
Prisoner princess

princess Natalie perfect life is shattered when she and her sister are abducted on a conquest, subsequently her sister is killed by her abductors when both of them try to escape on the tiresome trip to "milerus". Where she is going to be prisoner. Now Natalie is helpless, alone and a prisoner. How will she be able to flee from the fierce arms of her enemies and go back to reclaim and build her kingdom which was thorn to shreads. Prince Williams who is the son of the great emperor of milerus, unlike his father he is temperate. Not so long he is alarmed by his father zeal to conquer the neighboring kingdoms because of greed and over ambition. How will he stop this impending doom threatening to rampage the other kingdoms and innocent lives going to be lost in these event. He is bond to follow his conscience at the risk of sacrificing his love for his father and bretray his family. It takes guts......... Natalie and Williams cross paths, mixed feelings start to grow as natalie leans more and more towards the young prince. But she must not forget, he is the son of her enemy, despite his frantic efforts to make her trust him,. She must not forget her goal and risk it all over her emotions for him. let see how this plays out and how natalie will fulfill her mission inspite of all odds. Don't miss this exciting tale of legendary excellence at it finest.

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43 Chs

2 A New Home

The king of milerus was pacing about the palace, he was already worried about the delay of his warriors. Some of his warriors has already brought the news of the successful conquest but he is yet as rest as the rest of the warriors who are bringing the captured princesses are still not back.

Prince Williams who has been studying the king decided to inquire what was going on.

Father Williams said, is something going on. His father replied sitting down on his throne. Do I look worried he said grinning.

You have been pacing since I came back from my archery class and to also mention the sneeky conversations and behind close door meetings that has been going on lately. Do you mind telling me if anything is wrong. Williams said.

Son, everything I did, do and will do is for the prosperity of this kingdom, why do you think you there is a kind of conspiracy going on the king said

Williams sighed, trust his father to always make him the problem.

Father I was not....

He was caught off by the heavy footsteps of the warriors, in front was the Chief warrior carrying a young woman in his arms.

Your majesty they said as they bowed to the king. Prince Williams ;perplexed look at the king to help him at least telling him what was going on.

But the king has other plans, he was angry as only one of the princesses was brought back.

Where is the other princess he said fuming.

The chief warrior who had also murdered Natalie sister knelt at the king feet's and said, your majesty she is dead. He said hesitating for the king outbursts.

What!, what do you mean she is dead, I trusted you enough and gave clear instructions for you to bring the two princesses to me alive. The king said fuming.

The both of them wanted to escape but we caught the other one unfortunately her sister was killed in the process. He said.

Williams seeing his father do not plan to answer him soon demanded to know what was going on.

Father, can you please tell me what is going on, is this what the hide and seek is all about.

Williams not now, I got important things to do his father said waving him off.

Buy Williams was not done. Father, I know I am not your favorite person but you did not think I have the right to know this before you do it.

Son, we will talk about this, his father said calmly while tapping his shoulder.

Is she alive, he said while pointing to Natalie who lay on the floor, her eyes completely shut.

Yes but she needs medical attention quickly the chief warrior said, he was glad the king has decided to spare him.

Well, take her to the palace physician quickly or we will have to bury two bodies.

The warriors carried left as there carried her.

No Williams, where did we stop. The king said with a snort.

Nowhere dad, I will be in my room trying not to think about what just happened Williams said as he left the king chambers.

.... ..... .... .... ... ... ....

Natalie opened her eyes, it felt like two years she had fainted, she searched around the room, she was alone.

She tried to remember what happened, then the whole shock came to her. She was faraway from home and in the midst of strangers, worse still she was a prisoner.

She went to the door and tried to open it but it was locked, she started banging the door. She stopped when she heard footsteps coming there.

A tall, lanky man who looked like he would break any minute came into the room. Oh my dear, you are awake he said looking at her intently

She squeezed her hands making sure she was awake and not dreaming.

Well, I must inform the king immediately he said and left the room.

Natalie looked around the room, was this her new home, was this what the sun god had destined for her. Her sister's dying face came clouding her memory.

No I must go back home, I must avenge this injustice she said as tears steamed down her face


Williams was in his room when he heard a knock. you can come in he said

Instead of his royal servant which he was expecting he saw his father.

Father, he said in surprise. You must have lost your way.

I am not that old son, I know the exact direction here. He said smiling.

Well you didn't come out for dinner he asked him.

Father, I wasn't hungry and with what happened today I was not in the mood for joining you for dinner.

Williams, when your mother died, she made me promise her that to take care of you, I Will do anything in my power to make you happy, you are my son, if I am not doing it for you then who for?.

Take the young woman back to her family then Williams said.

That is impossible, she doesn't have a family anymore.

William gulped, really, well you should have asked me if killing a royal family and bringing their daughter here was ok by me. Wait, you did not ask me because you knew I wouldn't agree then do it anyway. Williams said.

I am tired of you doing things I don't approve in my name, father I am not a puppet. He said clinching his fist in anger

His father stared at him intently, then sighed this was difficult than what he imagined. Williams was difficult but in the past times has always listened to him after several persuasions. But this right here was his son changing rapidly before his eyes to a more something he didn't like.

Like his mother. A woman who had successful provoked him to the very last.

To his relief he won't have to deal with her anymore, he had ended that years ago.

All the successors before me had dedicated their whole life into the advancement of this kingdom, I am only doing that, I am doing nothing wrong in expanding this kingdom the king said in his steadfast voice trying to convince his reluctant son.

At the expense of your son Williams said not convinced.

Williams, only stronge men not weaklings are fit for the throne, you are my only heir, the quicker you understand that the better.

You are no ordinary man, you are the heir to throne, the future of this kingdom.

Father I have heard you, it is already late, I am feeling sleepy.

Do anything you want but you must know that at the end of the day, you belong here and will only serve your people.



The king was going to his room, when he heard a noise.

A royal servant came to him bowing his head sating your majesty, natalie tried escaping.
