
Other emotions do exist

 Is this all the work I'll be doing everyday , I mean I've always worked at the top so it's kind of hard doing this . 

 I'm not gonna complain though I'm too stubborn to give up . 

 " Anastasia please make a photocopy of all these documents " said a girl whose name is Kyla . She isn't my superior but I'm the rookie ,the newb so it's what I'm to do . 

 I collected the documents I'm to make a copy of and headed to the floor below to make copies when I heard another voice beside me . 

 " Don't worry Anastasia I'll help with those " said the guy beside me , I can't remember his name though. 

 I noticed him staring at me , at first I thought it was with malice but it wasn't , I could read people and he didn't hate me as much as I could sense so I just ignored him . 

 " Umm I can handle it Mr ..." I said attempting to get his name . 

 " Jefferson , but you can call me Jeff " he said 

 " Ok Mr Jefferson, thank you but I'll handle it . " I said , not out of pride but I prefer not getting help from people .

Growing up I learnt that nothing is for free , the hard way at that . 

 I walked away after saying what I had to say to him . 

 When I checked the time due to fatigue I noticed it was closing hour but I still had some work to finish , work that wasn't mine but dumped on me of course. 

 I worked till late in the night . When I was done with all my work I packed my things and noticed a text from Alexander. 

 ' I told you not to be late , I already left '- 



 Oh shit how does he expect me to go home . Ok calm down Ana . I called him but he wasn't answering. I called him about ten times while leaving the building. 

 I gave up on that idea and thought maybe to call an Uber or something, when I noticed someone coming closer to me , I held a defensive stance until I noticed it was ...


 " Kyla what are you still doing here " I asked her suprised she was here she left hours ago . 

 " I came to grab some documents I forgot actually , what are you doing here . Where you working overtime , boss wouldn't like that there's a policy against it " she said all in one go , she was quite the chatterbox. 

 But more importantly it's wrong to work overtime I didn't know . Oh God . 

 "Anyway let me give you a ride " she a


 " I thought you wanted to grab documents " I said trying to get out of this . I signed a non disclosure agreement with the company about my relationship when accepting the job , and if I told her that I was going to Alexander's house it would be suspicious. 

 " Jeff already went to grab them , oh here he comes " she said 

 Oh Yh I found out Jeff was her twin brother, so Yh that explains that . 

 Jeff came by and gave me an awkward greeting which I replied to nonchalantly. 

 I have an idea . 

 "Okay Kyla , I'd like s ride thanks for offering " I said and we headed for the car , Kyla took the whole of the back to relax so Jeff and I were at the front . 

 " oh actually Kyla one of the documents I was working on was supposed to be delivered to the CEO and he already left so Mr Sanchez asked me to deliver it to me so could you drop me there " I said knowing she'd believe me , I f she wasn't such a smart airhead she'd see flaws in what I said 

 They dropped me of and I booked up a story that one of my friends texted that were near by so I'd wait for them here once I delivered the papers . 

 Dogged that bullet , i heaved a sigh of relief as I entered the mansion .

 I entered and tried to go upstairs quietly only for the lights to be turned on abruptly. 

 I could see Alexander with anger written all over his face ,

 " Why are you so late , where the he'll were you " he yelled . 

 Wow so Alexander Ellis feels ... 

 He actually has emotions ... wOW ...