
Prince of the Moon. Child of Space.

Warning ! R18 Scenes and dark elements will be present in this story. Such as : Poverty, hunger, war, breeding, murder, scheming, politics, and betrayal. However, do not let that fool you, for there will still be hope, and goodness spread throughout the story. Vector ( MC ) pays kindness with kindness, and death with death. He’s simply a man doing what he wants, when he wants, wherever he wants. A Hero to some and a villain to others… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Usually 5 + chapters a week, chapters usually around 2,700 - 5,000 words. Please read until chapter 10-13. My writing improves drastically. ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vector, had a childhood that could only be described with one word, and that word, “hell”. Having grown up during the chaotic times of world war 4. With no parents, no support, no love, or any clear ambition. Vector’s life was a repeated, constant, and miserable cycle. His only escape was his death. At the young age of 19, with a bullet in his gut, and his built up regret… Vector died. Vector could only curse his own weakness, the sh#t world, and his long suppressed will to gain power. His end coming to a near, his existence snuffed out, and his dream of power gone. Yet his death was not his ending, no in actuality, it was his beginning. For he would have the chance to gain the power once more. - - - Vector Invidia Zenith, the 3rd prince of the Zenith kingdom, was born a “dud”. What was a dud? It’s a magical being, naturally born with no mana, nor had the ability to gain mana. You could imagine his treatment, when the whole world ran on mana. In all eyes of the world, including his own family’s, he was “trash” and useleses. Constantly tortured by his brothers, step-mother’s, and all the other noble kids… He grew resentful, vile, and “evil” by all standards. Constantly drunk, harassing girls, and even treating one of the only people to ever show him love… his mother, in a rude and cruel way. His father, the King finally having enough of the constant shame brought upon by his 3rd son, exiled Vector away to his given lands. These lands were supposed to be provided for, taken care of, and protected. Alas, Vector did not care… and as a result, his people died, starved, and gang activity ensured. However, this would all change. On the road there, his caravan was attacked by highly trained Demonic-Fae, sent by the Den Kingdom. His party slaughtered, himself captured, and his fate sealed. Thrown into a slave mine, with the worst of conditions, and used as leverage against the Zenith Kingdom… Vector despaired. Mining day in and day out, for 3 constant years, laughed at by the whole world. His body and mind could take no more. At the young age of 19, with constant near death starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss.. Vector died. - - - 2 lives filled with misery and pain. 2 lives filled with despair and no love. 2 lives suppressing their long desired goal of power. Yet these 2 lives were not so different. For these two bodies housed fragments of the same soul. Watch as these fragments re-emerge, creating a whole new being. A being that will know no bound. A being that will strive for power. A being that will not bow to anyone! Vector Invidia Zenith, will make the whole world kneel, or he’ll die trying, for he only has one real goal. World Domination? Yes, but quite. A Kingdom? Again, close, but not quite. Yandere wives? OF COURSE!! … ahem* … I mean, Yes, but still not there yet. For what he truly desires is something completely unprecedented… What he wants is control! Control over everything … - - - Watch Vector rise from a slave to a King. From a King to an Emperor… watch him shed his immortal body for something more… something primordial… something cosmic. Watch the Prince of the Moon, as he rises time and time again. Simply doing what he wants…

SpatialDevil · Fantasi
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30 Chs

[ Chapter 25 ] - Swearing Fealty & Khione’s 1st Morning. / Royal Acheron Family.

AN : Thanks for the power stones! Keep supporting, chapters coming out way more frequently, if you couldn't tell lol. We are currently at 7 chapters a week, and I've decided to try and push that even further, to try and double it!!!

- SpacialDevil, The Author.

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- Vector -

( Archeron Kingdom , FlameDen City , MarketPlace )


'My communication amulet finally blinked. I'll head over there now. Damn, I'm exhausted. Let's see what this assassin has to say now hahah' thought Vector, who then blinked his way to the Healing Clinic.




Upon arriving, he saw the workers there, alongside a now standing, and shocked man, who looked towards Vector in utter confusion. Vector seeing this scene, couldn't help but smile towards the man, waving his hand in a beckoning manner to follow, while saying thank you to the healers, as he walked out of the building.

Vector walking to a nearby alleyway, which was close by, leaned against the wall, waiting for the man to make his choice, to come or to escapee, when he was slowly met with a shadow on his right, transforming into very same man he just beat a few hours ago.

"How? No, why? You got me healed? But that's not the shocking thing, you really could do it? It's gone? My explosive slave device is gone. Completely! I'm free? Or am I?" The man bombarded Vector, who couldn't help but chuckle hearing his rapid fire questions.

"Yes your free to do as you please, regardless if you accept my offer or not. However, before you decide, there's a few things to discuss. One, is why you were working for them. I saved your life, and so, it's the least you can explain to me."

"Fine, I agree. It's quite simple, they have the resources to help track my broken and lost family. Alongside my racial kin. Most are thought to be dead, but Shadow-FAE are crafty. I'm sure a good portion survived the onslaught, and got away" replied the Assassin.

"As I suspected" muttered Vector, who then asked,

"I have an offer for you. One which will help you of your goal, of not only finding your family and lost kin. But by also being able to provide somewhere safe for them to live, without prejudice eventually. However, I can only tell you details if you swear to me. Fealty, an Oath, whatever, I want your word. No devices, nor slave collars of any kind. Just your word. Up to you, otherwise you can leave and we can go are separate ways right now."

The Assassin thinking it through, thought this offer was too good to be true, but the man who seemed simple at first, was slowly starting to not be so simple, and this hesitation lead to his choice…

"I will agree on two terms. One, I will not kill without a purpose anymore, just as you said. My only purposes will be to defend, and to eliminate enemy's which absolutely need to be. The second being, you somehow have to help me find my family in the next 5 years."

"Nope. I'll find your family in the next two years. But yes I agree, especially on the first term. So do we have a deal? Will you swear fealty to me? Someone you don't even know the name of? Hahahahh" asked Vector, who shocked the man with his answer of shortening the time of finding his family.

What the man didn't know, was Vector wasn't doing this out of the kindness of his heart, but rather he needed the Assassin's kin to also swear fealty, so he could use them how he sees fit … for Vector has schemes, grand schemes… One's involving political schemes, various linked marriages, and a lot of f#cking death.

- - -

'His name? I don't even know who's he is, he's right. However, for some reason I have a feeling. Plus, there's no compelling me with force, I could always leave' thought the Assassin, who then got on one knee, while then taking his blade out of his side, and handing it over to Vector.

Vector seeing the man kneeling, while grabbing the sword, could only smile in accomplishment. He would be a good asset to his reign..

"You wanna swear fealty to me assassin? Then do so, with your full name, not your past organization nickname. Your no longer what you use to be, nor who you use to be. I will not lie to you. You shall spill blood in my name, and during my reign, lots of it. However, I can promise you everything is for a purpose. One singular purpose. Which will be revealed in due time, so, do you swear? By my name, I swear to you, I shall bring your family and Kin together, under my peaceful rule" said Vector.

The assassin hearing these words, dissecting these various words, was utterly confused, and was about to ask what he meant by "his reign", and so called rule, until Vector cut his thoughts and questions off, with an oath of his own.

That would shock the man completely, as everyone knew who this man was, or rather who the boy was, the so called … "Dud".

"I, Vector Invidia Zenith, 3rd Prince of the Zenith Kingdom, Lord of MoonStone, and Breaker of Chains, swear to you. That I shall find your kin, your family, and I shall unite them. With your help, under my rule, which will eventually not just be my own territory, but the whole entire Kingdom. Where all FAE shall be put under my banner, peacefully, as a utopia for all."

'Can't freak him out just yet, with my real goals… after all, my real goals would most defiantly freak him out, as they even freak myself out, and I'm the crazy one hahahahahahah!' thought Vector.

- - -

The Assassin hearing what Vector just swore, was utterly shocked, as everyone in the world knew the Zenith Family, one of the most prestigious royal families. However, most also knew about the DUD prince! The latest rumors that spread, was his death… wait that's why he said the things back then… he was a slave too' though the assasin, who connected the past conversation he had with him, talking about being similar, which he truly felt right now.

And so,

"I, Showdo DarkSeer, Reaper of Night, swear fealty to Vector Invidia Zenith, from this moment forward, even if it shall be with my last dying breath" said Showdo, while Vector then placed Showdo's sword upon both shoulders, while then cutting his hand, letting blood drop in front of the Assassin, as he then handed the blade back to Showdo, which he did the same, as this was a FAE custom. One of complete loyalty.

The Assassin now sworn in to serve this prince, and House Zenith, couldn't keep his curiosity at bay, and so, he had to ask.


"Hahahahahah! I knew you would ask, as I'm sure you have tons of questions. However, save them, as for tonight we shall get well rested for tomorrow. We have a big day tomorrow, having to gather supplies, and head to my territory. Oh also, your loyalty may be towards me first, but if anything ever comes to be, you must protect Khione first, always, and than only can you help me."

"Who's Khione?"

"A little girl who would melt your fellow black heart, my Assassin, hahahaha! Now let's go get you a room" said Vector, as he walked with his newest and only subordinate at the moment, his newly acquired Assassin.

- - -

- Khione -

( Archeron Kingdom , FlameDen City , FAE LOUNGE INN )

As the little girl started to awaken from her much needed, 19 hour, intense and deep slumber. She was immediately disoriented by the comfort she felt, thinking something was severely wrong, or she was simply dead now.

The reason being, was that everyday she usually woke up, it was usually to the feeling of a stiff back, a hard surface, and various scraps and bruises. Which she would acquire throughout the night, or the day before. However, right now she felt comfort, along with the sensation of being safe?!

'WHERE AM I ?!!!' screamed Khione, inside her head, who was panicking, sitting up as fast as she could, where she saw a room she's never seen, until her latest memories started to organize in order. Which slowly replayed the moments of yesterday, as she was rescued.

'Oh, nice man. Where is he? There he is. Oh. He look very tired. Wonder what he did last night. Blood? He seems to have gotten in fight? Hmmm, he crazy warrior. Me hungry. Nice worker give me food? ' thought Khione, while getting up out of bed, as quietly as she could, without disturbing Vector, who was fully mana exhausted from the long and taxing fight yesterday, alongside being physically exhausted from … well nothing she needs to know about.

- - -

As Khione slowly tip toed her way out of her room, and down the stairs. She was met with a familiar face, as the owner of the place, and head bartender looked towards the adorable young girl. However, before Khione could say hi, she felt a presence behind her, a shadow of sorts.

Rapidly turning around, she saw a 6'4 sized man, wearing an all black outfit, with two short swords on his side. As he wore a black cashmere shirt, with black dress like pants, and black boots. His face was that of a normal FAE's, expect he had a grayish black complexion, alongside a dark brown hair. Khione totally confused by his presence, and also the look of realization the man was giving her.

"Who are you?" asked Khione, who eyed the man in a wary state, slowly backing up.

The man not use to talking to well … anyone, started to form responses until, all he could say was.

"I work for your Father."

"Father? Hmmmm? Oh, Nice Man. Okay. What do you do?"

"Uhhhh- I'm a bodyguard of sorts, a Knight? No, a Warrior, I don't know young miss, I'm Assassin? uhhh I'm a bodyguard yes."

"You very strange. Okay. Let's go eat, haha! I'm sure Nice man won't care!"

Showdo hearing and seeing the innocent FAE girl, couldn't help but be swayed just as Vector was, and warned last night, even if both of them were stone cold warriors. Last night, when he swore loyalty and fealty to Vector, and therefore a branch of the Zenith family, he was utterly confused on who this "Khione" was.

However, in this moment, he felt a sense of purpose. Using his skills and talents for something more than just killing for money, protecting this young miss and the young prince would now be his ultimate goal. As this would lead to getting his people back one day, as he truly believed Vector's words last night.

'I swear it, if he really can band my people together… ugh, a fool's dream, but he himself is a damn fool. Haha! Talking about winning the crown, damn crazy is what he is' thought Showdo, Vector's first honor guard, and soon to be, head Assasin.

- - -

Khione having been introduced to Showdo, continued to walk towards the nice bartender, with a huge beaming smile on her face, as she "jumped" onto the barstool in front of her.

The lady seeing this scene, couldn't help but smile as well, the young miss had an air of innocence, the childly type charm, that couldn't help but make people's hearts shatter. As Khione looked toward the bartender, with a slightly hesitation to ask, the lady herself came forward and asked,

"Are you hungry young miss?"

"Yes!" Yelped Khione, who realized her mistake, and responded again, once she got her red face under control, until her belly grumbled loud enough for both Showdo, and the Bartender to hear. Which in turn made both individuals smile, and chuckle.

"I mean yes mam, please" asked Khione a minute later, with a blush present on her face, making her flawless white skinned face, stand out even more, as she currently appeared as red as a tomato.

The once former assassin, a one feared by most, revered by the top criminal organization, and now thought to be dead, couldn't help but smile at the scene. Same as the bartender, and same as Vector who was looking down from above, who woke up from the commotion.

- - -

Vector was glad that Showdo was now adjusting, and he knew that Khione would provide an extra motivation for him. Plus, Vector was not lying about his goal of gathering all remaining of the Shadow-FAE, including his family, as they would be under his supervision one day, all trained to be assassins to the crown… to his crown. To the kingdom … his kingdom.

One day.

'One step at a time Vector, let's eat breakfast before we head out. A 3 man party now, haha. I'll tell them our plans during the end of the meal. I bet the news is swarming already. I single handedly killed all the thug groups, including the puppets for that shadow criminal organization. hahhahahah!' thought Vector, who started to make his way downstairs, the stairs straining between each step, causing a creaking noise, which in turn made all look towards him.

Khione herself who just got a plate of food in front of her, flashed her vision from Vector to her food about 5 to 6 times, before hopping off the seat and running towards him. Vector seeing this scene, genuinely smiled in pure happiness.

Khione arriving in front of him, hugged his legs, as he was way too tall for her to reach him. So, Vector slowly reached down and reciprocated her hug , while he slowly rubbed her back, in a soothingly and fatherly manner.

"No worries little one, Your welcome, no need to ask, nor request, do you understand? Now let's go eat, aren't you hungry?" whispered Vector, with a huge smile.

Khione hearing this, couldn't hide another belly growl, which Vector heard, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, which was followed by laughter of the other two present in the room as well.

Which made Khione turn even more red in the face, while she huffed at Vector, and lightly slapped his shoulder. While then running towards her steaming and freshly cooked plate of food. The trio sat down and ate, getting ready for the long road ahead… a very long road indeed.

- - -

- Acheron Royal Family -

( Acheron Kingdom , Capital City , Royal Castle , Royal Council Chambers )

"Have you heard the news father?" asked Flameron, the current Heir to the throne, and Synthia's only sibling, her older brother.

The Royal family was currently in an absolutely stunning room, with pristine white walls, as depictions of flames, spread throughout, of all colors and sizes, some of even dragons. While, the ceiling was a translucent obsidian like glass, which allowed the sunlight, and moon light to waft in, hitting the various stones embedded into the smithed glass.

Which in turn, made the light directed down, appear even more fantastic, as it was vibrant, unpredictable, and most of the time beautiful.

The Royal Family was currently going over various manners, as they always did in this room, and so, they just arrived on a topic, that was a mystery to them, but not a mystery to us…

"I have. All local gang activity was recently ceased, or rather waswiped out, all in one night. What was that small city called? Hmm, it was a little one, none so major, but the interesting thing, was no rivals took over. The city overwatch contacted us through the Royal amulets and confirmed so." replied Fusilis Acheron, King of the Archeron Kingdom, and the third strongest man on the continent.

Fusilis Acheron was very powerful, currently at level 196, which was no joke, especially as he was close to breaking the immortal barrier, to ascend to the minor divinity stage.

Synthia who heard what her father said, was confused by this report, and responded,

"Father, why would some one do that? Were their any witnesses??? Reports of any kind? That seems oddly suspicious, and I doubt some one did it out of the kindness of their heart. Even if this was a low ranked city, with low ranked individuals, the fact of the matter is, they wiped out all of them in one night."

"Apparently by the document in front of me, in less than 2 hours as well. How did they do that Father? Some of the hideouts, according to the city map layout would've took an hour in itself, to travel to, as the locations were across the entire city. Can we assume it was a group then?"

Her Father thinking of what his daughter asked, who was about to respond back, was quickly cut off, by an enchanting voice that sounded almost angelic. However, at the same time as being charming, this voice held an undertone of something severely dangerous, ready to destroy all, or rather burn it all.

Yes, this person currently has the most deadly and versatile flames on the whole FAE continent, and possibly even the whole world. This was the mother of both kids in the room, alongside his only wife, the Sun Queen, as she is referred too.

While Fusilis was loved by the people, adored by them even, as he tried to give back as much as he could. The Queen had a reputation of that of a Goddess. Not for the charity she provided, nor the strength she held, but for the legendary flames she wielded.

Solar Flames, or rather Solar Manipulation.

See, her distinct affinity was very versatile, as the flames she commanded, could burn through almost anything, even the other FAE Kings and Queens defenses, alongside as being able to block attacks from them as well. Her level was slightly lower than the rest, only being 189, but she still was put in the top 10 strongest FAE, as she was simple too destructive.

A lot of people speculate that the true powerhouse of the kingdom, was indeed her, and this in turn boosted the moral for other women in the Kingdom. Therefore, as her rule was slowly established, she created a Women only force, which focused purely on destruction and defense. This groups's name referred too as, the "Sun Eaters".

However, she was a very caring wife and mother, slightly crazy, but still nevertheless, unlike most Royal Families, the Acheron one, was indeed close and tightly strengthened. Which as a byproduct, made the kingdom strong as well.

"Dear, you should not be worried about this minor incident. As, they targeted nothing so important, and the hits were quite … Hmm, well erratic. However, I've seen the death's of each individual, as I've found this piece of news slightly disturbing" spoke the Queen, who elegantly walked from the entrance of the room, towards her husbands chair, which she stood behind, while slowly rubbing her hands over his chest and shoulders.

"While trying to discern why my instincts were flaring up at this, I contacted the city overwatch, and received amulet snaps of all the death's, which then confirmed my hypothesis. This was not one group, but rather one individual, and the interesting part, was no magical trace, nor a single piece of evidence was left behind."

"The fact of the matter is this. One, this individual can be classified as very dangerous, for the sole fact that he could move extremely fast between locations. Secondly, this individual was trained, or rather very precise, as each head, that was cut off, was in the same exact spot … every time. While, all the individuals eyes, reflected extreme fear, shock, and surprise. But what interested me most, we're the reports of a few FAE citizens."

"They never saw a person, but they did see a flash, or rather a moving blur, the color of a dark blue, and blackish aura, almost as the night sky they said. Which I can only believe, as they were handsomely rewarded by the crown, for their information" finished the Queen, who slipped around into her husbands lap, while smiling genuinely at the disgusted faces of her kids.

"MOTHER?! Do you have to do this in front of us?!" asked Synthia in a loud but playful tone, as she knew she was blessed with parents, such as hers.

"Hahah, my dear child, you shall understand one day. Don't look at me like that my son, you haven't found love yet, stop courting all those girls, sheesh your worse than your Father ever was. Hahaha, you should've seen the face he made, as I burnt away his little collection of useless females, who in turn tried to take me out of the competition. HAHAHA" laughed the Queen, who was indeed a severe Yandere, who indeed, did burn multiple women on various occasions …

The King listening to his wife, could only cough to change the topic of conversation, while then speaking to his daughter.

"You too shall hopefully receive this kind of Love, my little flame. Do not fret, we are immortal, not mortal like those pesky humans to the seas to our far left, ha!"

"Father, how am I going to do that, when I can't even court anyone, not even playfully, when somehow you haven't broken off my Royal arrangement to that disappoint of a prince?! He's dead now, why wait?!"

The King hearing this grimaced in sadness and anger, who was about to respond when his wife, beat him to the punch, like usual.

'I'm lucky to have her' thought the King, as he listened to what she had to say, which was his same thoughts he had.

"Synthia, my hotheaded daughter, a Royal arrangement is not just a union of two FAE, but rather two Kingdoms itself, and this would've established both our defenses greatly. Providing total security against those Demonic-FAE bastards, who are currently spreading forces throughout, poking at spots that don't need to be."

"Therefore, to publicly announce it, would weaken the look of partnership the Zenith Kingdom can provide us, and vice versa. That being said, what would usually would happen, would you then be betrothed to a different Prince. However, from the spies and information we have gathered, I refuse to let you marry them. You might've thought your dud prince to be vile, cruel, and lustful… but, that is nothing compared to the other two. They are of the same caliber, but much worse, and they have actual strength, and power, which will corrupt them, as the fools they are."

"Indeed my wife, I'm sure Zelarian is already considering replacement options. Speak of what you will about them two, and possibly the Kingdom, but Zelarian is someone not to trifle with my little flame" replied the King, who took a breath, and continued on.

"Everyone know's who he is, for the sole fact that he is now one of the only walking and living Demi-God's. However, he was already dangerous before. I'm very close friends with him, or rather use to be through our entire youth, as two princes who wanted to change the world someday. I've seen this man do the unthinkable, form relationships with beasts of all kinds, persuade unthinkable allies, and kill unthinkable foes. All this, while still remaining true to his moral code, which he's never crossed, ever. He's by far one of the most cold, boring, and unsociable individuals in the world" chucked the King, his eyes holding a strange light, as he remembered the past adventures of them both.

"However, he is also the most Noble man you could meet, so I'm sure he has something figured out, or replacements, as he wouldn't allow the Kingdom to be turned over to those idiots. That's even if has to turn it over, we are immortal, but he is now Semi - Divine" stated the King, who had a genuine smile on his face.

This speech shocked both kids, as usually their father complained about the other FAE rulers, and how they operated their Kingdoms, so giving praise to him, made Zelarian stand in a different light.

Synthia hearing this, was not that surprised, but couldn't help but grimace as various thoughts were going through head.

'Should I tell them? That the bond still hasn't broken? Maybe it takes time, or I'll always feel it, since were bonded & engaged as kids? Is this normal? Ughhhh' thought Synthia, as she quickly was shaken out of her stupor, as the Royal Family proceeded to discuss other topics of the Kingdom…

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AN : Thanks for the power stones!!! Bonus chapter today;)