
Chapter 1: Alone

The songs are written for us to relate, by sharing the message of the lyrics if it is about joy or sadness, it explains to us the concept and structure that we encounter in our daily lives. The purpose of a songs is its pleasing melody that drives us more into reality or into our imagination, reminiscing the memories we made in our past, the memories that we are going to make now in our present, and the memories that we planned to make in our future.

In life we make our own concept/lyrics for our song, our song is very dramatically true because it is based in our true experiences, sometimes we learned from the songs we made until we merely didn't know that the time has come for us to start over and over again. We maybe start because we want to replace the lyrics of our songs that we regretted doing it the most or maybe because we wanted to correct it.

The thing here is we can't bring back the past. But we LEARNED from the PAST. And we tried our best to move on from the PAST for us to continue.

A song for me is a journey that we will never ever forget because it is our hearts deepest desire to travel and explore, and try something mysterious and new. The lyrics of the songs strikes me the most, it gave me inspiration to continue my dreams and goals in life. I'M GOING TO BE STRAIGHT FORWARD, this is me this is where I belong; this is where my fantasy begins.

I'm in the canteen with my bestie,"Holy shit" I'm late…."

Looking at her watch.

"See you later my best friend. I have to keep you inside my bag now, we gotta go."- hurrying carrying her 3books and 2 notebooks

This is between me and my bestfriend SHIN. THIS IS ABOUT ME AND SHIN.

*Bang*Bang*Bang*---Ouch, ouch, ouch

When I entered to my classroom, all of my classmates are looking at me, because I hit the door by my face because of running too fast. I hit the door very loud and it is clear enough for my classmates to be distracted on what they're doing, that really hurts a lot as I whispered to myself. All of my classmates are laughing at me, but I pretended as if nothing happens. After what happened, I go directly to my seat, and place my bag to my seat then I get Shin and opened it and then I told Shin everything what happened earlier.

"Aghhhhhhhhhh, I hate this watch Shin it's too advanced." -talking to her mind set and rolling her eyes.

"I will just reset this watch, later when I'm home."- looking at her watch

From that moment Shin, I was very haggard and panting because of my running ability just to catch up the time for me not to be late. I really thought I'm late because of my watch. I run as fast as I can and didn't noticed that I was been out of balanced until I hit the front door by my face and all of my books and notebooks that I carried fell out and I hurriedly get my books and notebooks like nothing happens. Plus the most embarrassed thing that happened is that all of my classmates are looking at me and they were all laughing like there is no other day, they don't even mend to help me they just all laugh, but it's ok I'm still lucky because I will not see my classmates tomorrows faces who are very judge mental. That's why I don't have any friends in my school Shin because for me they are just trouble that can cause you headache. I don't even want to think, on what others will think about me. You're enough for me Shin I'm happy when I'm with you, you complete my day, I can say whatever I want to say to you shin about my feelings, my emotions and my problems in life. You shin can't judge me, that's why I'm always with you Shin, I enjoy my life because you Shin is always here for me no matter what. You are always right here beside me ready to listen in any circumstances of my journey. You may think of me that I'm weird Shin, only if you are alive but THIS IS ME really really weird, hey Shin I wrote you again a message from your lovely Best friend forever.

As the time passed by, I do not listen to any of my teachers discussed lessons. Until the classes are over and now it is time to go home, and we will gonna make happy moments together Shin. Bye SHIN I am going to put you in my bag now for your safety.

Alone again cause I cannot use my Shin while walking. BUT

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA GOING TO SCHOOL IS VERY BORING I ALREADY KNEW THE LESSONS!!! Even if it is discussed or not. Time check 3:30 p.m. my books are already in my locker, it is already set up. Time to go Shin, oh! No, wait I still need to put my earphones to my ears and set music using my cellphone, so that I will be enlightened to go because how many minutes would also that to take to travel school to my house, and so that I will also not think about the time that I am not with my Shin.

Along the way, walking in the hall way.

"Cressida!!!Cressida wait…."

"Here we go again I really hate if someone will call my name when I go home I don't want to talk to anybody. Oh, oh Run for your lives run, run, run..."-whispering to herself, walking too fast

What is he now up to talking with my working mind? Trying not hearing my name walking fast, fast to be safe.

"Cressida!!! I have to tell you something important. WAIT!!!"

One,two,three and there it is he got me. He grabbed my hand and he turned me to face him.

"Shin, help me"-Voice of innocence

"Who's Shin?"-feeling weird

"Ah,ah,ah,ahm hahahahahahahahaha oh, yes my penny."

"huh,okey whatever that is I just want to say, what I always wanted to tell you every time is that CAN YOU BE MY PARTNER IN MR. CHRONICLES SCIENCE PROJECT."- HOPELESS

Looking each other while he get his hands off me.

"I'm okay by myself, I can do it by myself and who are you? I don't even know your name?"-serious

"Seriously!? You don't know me? Oh, come on Sid I know you are just making some excuses to me so that I can easily let go of you."-Discountenance

Trying not to notice the people who are looking at us.

"I swear I don't know you, who are you?"-unbelievable

"Cressida BrantFord, for how many years you still don't know me? Me your classmate since kinder? I cannot believe this I thought you have changed. I thought you bring back the old you again, you forgot everything from the past."-disgrace

"What past?"-still not convinced

"Stop acting like your innocent cause you're not. I will not bother you anymore unless you will let me be your partner for Mr. Chronicles Science project, you are my only hope. If the project is done then that is the time I will let you go."-dis-appointment

"Ok, deal. Can I go now? Cause I have something important to do."-Avoidance.

"K."-lonely in his face

As I leave him, I still can't erase the fact about what he said to me earlier about that I forgotten everything from the past. All I know is that I don't have friends all I have is my Shin which is my laptop, who the hell is he? Is he some sort of an ANGEL? What the Angel? Angel? Really Sid angel? He is not an angel….Don't get me wrong but I think he is an angel without wings because he need to pay for his sins, that's why,he is here in earth seeking for forgiveness of others. I'm crazy, I think I need some rest; I'm getting really weird today, talking to myself while walking.

Moment after I ride my bike and up to go home, I enjoyed every moment I ride my bike, I was just chilling and feel the breeze of air that giggles me because it is very relaxing. I don't need to mind other things, I only mind myself.

"I'm hoooooooooooooome in my home swweeeet hoooooooooome."-cuteness overload

As usual no one answers to my greetings. That's why, I'm always with my SHIN*2. Inside the house I entered like I don't care, I don't care if there is a V.I.P, and he/she needed to be accompanied. I just go directly to my room and pretending like I'm a ghost, cause no one also cares for me, so why, I care.

The house is very quiet; when you entered it is very peaceful and elegant. I can say this is the house that everybody wanted or they can call it their dream house. Everything you want is in here. The rooms the pool everything is all inside this house it is also modernized. Haaaaaaaaaay, LIFE. I thank God because I still have Shin with me, she cares about me all the time. The maker of this house never ever cares about me.

She directly go upstairs, time to change clothes, eat, checking my done home works and bonding time with Shin then rest.

When I'm done eating I go directly to my room for me to change my clothes. I wear pajamas and shirt cause I am not used to shorts and blouse that are so very girly. When I'm done changing clothes, inside my room I open Shin and place it on my pinky desk that I really don't like cause it's so eww and yuck, after that I then walk towards the window and look outside the window and still thinking about what happened after school.

"Is it true about what the boy said to me?"-tone of seriousness whispering to herself

She then go to her desk and started writing Shin about what happened today, the whole story of today.

"That's all Shin hope you enjoyed my journey of boredom that was all what happened including the one that I'm almost late and the one that I meet a stranger and he talked to me like he really know me and he ask if he can be my partner of Mr. Chronicles science project. That's weird right? I don't even know his name, who is he?"-talking to her self

Bye Shin tomorrow again, sleep tight and sweet dreams…-typing to her Shin and closing the laptop.

She then looks what's inside of her bag and then she also checks her home works if they are all correct.

"My home works are all done; I already do it in school. And I don't have any problem anymore"

"I have a great day ahead tomorrow."-yawning and go to her bed.

She lies down to her bed. "Goodnight, to myself and to you Shin." Closing her eyes slowly until it goes knocked down

Lights off.

As I wrote my story some of the texts are based on my experiences growing up, so feel free to read my book as my journey begins by chapter.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Cresilda_Elnasincreators' thoughts