

???? pov

Hyungs get in the car we are going out to the club we need to pick up the 'package'.

Y/N's pov

Joonie~ where are you going

"The club with my hyungs"

"Can I come..."

(Joonie)"Y/N, we've talked about this."

"I know I can't come because it's dangerous..... but-"

(Joonie)"No, but's, now I have to go, ok?"

"Ok.... have fun."

(Joonie)"Alright. Bye."

he walked straight out that door leaving me all alone in our apartment

*Sigh*"Well if he gets to go to clubbing I also do." I decided to call my unnie's

*On phone*

"Lisa unnie, do you want to go clubbing with me."

(Lisa)"Sure, I'll tell the girls to get ready."

"mm, Oki I'll pick you guys up in 30 minutes."

(Lisa)"Sounds good. Bye."


*End of call*

I went to my closet and found the perfect outfit. I grab my black Chanel bag I put my keys, wallet, and phone in there, and left (After I locked the door ofc) I sent Lisa unnie a message telling her I'll see her soon. The drive to her house was short only 10 minutes

(Lisa)"Wah, look at you, Damn..."

"... ok then come on get in."

(All)"ok." Lisa unnie was in the passenger seat and Jennie unnie and jisoo unnie were in the back. the ride to the club was full of cheerful banter

"We're here."

(Jennie)"Let's gooooo."

(Jisoo, lisa)"Yeahh."

We exit the car and stand in the waiting line but surprisingly not long passed and we were at the front of the line. The bouncer let us in and we went straight to the bar

(Bartender)"What can I get for you lovely ladies tonight."

"Hmm, can we get 5 tequila shots?"

(Bartender)"Sure." while making them he looks at me and winks.

After a couple rounds of shots we went to the dance floor but in my peripheral vision I saw Joonie so I slowly made my way to him before I said anything I noticed the girl in his lap they we're eating each other's face's

"Joonie."I said but it was barely a whisper it was impossible to hear it with the loud music tears started to form in my eyes

//// Namjoon pov////

Irene was sitting on my lap kissing me when I faintly hear I familiar voice


It kind of sounded like y/n, but she's at home. Irene breaks the kiss

(Irene)"Tch, what are you looking at."

I look up to see who she's referring to and........ Oh shit

//// Back to y/n's pov ////

(???)"Tch what are you looking at?"

Tear's were already streaming down my cheeks

"Joonie.... I-is this the reason you never let me come with you."

(Joonie)..... yes, look-."

I slapped him as hard as I could my vision going blurry because of my tears I felt a stinging tingle on my left cheek....... the girl..... she ..... she slapped me.

(Joonie)"Irene leave he said in a stern voice the girl scoffed but she got up and left

"This is how you treat me after 3 years. For 3 years I have loved you, I was with you at your worst and best times. I comforted you. I congratulated you. I loved you and this is how you repay me by cheating on me, I thought you were better than this, U'know wanted to start a family with you I guess that won't happen now will it."

(Joonie)"........I-Im sorry."

"Sorry, that's it just sorry."

(Joonie)"Well, what else can I say."

"Nothing.... just don't contact me again, and I want all your stuff out of my apartment by tomorrow morning."

(Joonie)"*Sigh* Fine."

I walked away back to that bar with tears still running down my cheeks

(Jisoo)"Hey..... why are you crying."

"*Sniff* I-I just broke up with joonie."

(Lisa)"What did he do."

"I saw him with another girl on his lap making out with him."

(Jennie)"That bitch."

They stormed off to find him ignoring my complaints, they found him with the girl on his lap again laughing with a group of guys

(Jennie)"KIM NAMJOON."

(Joonie)"Shit ." he mumbled under his breath

"Guys please don't make a scene."

(Jisoo)"Sorry hun, you know how those two get."

Lisa grabbed the girl on his lap by her hair

(Joonie)"Whoa, whoa calm down, we can talk this out." he said standing up raising his hands as if he was surrendering But his mistake was standing up

(Jennie)"You bastard." she said while she kicked his balls "You think you can get away with cheating on y/n and us not betting you up then you've got another thing coming."

(Joonie)"Holy shit, ugh- no my future kids

The group of guys all out of reflex held their balls and winced at the sight.

(??)"Holy namjesus, that's brutal." one of them said

(Lisa)"Put a sock in it, Now who are you." she said referring to the girl whose hair was laced through Lisa's fingers

(??)"Ah, you bitch that hurt." she tried to scratch Lisa but Lisa just yanked her hair

(Lisa)"I said WHO ARE YOU."

(??)"Why should I tell you, joonie Oppa help me."


we all look over to see him growling in pain on the ground Jennie just snickered at the sight

(Jennie)"She asked you a question."

(??)"Ugh fine... my name is Irene and I'm the girlfriend."

Those word coming out of her mouth made fire appear in your eye's

(Jisoo)"It would be in your best interest to not talk like that when you were the side hoe and trust me you don't want to make her angry."

(Irene)"Do I give a shit, obviously I'm better if he came to me not you

(Joonie)"Irene don't do anything dumb y/n's really scary."

(Irene)*Scoff*"As I said before I don't give a shit I'm your girlfriend now so Should I tell her about how we've been together for 3 months already behind her back."

That is what set you off you snatched her hair for Lisa hand yanking it

(Lisa)*Sigh*"Here we go again."

"Do you mind repeating that love." I whispered in her ear

(Irene)"I said we've been together 3 months behind your back."

I headbutted her and she groaned

(Irene)"Is that the best you can do." you just laughed at her and sucker punch her in the gut winding her.... she gasped for air

"Do you regret what you said."


(Jennie)"hey y/n can we make this quick so we can have a few more rounds before we go."

"Sure." nothing more was said I slammed her head into the table knocking her out cold

"Does anyone have a pen and paper by any chance?" I ask looking at the group of guys

(???)"Yeah, here."

"Thanks." I smile brightly and write on it 'maybe put some ice on it when you wake and sorry I didn't mean to I lost control and let anger take over I'm sorry but also maybe you should find someone and settle down not stealing someone else's man anyway no hard feeling.... ok. y/n~'

"Sorry for troubling you guys ." I bow 90 degrees

(The guy's)"It's ok."

"mm, Oki come on let's go have some shots."

(Lisa)"Finally." and we walk away but someone's eyes are following me

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see one of the guys from before

"Oh hi."


"Is there something you need?"

(???)"I was wondering if you wanted to dance."

"hmm." I stop, looking him up and down ... he looked like a full course meal."Sure I would love to."You dawned a shot as he held his hand out to you and you gladly excepted it making your way to the dance floor

"What's your name?"

(???)"Jimin, Park Jimin."

I nodded

"I'm Y/n, Kim Y/n."

after dancing for a while we went to the bar and talked about our self's for a bit even exchanged number's

"Oh, Lisa unnie and the others have left."

(Jimin)"Does that mean you're leaving too?"

I look at the time on my phone and see it's 2 am

"Hmm, yeah I have school in the morning."

(Jimin)"Ok, do you want me to drop you off?"

"I brought my own car so I'm good but I'll call you."



(Jimin)"Bye." with that I left and got in my car and started driving way.... I somehow got home safely and as soon as my head touched the pillow I was out like a light.