
Princess and The Guards

knicol · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs


Bella hated not doing things. She was stuck in bed for two weeks. The guys kept watch on her twenty four hours seven days a week. They only left if she was getting changed or her wound was being redressed. It was kinda funny watching the guys fuss though. If she said she was hungry or anything they'd automatically bring whatever she wanted.

Prompto was the one who stood guard the most. Only time he wasn't there was when he was sleeping. He was always helping her and even told her stories when she was bored.

"You know you aren't at fault for this right? You are a great guard but she is a trained assassin and swords don't do anything against her, " Bella was trying to get him to go sleep and eat more. He wasn't eating enough, he was losing some weight.

"Bella it is my job to protect you, a Royal and an heir. I need to make sure you stay alive and I failed that when I listened. It doesn't matter if I die, it does if you die, " Prompto went and sat on the chair next to her bed. He smiled at her before putting his head in his hands. "I hardly knew you yet I would have never forgiven myself if you died in front of me while I was on watch."

"Prompto, here I don't have to live up to the crown I'm promise. I can be myself. I would have been fine but my brother not so much. There's a curse on the throne from years ago, and that's why I still have the crown, " Bella started to sit up and winced from the pain and set her hands on Prompto's head. "If I died I would have died in honor of saving a life or more because she wouldn't survive from the wounds I left. "

"Bella everyone here looks up to you. You are the queen to them here. You have a crown and you are a leader. This princesses and princes don't have anyone to lead them but you. If you died who would protect them? Who would lead them?" Prompto moved her hands and held them looking at her. She saw the look of hopelessness. Bella could tell what he was thinking.

"Notics could. He will make an amazing king someday. He'll make sure that what his father has done is reversed. I am nothing compared to him, " Bella gave a sad smile. "I was there.. All those years ago when the guard Luke was killed. I knew how much he meant to you but the king wouldn't listen... He killed him because he only called me Bella and the king found it disrespectful.... I tried to stop it so I vowed that day I would let anyone else die because I didn't fight. "

"You were there? We were only ten at the time how come you were there talking to the king?" Prompto stood up quickly backing away.

"For me Prompto, it only happened a little before I was stuck here.. I was trying to fix an issue in current time that was caused from something a few years before."

"I didn't realize that it was you. I had no idea but why would he only call you Bella and not Princess Bella around the king?"

"We were talking about how you guys were with your training and the king kinda snuck up on us chatting."

"Bella that isn't your fault though. There is nothing stop that tyrant except for your parents. I am surprised he didn't listen to you, even as a princess you are technically at the same level as him."

"He will pay one day for the crimes he has committed. Even if it's not by my doing but it's not your fault I am hurt. Go and rest and have someone else watch me."

"No I'm officially your personal guard. The other two are to stay with Notics. They thought it was the right thing too. You need someone to protect you and you can train me in daggers once you are healed. Then I can protect you to the fullest, plus my power is pretty impressive, " He gave a wink to make the tension go away.

"Oh I'll see about that. Maybe we can work on getting you to be more efficient with it. Always room for improvement. Anyways I think I should call Jake, I haven't even told him I'm hurt, " Bella shook her head and looked at Prompto. She was laughing."He's gonna kill me then you"

"How do you call him if you are stuck here though?"

"With what I have left of my time traveling power. I infuse it back into a crystal and I can talk to Jake.. Oh he's gonna be so mad at me. " She looked around and found her bag and had Prompto grab it and she called her guard Jake. "Hey Jake, " She gave her best attempt at a smile.

"You are hurt aren't you? What did you get yourself into this time?" Jake didn't even bother with a hello and knew she was hurt right away. Prompto was impressed by that, them having that close of a bound.

"Well Prince Notics and his guards got sent here. A dark was trying to go after Prompto, the one from school. I uh made him hide and she got a good cut on me, " Bella turned the crystal away from her before Jake could explode at her.

"Hey Princess Bella's guard. Don't worry I'm looking after her now and I will become her guard along with you. I am gonna train really hard, " Prompto said before Jake had time to consider what he was gonna say.

"Prompto you better not let anything else happen to her you understand? She acts like she's unimportant but she is gonna change this world so she needs to be alive, " Jake was very firm about it and Bella got a little annoyed at him.

"It wasn't his fault. I gave a direct order and he obeyed like he's supposed to!" Bella kinda yelled at Jake. He was an overprotective grinch half the time. "Plus if I'm so important I wouldn't be stuck here and I'd be safe more lives then I am."

"Well if you were dead this whole world would be in chaos but until there is a body everyone is holding the smallest hope. You need to let me tell everyone, " Jake was trying to be calm and relaxed but it never worked.

"No! My parents can't come after me, they'll get trapped here." Bella handed the crystal to Prompto. She was done talking to Jake right now.

"I understand that she is very important Jake. I will keep her safe, " Prompto smiled at the head guard on the screen. "Talk to you later Jake. "

"Bye Prompto." They hung up with each other and Bella laid back down and was mad.

"How come you don't want your parents to come get you? They wouldn't get stuck here Bella," Prompto was being gentle and careful with his words. Bella had a big temper with some topics.

"They would send me back and they would be stuck and I would no longer have my time traveling power. That power is the strongest power in the world and the one who has it will be impossible to track and take down but it's in the wrong hands."