

 We arrived at the office and Alexander led me to Human Resources to be interviewed and given a job . Normally I'd start the day after but nothing is normal in my life . 

 I was taken to the managing department to work as a member of the department.

 I was kinda pissed because with my qualifications alone I'm supposed to be able to get a higher position .

 Not to brag or anything but having a PhD in business was not an easy feat not like it was my passion but I still worked hard for it but I'm also happy that I'll get to prove that I'm way better that he thought . 

 Just you wait Alexander 

***Alexander's pov***

 I knew she had a hard upbringing and her brother's parcel dampened her mood but I know she'll pull through, she's Anastasia. She's strong , I should know . 

 I told the HR to give her a job I know she's under qualified for . I don't want to be influenced by her presence , because there's lesser chance of meeting her that way . 

 There was a knock on the door before it opened and Jake , my assistant came in . 

 " Sir the conference room is ready and here's the coffee you requested for " he said 

 I collected the coffee and drink it sip by sip while reading through my documents for the meeting .

 "So... " I heard Jake's voice packed with mischief and curiosity. I know he wanted to know Anastasia and me .

 " Yes Jake " I replied , pretending not to know what he was implying. 

 " Well you got married to someone who you've been obsessed with for , well I don't know ,since I've known you . " he said with a mix of concern .

 Jake and I are not childhood friends or anything like that , he wasn't my best friend either he was actually my only friend . 

 We met through struggles and just looked out for one another

 He knew everything about me which is why , one , he knows about the reason I married Anastasia and , two, he could talk to me in such a manner . 

 " Get out ...NOW " I said having to yell when he didn't leave . 

 But he still didn't leave Jake was stubborn.He was worried which I wondered why , cause I'm fine . 

 " I care about you , you know that so don't be too hard on yourself and her . " He said then left , I'll fire him one of these days . 

 Jake was wrong yes I was obsessed with her but not in the way he's thinking, I'm obsessed with making her suffer . 

 I've been too nice to her these past few days , I think seeing her and being near her has made me forget why I'm doing all this . 

 I'll make sure she suffers from the devil she made , the devil she woke . She made me like this and I'll make her suffer my rath. She killed me inside out and I'll do to her what she did to me. 

 I'll show the true meaning of wickedness ...


 I'll show her I'm not mean or cold , I'm wicked.