! Tears fell from her eyes as she sobbed uncontrollably.

'I knew it, I knew she'd hate me!' I thought to my self myself even though i expected it it didn't stop it hurtung any less. I bit my bottom lip to calm down as i lowered the screen back into the ground, i slowly went to get up to leave her be once and for all I suddenly felt something on my back pulling me back down to the ground.

"You idiot!... Did you really think I wouldn't accept you just because of that!"

"...." I couldn't awnser I had prepared to be rejected becuase that's exactly what I believed, if I hated myself how could anyone else not hate me. I couldn't believe there was a person that would ever accept me. I turned to look at her the moment I saw her genuine sadness and care, I broke for probably the first time in my two life's I genuinely cried but not out of sadness instead out of sheer joy.

I sat there in her embrace as we both cried into each other for quite a while. Although I didn't yet know her reason for accepting me at that moment I didn't care after a while I regained my senses and calmed down.

"How... How could you accept me after seeing that?" I looked deep into her eyes as she smiled sweetly.

You think you're a monster becuase you enjoy hurting people? But you're not, despite how you felt you never hurt an innocent person and you even despised yourself for even wanting to in the first place if you're a monster then I'm a demon."

"What do you mean?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I sufferd a lot when I was younger my family was killed by humans and I was sold into slavery and grew a hatred towards humans after I managed to escape-

"Wait, How did you escape? I blurted out interrupting her.

"The first time I was helped by a mysterious mage, he cast a powerful spell on me that aged my body in the confusion I was able to escape. Afte-."

,"Woah, woah, woah! Hold up aged your body? How old are you am i about to be carted off for real this time?"

"Stop interrupting me you idiot! it was a temporary spell that fades away in time if you must know I'm twenty-eight but my body is stuck like this and won't start to re-age untill I hit thirty... Happy now old man"

'Fuck me! She's actually younger than me!' I thought to myself in shock and then grinned slightly.

"Verry!" I said with a smile that really didn't fit the moment I suddenly realised and changed my expression but it was too late.

"Really!? Get you're mind out the gutter!" She said with a slight look of disgust.

"Sorry! please continue your story." I said with a wry smile.

"Haa... men! Anyway... After I escaped I went on a rampage I killed, slaughtered and tourterd anyone I could find, innocent or not, all where guilty in my eyes and I enjoyed every bit of it however i was quickly captured and imprisoned again. Untill I was saved by the Chief but even now I still carry that hatred and joy in making others suffer though like you I choose to only take out my wrath on the deserving when I find them."

"Wow that's... you've been through so much... I don't even know what to say. Apart from I don't think you are a demon or a monster I think you're perfect just the way you are." I said with complete sincerity before i continued seeing an opportunity.

"You're amazing, strong, powerful, caring, funny and absolutely beautiful." Sarah blushed for a second before she continued.

"Don't think that flattery gets you out the dog house for not telling me the truth!" She crossed her arms and stared at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Did I mention smart?" I smirked.

"Hehehe, nice try." She giggled breaking the tension.

"So I accept you and you accept me does that mean you still want this?"

"Maybe... If you ask me properly." she said smirking. I couldn't help but smile stupidly as I stood up.

'Ok if I'm gonna do this I'm gonna put on a show.' I pointed my hand to the sky and clouds started to role in blocking out the sun turning it from day to night colourful energy gatheredand began to dance across the sky orbs of white joined them I essentially recreated the northern lights on a star lit night. Sarah's eye's widened with amazement and wonder as she stared at the scene. I got down on one knee and took her hand, She looked at me with a wonderful smile.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes." She said softly, moved forward and kissed me before I could react I quickly kissed her back., we stopped then she looked at me with a curious gaze.

"So why don't you tell me more about these "powers" of yours?"

"Oh right, actually it's pretty simple I can see, sense and manipulate energy as I want. My control at the moment is pretty good as you can see and as I get more powerful so will my control."

"Pretty good? You call THAT pretty good!?" She exclaimed while pointing at the scene I had created.

"Ptht! Hahaha! That! That's just the tip of the ice burg." I said smugly. and it was true with my recent power up my control was emense.


"Hehe, watch this! The energy faded from the sky and I created three statues of large stallions three times the size of my self one consisted of earth rock magma and fire, the next was made of water and ice and the next was made of wind cloud and lightning. the three statues stood there as Sarah stared in complete amazement that was until I said one word.

"Move." i didn t need the command i was doing it all mentally any way but i thought it was more impressive this way.

Suddenly the perfectly still statues animated and started to move they then started to trot and gallop around the area perfectly maintaining there form, only slightly damaging the ground beneath thier hooves as the ran around in an almost dance like fashion. Sarah who was even more shocked now stared in disbelief.

'And now for the finale.' The horses turned in unison and galloped at full speed straight for eac other as they got closer they broke down into beings of pure energy just before they collided as soon as crashed into each other.

The energy coalesced into a brilliant white flash and from that flash appeard a pure white stallion made of pure energy it was nine times the size of me had two horns on its head, it raised its front legs and body as gigantic wings sprouted from its back it landed back on all fours it then knelt in our direction before turning into white orbs and dissipating.

I turned to look at Sarah she was totally dumbfounded standing with a her mouth open and a slight tear in her eye and a wonder filled expressio, like she had just seen the most amazing thing ever. sure I could've created something utterly destructive like a raging storm of fire and lightning but I wanted to show Sarah something even more amazing than those measly lights and that look on her face was all worth it.

"Sooo what d'ya think, not to shabby right?" my voice brought her back from her revelry as she looked at me with a dazzling smile and a tear tracing down her face.

"Oh! That good huh?" I said playfully.

"That was so beautiful."

'Jackpot!' I thought happily. I walked over to her gently caressed her face and wiped the tear from her cheek.

"Not as beautiful as you." i said with a gentle smile. She instantly kissed me.

'Bingo! Nailed it!' I thought estaticly as I kissed her back. We quickly fell to the ground and engaged in a very passionate round of "activities". After we finished we laid there staring at the now bright blue sky watching the clouds together in each other's arms while faintly smiling contently.

After a while we both went over to the stream had a wash and put all of our clothes back on.we didn't have any toweles so we had to put our clothes on our wet bodies. seeing Sarah standing there hair all wlid and her damp body showing it's self through her clothes I couldn't believe my luck that a woman such as her would be willing to accept me.

"Stunning." I couldn't help but mutter to myself.

"Huh? What was that I didn't quite hear you?

"Just thinking out loud, so you hungry?" I gestured towards the fire and rabbits

"Ooo-k?... Well I am now." She said with a slight smile.

"Ok should we eat then get out of here?" I said as I made my way over to the fire and rabbits as I grabbed a knife and prepperd the animal. The rabbit was was twice the size of an earth one and had a single horn on its head that it used when fighting other rabbits or when defending against a predator.

"No we should stay here, we've actually been here a while now. The sun will go down soon and it's best not to travel at night."

"Fair point."

After the food was cooked we spoke more about earth and its incredible inventions I explained earths planes, trains, automobiles, science, medicine, games and films. I even created another screen to show her images of what I was talking about, we spent a few hours doing that untill eventually the sun went down.

We both went back into the cart to sleep, we wanted to travel at first light to make the most out of the next day and honestly after everything that happened we was both really tired so we quickly fell asleep in each others arms.

The next morning I woke to Sarah in my arms sleeping peacefully, outside the sun looked like it was just rising, I gently moved Sarah off of me covering her with a blanket. I went and packed up the gear, grabbed the lizard and hitched it to the cart before I sat down and commanded it to gently pull the cart back on to the road.