

"I who, wanted to live my life to the fullest, in the embrace of my parents whom I never met in my Previous world but now I got a chance to re-live or so I thought. They Killed my brother mercilessly, pierced my heart. Turned me into a cripple. I heard my mother's sobbing, my father's numb crying. Only waiting to be a cripple for all my life with no strength to get brother's revenge. Lost all hope. " Follow Louis(Luke), As Louis become part of the 'VARER'S' Research department, he encountered truth of this reality as well as his Ancestral ground. Sent to Abyss Realm but unexpectedly through Void cracks found himself in the Asura Realm in the middle of Chaos created by Mystical Beast, Racial Conflict like always, no matter the World. As he learned about his Unique Tsuki Energy, as well curtain rises slowly about his connection with the "Curse of 100,000 Year's Crimson Flame Love Bloom Rose", and due to this Curse his Reincarnation of 99,999 Year's as A Mortal. As Louis is determined to find his Brothers murderer's, and unfold the mystery behind this PROJECT:- TSUKIYOMI.

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23 Chs

The Vell's ~ Part B

Siona! strucked by knowing when Louis! is happy and when he is sad. As time past by Louis! became a quiet boy with highest grades in his class. He didn't have many friends nor he wants to be acquainted with anyone. This changes his personality and he changed a lot over the years, but only one thing never changed his affection for his Mother. He love his mother more than, he love his father but he is close to his brother. He admires him.

Well Ken! who is the first child of Vell's family, from childhood was outstanding, no matter whether it is study's, sports, or club things. He was good at doing things to the perfect. His teachers praised him! Friends admires him! some even jealous! but can't do a thing against him. Some even doubt that he knows many witchcraft techniques, that's why he is so proficient in doing things better than others.

No matter which work or activity he do. Even in neighbourhood, people who have seen him growing, likes him a lot, due to his kind, gentle nature. Due to this people's in his neighbourhood gave him a nickname, "Buddy."

Ken! Is identical to his brother in every manner except he has Fit and strong trapezoid body And pair of Jade Ruby eye's Like his mother, with 175 CM height. Without their eye's difference no one can differentiate who is who.

Louis! opened his eyes, when he felt his mother's cold hand on his forehead while petting, keeping some distance, rubbed his sleepy eyes a little, and gave a smile, "Mama! Good Morning! and so...", *Yawned!* a little, "soury! to make you...worry for me. From tomorrow, I promise I will wake up on time, no before you and dad. I will try to wake up before you Mama!, so don't be angry with me Okay!. And Mama! I'm the youngest one in family and you always said children should learn from their elder's, isn't that right, Mama!."

Louis! have a Mischievously cunning smile on his face which he tried to cover by looking in sides but his mother already saw that, after all parents are parents, they know what their child is upto and in Louis's case, he easily won over his mother by some sweet talks.

Louis! left his mother to do her motherly duties and came back to his room. He saw his father talking some sense to his brother. Suddenly Louis! remembered that from some days his brother is not in his usual self. Ken's behaviour changed a lot, he stopped going to the study sessions and told Louis! not to tell their parents about him skipping study sessions. If that wasn't enough, Ken! left house in middle of night, not coming back until dawn. Sometimes two or more nights he won't contact anyone. If Mama! or Dad! called him, either he won't receive our calls or cut or if received then said that he is at a close friends house.

"I also saw him sneaking around, our two storey, Light pink walls house. And when I asked him he denied that. I didn't like digging more, so I stopped asking." Louis! like a scholar went in deep thoughts with cornering eyes and right hand on his chin entered washroom.

"Ken! are you listening to me, what I'm saying. look at me you idiot. Don't act like I'm not here. You look at me..., you were a good child which we both were proud of but now look at you!. Huh!..." after some silence Dr. Vineet! continued, "I saw your mid-term results. I hate to say this, but it was unsatisfactory. it was not like you my son!. You have a good academic record, as well as you are a best player of your soccer team, but not just you failed in three subjects, but you also stopped playing soccer." Ken's Father breathe heavily, he was sitting down next to his son on the edge of the bed for quite some time. After taking some breath he continued again,


"Son I know you are growing and must have lots of things you can't talk to anyone, but I'm not anyone, I'm your father you dimwit. If something bothering you then just come and talk to me. Maybe we will find solution of what you're going through, but for that to happen... you need to open yourself a little, Son!." Dr. Vineet! put his right hand on Ken's head, then pat his back thrice, and after caressing he got up. By this time Louis! also freshened up and came out of washroom seeing his father's saddened expression and depressed look on his face.

Louis! opens his mouth to speak but words couldn't come out as he just sees his father's lowered back until he went back to his room. After their father gets back to his room, Ken! who pretentious up until now, moved out of the bed and goes straight to washroom in his cotton blue night dress. He doesn't have any expression on his face nor he seems care.


It's 09:34 am Saturday Year 2164.5 AD (Apocalypse Dian), Vell's family is having breakfast now!. Dr. Vineet Vell! has already been gone to his Archeological once in a year meeting. Both brother's are eating alongside with their mother on the round table. Siona Vell! is a gorgeously stunning beauty in her middle thirties, with Hourglass body, slim waist, wearing tight round neck crimson short sleeve dress which have Damask vertical lining and in sides with black vertical lining

Green branches and yellow flower petals painted on both sides of the dress which makes her looks stunning. As well as black leggings and red heels showing her beautiness in that small room as the twins mesmerizingly watches their mother's action.

Why don't they, there mother has won some beauty contest, in their neighborhood, as well as in her academy when she was young. Of course there wasn't a less amount of her admirers. Still many in the "Veviant Academy of Rembros and Extraterrestrial Research" in short "VARER" where she is a Professor and Researcher as well.

It is extremely quite on the Breakfast Table! while the trio are eating. Except of clock ticking, birds chirping outside or rooftop of the house, this silence is eerie. Until Mrs. Siona's, Xph phone Rings which she answered in her sweet tone, "Hello, Siona! here...." someone retorted from other side with low pitch, and continued, "Oh! Yes! Yes! I know you. So what happen?" Someone replied as Mrs. Siona goes back in kitchen while talking on phone.

"How is your study is going, Louis!?" Sudden question startled Louis!, as spoon fell out of his hand, but calming down he faced Ken! to reply, then, "I'm sorry I must have startled you, aren't I? I'm sorry little Lu." Ken! apologised as he is trying to make a conversation with Louis!.

Louis:- "Yes brother I'm doing good and also getting late for my anatomy period, so I gotta go now. We will talk later. Okay brother!" Louis! with sadly surprised looks, finished his meal quickly and stand up from the chair he was sitting on, sauntered to his room took his backpack. Re-checked to be sure nothing left, and heads to the main door to go to the "VARER." Ken! also finishes his meal, goes to kitchen, washed all four plates, and saw his mother was still talking with the person on phone. He murmured, "Mama! see ya!" His mother doesn't notice nor hear him, she was too focused on her colleague from the Research she is working in. Seems like some trouble occurred while Mrs. Siona! was on vacation, on her workplace.

The moment Louis! opens the door but his Brother called from behind and Louis! stopped then looked back. Ken! hurriedly speaks,

Ken:- "I also have some work in that route near "VARER." So I will drop you today! Only if you don't mind."

Louis:- "Why should I! I..., I..., mean of course. Why not! this way I will have save some extra money to spend." Louis replied with great enthusiasm and surprised too cuz of this unexpected turn of events but also cheerfully and happy. Well it's been very long time since Twins had gone anywhere together since 7th Grade.

Ken! took his mother's Nexa Blue 6 seater car's keys, and left shouting, "Mama I'm taking your car to drop brother near the "VARER." I also have some work there. Hope you don't mind. Ok! I will be back in an hour. See you again Mama." Ken! left without looking back, headed straight to his mother's car. While Siona! halt the conversation only to find the emptiness in the house and saw her son drive her car, for about a minute, then re-focused on her conversation.

The Nexa Blue was modelled after an old version of the same xys series Z, but compare to that this one has GPS, portable touch screen which can on/off on voice of registered users, it's working on S-Enhine Engine. One of the human minds excellent creation. If this isn't enough, it's been all over on i-Net, news networks that, Manufacturers of Nexa XYS are going to use new technology. As well a new engine is in development that will change the future of all automobiles.

It's half past ten now, Ken! driving his mother's car between 60-80 Mph, While cautiously looking around. Louis! noticed and couldn't help his eagerness to ask him,

Louis:- "Brother! is something the matter you want to talk about? Why are you looking around, as if you have larceny someone and are running away fearing that no one is following you? You know brother! When a person should drive any vehicle he should focused his gaze in front, so no misleading actions can happen." Louis! chuckled slightly with genuine smile as his pair of magneta sparkles.


Ken:- " Ha! Ha! Ha! so you notice me huh!. that's my genius bro. Actually I did all of this to get your attention. On breakfast table Mom and dad were already pissed off of me, so I wasn't able to talk to you and even after I ask you about your study's, your reply wasn't satisfying. That's why I was looking around to get your attention and now that, I got it...", before Ken! could have finished his talk, a huge truck carrying some heavy things passed by.

It was so damn fast, that even Ken! who never afraid of any thing in his life, got startled. The moment truck passed by Louis! and Ken! shouted alike, "You bloody idiot! when you don't know driving then don't drive. If you are eager to see Hellhole; then see by yourself, why risking our lives."

Louis:- "See brother! my heart almost jumped out of my chest."

Ken:- "You aren't the only one. Mine tooo! is extremely fast. damn that bastard."

Louis:- "Shhee! brother! dad will gets angry, if he knows, you are bad mouthing others. maybe he will gets angrier more than he already is." Both brothers were panicking after the sudden intrusion of that idiot, but Louis! Mockery turned the gloomy weather into a smiling one. As Ken's subtle smile from the corner of his Red lips made the duo laugh aloud, and Ken! slowly drive the car near the pedestrian on their right while giving red indicator.