
Know Your Place

Following the Mutual-Obligation contract and dual cultivation session that saw Konrad's birth, Gulistan lay against Talroth with doe eyes plastered on him. Having saved herself for almost three thousand years just for the vain hope of being accepted by this man, only she could understand the depth of her satisfaction.

Moreover, Talroth modified the flow of time to turn twenty-fours into an entire month of carnal bliss.

"This King has controlled your gains to ensure your cultivation rises to the late-stage of Divine Transformation and perfected your foundation. This King will also grant you resources and extra boons to those you mentioned. Once you complete the contract, and the child becomes this World's God, you can rise to the Infernal Realm, to receive your remaining boons."

Talroth explained while standing up, and thinking that the seed of this month would soon germinate within her belly, Gulistan could barely suppress her ecstasy.

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