


FAN_XIAN · Fantasi
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 : A CHANGE OF ERA

In Ancient chang was divided into 12 clans and each of the factions have a leader. Those leaders who selected through cultivation basis. Who owns more power can lead the clan. they are named as 1. shao, 2. yahi, 3. ruhan, 4. kurhi, 5. sun, 6. shun, 7. shan, 8. yuhan, 9. Yuvan, 10,Sik, 11. Ter, 12. Zhao.

At the beginning every clans work peacefully under a single ruler, of Sun clan, for a long period of time. But that was happened after those peaceful years. A unknown martial arts master was came their who named himself as fuzi ( why did fuzi fight you will know in future) and challenged 12 clan masters together and defeated them easily. At that time non of the people saw such a great powerful cultivator before, so every youngsters want to follow him as his disciple. But he was not ready to begin followed by someone, So he leave that place and moved towards mountains in a nearer forest. Now some of those clan leaders understand their are some people in this world who most powerful than them, So they started to increase their strength in number through fight against each other, to makes other clam under their control, First they assassinated the leader of sun clan, Their is the end of long peaceful years they begins to start fight with each other without any concern of previous brotherhood and slaughtered each other's heads. A lot of citizens were cruelly died, The number of widows and orphans increasing day by day. Most of them from different clans are against this fight and thinking about a solution to escape from this misery, At last they found a solution that beg the help to the great martial hero, Also they joined together and walked towards the forest then came down of the mountain and started to beg " great master please save us from this misery we will follow you in our whole life" First week was completed their is no reply, second week also completed fast the number of refugees getting increased day by day also the fight in their village were unstoppable and continuous, But they didnot drop their plan continuously sitting their and beg for mercy, Slowly a small group of men, women and children's who can able to work start to build small huts around the mountain then start fishing, collecting fruits and vegetables from that forest, Others sat in a group infront of the mountain and beg for the kindness every day, A six months passed they followed the same but their was no reply. At that time some of the people who fight in the villages of clans get this news that few of the people from different clans were escaped and hide in the forest under the guidence of zhao and sun clan heirs, So they planned to slaughter all of them in the name of deserters. They take their warrior team and moves towards the forest, suddenly the new was spread in the ever clans leaders who fighting each other suddenly they understand a big secret that if they own that people under them they can earn a big army through them because a large number of peoples were left the clans due to this massacre situation. So every clan take there people and march together towards the forest and planned to bring them forcefully under their command. When those army reached near the forest they understand that the remaining 8 clans fighting each other brings their warriors to forecefully subside those people then everyone feel desperate and move fastly towards the mountain pass inside the forest the people who went to collect the fruits and vegetables know this news, When they hear a lot of foot steps comes together outside of the forest. So every one of them run towards the downside of the mountain also inform others and start to beg loudly and together because they know " if they caught by any of those clans they were desperately want to live like slaves in in their whole life" they cried loudly together and start to beg " GREAT MASTER PLEASE HELP US THEY ARE COMMING TO KILLS US PLEASE HELP US " Even the small children's also cried loudly because they also felt the danger they are facing after a few minutes. But their was no reply from the top of the mountain, and the 8 clan leaders and their soldiers came nearly 100m away from them and moving toward to them with a killer smile. No-one even know what will they do because they only have 1 heirs of sun and zhao clan leaders, Others are get killed by the enemies and no-one have much experience in war leadership and they didnot have sufficient weapons' to fight back. Now every one looking on the top of the mountain and continues to beg for help, Now those warriors from the clan reached infront of their wooden fenceses the leader of ruhan clan calls loudly and told them that 'you little ants come and surrender first otherwise, All of you will be slaughtered after that we will take care of your hero" From this they understand that the remain clan leaders made a pact to fight them together and share those people as slaves as equally after the fight. When every clan leaders and warriors started to laugh loudly and tell 'come and lick our legs you little dogs" to the heir of the 2 clans they stood up and told to everyone, "we cannot died as like dogs we will sacrifice our blood here for the great master's kindness for help us to protect our offspring's. One of the enemy clan leader replied that your hero were already suicided in the mountain when he saw our army, what are you bluffing dogs. 'come and surrender as slaves you may live' and they moves forward and start to kill one by one in the front row and together told loudly to surrender, they move to the second row and killed them together, (More loudly called out for surrender.....)

Now everyone who begged under the mountains desperately understand that their deadth were near, Even the Nuva god leaves them to be get slaughter like pigs through these cruel enemies, But Every one started to cry loudly and beg " please help god from this misery's", Everyone stood up and said together [LIVE AND DIED TOGETHER BUT NOT SURRENDER... LIVE AND DIED TOGETHER BUT NOT SURRENDER...LIVE AND DIED TOGETHER BUT NOT SURRENDER!..... ] Every one knows what's was going to happening in the next second but they didnot stayed back they moved forward to the enemy onebyone, step by step with a hard heart and the enemy warriors slaughter them without any concern few of the struggled to fight back but without any proper weapon they also faced the cruel reality of deadth,.....



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