
Princess of Ellesmere

An animal loving, broke nobody falls for the kingdom's princess. And? She falls for him back. Will he be able to impress her parents?

Kiela · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Class and Etiquette (Caden)

I saw the princess dissapear for a while and come back. When she did, she went for a guy within a crowd. Then while he followed, she headed towards me. "Can you two come with me as well?"

"Yes, madam." Said someone from the boothe next to mine. He looked down and as he hot up I saw he had a picture of another girl in his butt pocket.

"Yeah, sure." I said trying to sound calm. I didn't think she really was going to choose me, it was rather exciting. She led us out of the room and to a man who sat on a bench. The man stood up and dusted his already-clean clothes off and collected himself. He was the king.

"Hello." He greeted. We all bowed and I heard him whisper to Caroline. "You only picked three? I thought you were going to have more." As she shied away, he faced back to us. "You three have been chosen to compete to be my daughter- the princess's groom. You will be heading with me to the carriage and I will take you to your new places. I do need to speak with a guardian about the details, so I will stop by your places and talk to them as you pack. We will provide all necessities you need." He motioned for us to follow and we got in the carriage. The first two had nicer places and I had them go to Daniel's house. The king and I entered. Cassie looked up at the king in excitement and Daniel's mom looked stunned. The king looked at me in confusion and asked if they got the right house.

"Yes, your highness." She answered as she bowed. "Caden there is an orphan and since his parents died we took him in. He is a friend of my son's." King James seemed to take pleasure in her response.

"Ma'am, Caden here was one of those chosen. He will be going off to the royal campus, that is, if he has your permission."

She blushed. The king was well known as handsome among the women who gossiped at work. It seems she also fancies him. "Yes, my lord. You have my permission to take Caden. I trust you will take good care of him?" He nodded. I didn't have anything to pack here or at home. I went to tell Cassie what she so eagerly waited to hear.

"Caden! You're back!"

"Yeah, I was picked. Along with two other guys, a pale loner and an Asian. I don't know much about them though. I think their names were Niko and Aki?"


"Yup, Aki."

"Weird. Anyways, thank you for the inside information. Mama said if you got chosen that you can keep the suit and we will take care of your animals."

"Okay. Thank you guys." I smiled.

"Of course! You are our friend afterall." She cheered. King James and their mom, Andy, were done talking before long and we then got back on the rode to the school.