
Prison mates (BL)

After killing his entire family, Leo Emprine successfully escaped from the crime scene and is on the run. After being caught after a year, he comes across Alex in Prison. Unlike everybody else who showed pity on him for being an ‘orphan,’ Alex treated him like a normal person. It turned out, Alex was a complete psychopath as well and was sentenced to 50 years of jail for Murder. When they realize they are both in the same position, they decide to team up. What happens when 2 kids, who’ve killed multiple people, team up and start their epic journey on escaping the police once and for all? (And maybe some romance in there as well?) Finally! A BL story! I’ve always wanted to write one, but I never got the chance to! This story will be slow-paced, so if that’s not your thing, you don’t have to read it! As I still have school, I’ll try to upload chapters as fast as I can, but sometimes I might not be able to so don’t be mad :( Oh! And, since this is a slow-paced book, romance will not be the first thing on their mind. (・∀・)

I_am_Jungshook · perkotaan
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 (Test to see if people actually want to read it)

Red, everything was red. Not bright red but a darker shade of red. The couches, the carpets. The doors the walls. Everything. The air was thick and smelled like iron, the smell of blood.

Leo looked down at his hands that were covered in blood. Then looked back at the 3 dead bodies in front of him. His family… he just killed his family… 'finally… they're gone…' he stared at his parent's cold, lifeless faces and laughed Menacingly. Finally! FINALLY! THOSE STUPID MOTHERF*CKERS WERE GONE! (This book will include swearing :D )

Leo hated his family. When he was 8 he spent every minute he was awake to plan his family's death. A year went by, and he finally got a plan that would be successful. He waited and waited until finally, he could pounce on his prey.

He was 10 when he killed his entire family consisting of his mom and dad, and his older brother. Not long after he murdered them, the cops showed up from a report from a neighbor saying there was screaming coming from the house until it abruptly stopped.

"Oh my god… what happened here?" A cop said, opening the door and seeing blood everywhere. "It looks like a massacre.. but who could've done it?" Another cops asked to no one in particular. The two cops followed the trail of blood, and gagged when they smelt the air in the hallways.

When they got to the living room, all they could see was 3 stiff bodies laying in a pool of blood in a pile. They looked around, trying to find any clues, but the room was spotless other than the blood. No murder weapon, no fingerprints, and strangely, no evidence of forced entry. "This has gotta be a hit and run.." the first cop says to himself.

"But how..? There's no evidence of a forced entry, and no footprints dipped in blood.. either the family killed themselves, or we have an incredibly smart murderer here. Check the bodies. Sometimes things like murder weapons are hidden under the bodies." The other cop says, a shiver running down his back. Just thinking of a potential serial killer this smart on the run made cold sweat soak his body.

"No way in Hell. I didn't sign up to the police force to turn over dead bodies covered in blood. That's the coroners job. Lets just contact the detective department for this one. Whatever this is, I don't want to get involved at all." The first cop says as they proceeded to tape the house up with crime scene tape and skedaddled out of there, going to the police station nearby.

Little did they know, that the murderer was underneath the pile of dead bodies, soaking in blood. Although the smell intoxicated Leo for a couple of minutes and almost made him puke, he hardened his heart and waited there patiently, until the cops left. 'If they decided to check under the bodies I would've been dead meat. I cant make a mistake like this again.'

Leo held his breath for a couple of minutes to make sure no one else was lurking around and silently slid out from under the bodies. Using the tips his brother taught him, (Thanks for helping plan your own death, Leo's brother) Leo walked to the back door toes first, very quietly. When he unlocked the door, all you could hear was the click of the door opening then more silence. Leo was that stealthy.

By the time The two cops came back with a detective and other people (The people who get the evidence, the actual cops, the people who inspect everything, etc) Leo was long gone. "Hey did you notice the back door was open?" The detective asked. "It wasn't open when we came through here… OH SH*T! The murderer hadn't left the house!! That's why we couldn't find any footprints! They must've hid under the bodies so we didn't see them!" The first cop yelled.

"F*ck…. We could've gotten them if you hadn't been such a p*ssy!" The second cop screamed at the first one. "It's not my fault! They don't train you to touch Dead bodies in the police academy!" The first cop defended himself. While the two cops argued, the detective who noticed the back door stood quietly and thought to himself for a while.

"If the murderer was hiding under the bodies the entire time the cops were there, he must have great mental strength…" he muttered to himself. He thought for a couple of minutes before he started talking, "You two. Stop bickering. Since you guys were the first ones here, you'll be part of the investigation. Now, when morning comes I need you to go around and ask the neighbors who lived here and what their situation was. Like, did they hear fights at nights, whatever might come in handy with the investigation." As soon as the cops heard this, they sighed in defeat. They didn't expect to get brought back in the investigation. "Yes sir.." the two said together rather gloomily. As the two cops headed out of the house, the people who collected evidence came up to the detective.

"Mr. Friner, I'm afraid to say there is no evidence except this toothpick covered in blood." One of them said as she held up an evidence bag containing a small, red toothpick. "Do you think the murderer could've used it?" He asked. "It is a possibility, sir." The woman said.

"Hmm… send it the lab. Tell them to see if they can find any DNA other than the victim's and if they can get a match." Mr. Friner ordered them. "Yes sir." The group said. After the group left, he was now truly alone. "Who could've done this…?" He muttered. He thought and thought until he finally sighed in dejection and headed back home, the mood around him dark.