
Prince of the Moon. Child of Space.

Warning ! R18 Scenes and dark elements will be present in this story. Such as : Poverty, hunger, war, breeding, murder, scheming, politics, and betrayal. However, do not let that fool you, for there will still be hope, and goodness spread throughout the story. Vector ( MC ) pays kindness with kindness, and death with death. He’s simply a man doing what he wants, when he wants, wherever he wants. A Hero to some and a villain to others… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Usually 5 + chapters a week, chapters usually around 2,700 - 5,000 words. Please read until chapter 10-13. My writing improves drastically. ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vector, had a childhood that could only be described with one word, and that word, “hell”. Having grown up during the chaotic times of world war 4. With no parents, no support, no love, or any clear ambition. Vector’s life was a repeated, constant, and miserable cycle. His only escape was his death. At the young age of 19, with a bullet in his gut, and his built up regret… Vector died. Vector could only curse his own weakness, the sh#t world, and his long suppressed will to gain power. His end coming to a near, his existence snuffed out, and his dream of power gone. Yet his death was not his ending, no in actuality, it was his beginning. For he would have the chance to gain the power once more. - - - Vector Invidia Zenith, the 3rd prince of the Zenith kingdom, was born a “dud”. What was a dud? It’s a magical being, naturally born with no mana, nor had the ability to gain mana. You could imagine his treatment, when the whole world ran on mana. In all eyes of the world, including his own family’s, he was “trash” and useleses. Constantly tortured by his brothers, step-mother’s, and all the other noble kids… He grew resentful, vile, and “evil” by all standards. Constantly drunk, harassing girls, and even treating one of the only people to ever show him love… his mother, in a rude and cruel way. His father, the King finally having enough of the constant shame brought upon by his 3rd son, exiled Vector away to his given lands. These lands were supposed to be provided for, taken care of, and protected. Alas, Vector did not care… and as a result, his people died, starved, and gang activity ensured. However, this would all change. On the road there, his caravan was attacked by highly trained Demonic-Fae, sent by the Den Kingdom. His party slaughtered, himself captured, and his fate sealed. Thrown into a slave mine, with the worst of conditions, and used as leverage against the Zenith Kingdom… Vector despaired. Mining day in and day out, for 3 constant years, laughed at by the whole world. His body and mind could take no more. At the young age of 19, with constant near death starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss.. Vector died. - - - 2 lives filled with misery and pain. 2 lives filled with despair and no love. 2 lives suppressing their long desired goal of power. Yet these 2 lives were not so different. For these two bodies housed fragments of the same soul. Watch as these fragments re-emerge, creating a whole new being. A being that will know no bound. A being that will strive for power. A being that will not bow to anyone! Vector Invidia Zenith, will make the whole world kneel, or he’ll die trying, for he only has one real goal. World Domination? Yes, but quite. A Kingdom? Again, close, but not quite. Yandere wives? OF COURSE!! … ahem* … I mean, Yes, but still not there yet. For what he truly desires is something completely unprecedented… What he wants is control! Control over everything … - - - Watch Vector rise from a slave to a King. From a King to an Emperor… watch him shed his immortal body for something more… something primordial… something cosmic. Watch the Prince of the Moon, as he rises time and time again. Simply doing what he wants…

SpatialDevil · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs

[ Chapter 22 ] - Vector’s nightly stroll / Stumbling across a horde of Spells? / WHAT THE F#CK?!?!!?!!

AN : The R18 Chapter has been pushed back one more, and will drop tomorrow. I decided to introduce someone else, as well as decided to bless y'all with a few spells heheh.

Much love! Dropping again tomorrow :)

Here's the deal with my schedule now. I said a chapter every other day, but recently my inspiration to this book has been increasing significantly, almost to the point of when I first started writing this book, nah that's wrong, even more!!! And so … more than one chapter might drop on that day.

So every other day, but with more than one chapter on that day, possibly…. And with the way I'm currently writing now, we're most likely on track for me to drop more than one. Especially since I've taken the time in the past few weeks to finalize ideas, sketch a timeline, and design more characters + spells.

Anyways, enough of my rambling … wait one more thing. We need power stones, tickets, and more comments!!! So…

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( If we meet this target, chapters will drop the very same day, of course spread throughout, as I always need to edit them lol. #ONEMANARMY… Nonetheless, they will drop on the very same day. ) <3

- SpacialDevil , The Author

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- Vector -

( Archeron Kingdom , FlameDen City , MarketPlace, Entrance #3 )

'Hmmm, now that that's done. He's free… nope, well he's mine now. I think I went a little too far, he doesn't look so good, his healing is barley working. Damn, I don't have a healing spell, nor the means for one right now. I could buy those mediocre potions. Ehhh, where's the closest healer. Hmmm, I'll walk around, and store him in my Inner Spacial World for now.' thought Vector, as he stored the man inside, before walking into the heart of the busy city.

- - -

Vector having reached the start of the marketplace, on the far west entrance, was quickly met with a sight, which was completely dazzling, and the complete opposite of what he was use too encountering.

The city was brimful, lively, and joyous. A total counter of the slums, which could be described as a whole another world, and yet it too was located in the same walls of the city.

FAE could be seen smiling, laughing, eating, drinking, all the while as various vendors shouted and displayed their wonderful creations.

Vector realizing this, was quickly met with a hard truth, he eventually had to face. Who was he now? Was he the same slave? The past prince? The man from Earth? The combination of both? Or was he just … him?

Did it matter?

Vector quickly throwing these "baseless" thoughts out of his head, kept walking for a minute or two, before he saw a shop he was suddenly interested in, especially since he was so graciously "given" money by the local thugs …

- - -

As Vector made his way to the destination he had in mind, which was a decent size building, with a greenish black paint, with a huge sign displaying,


The shop has a giant window, displaying high class swords, spells, and even some armor sets. Vector was immediately drawn in, especially as he hasn't seen SpellBooks before, nor actual Items, and he was eager to find out.

Vector could now buy a substantial amount, if needed, as his funds now totaled at 177 Gold, 621 Silvers, and 2,818 Copper Coins. All generously gifted by those loving thugs…

' Haha, I might be one of the richest men walking in this city right now, even though this amount is nothing to major "players", or even level 130's and above. Still though, it's a pretty good amount. Now what I came for …. Hmmmmm' thought Vector, as he walked in the front door, to a currently empty shop, as most people currently out right now, were either drinking or eating.

Vector was quickly met with rows of items, all labeled up above, each section marked by their correlating uses. First going through the armor set section, which he briefly skimmed through, finding only a few sets which caught his eye, but ultimately wasn't good enough for what the desired.

After, he then walked past the other items, including weapons of all kinds, alongside other little trinkets, and so forth. Yet, none caught his eye, as they still weren't to the quality he would have access tol back home.

However, when walking to the library part of the store, which was located in the back, where an Old Man behind a counter could be seen, presumably the owner, were rows of SpellBooks. Vector has never seen one before, as he was a self taught mage, who only learned by utilizing his own creativity and dedication.

Even so, SpellBooks could do many things he couldn't, like instantly boost someone's power right away, which is exactly why Vector came to this store in the first place. With his sole thought of a little girl currently sound asleep, hopefully with a smile on her face, and currently feeling safe.

Nevertheless though, Vector wasn't just here for her though … maybe he too would buy some cool Spells.

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The Old Man behind the counter, who had a great big gray beard, which was unruly, and yet trimmed. As he had a smooth grayish white skin complexion, with two spectacles on his face, in the shape of octagons, while the Old Man himself was still ripped, with bulging muscles.

He was currently reading a new newspaper, the news on the raging war across the world, between Demons and Angels, which was nothing new, as they always fought. He then looked up to find a tall and handsome young man currently browsing his spells.

He too was like any other man, as he too needed to catch up some various expenses, and so he walked over to help the young man. However, upon arriving, he was struck with the appearance of the man, he didn't expect to find anytime soon.

He was handsome, no doubt, maybe one of the most handsome men he ever laid eyes on, and he didn't swing that way. But rather, what he focused on was the scarring of the man, as well as his trained body, and his extremely focused eyes.

Eyes of a warrior, and one who's experienced a great many things, at that. The man has seen this look, various times throughout his 3,000 years of life, as he too was a veteran, who once participated in huge FAE wars.

Massive Wars, which would make this petty squabbling between Nobles, and Kingdoms, look child's play. He was in War's where millions of FAE fought millions of other races … he was no ordinary man, which Vector would soon come to find out.

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Vector could feel the man coming over, with his Spacial Aura, but payed him no mind, expecting to try to get hustled. However, he would've never imagined the first words to escape the man's mouth was,

"You've seen many things already, have you? It's a shame you know. It wasn't always this way. Give or take 2,000 years ago, before the FAE continent became 5 kingdoms rather than the 10 plus we had, life was good."

"Back then with 10 Kingdoms or so, everyone was on an equal status. None more rich or powerful than another. Sure it could get hectic sometimes, skirmishes would break out, like anywhere. But now, wars happen needlessly, without any real purpose."

"You see young man, even further back than that, of my great grandfather, the FAE continent used to be United. As one people, all different races, spirits, and elements contributing to the betterment of the Continent. Do you know how this can to pass?" asked the Old Man, who fully took over Vector's interest and curiosity.

"No, I guess not. Even with my schooling, they didn't teach anything of the sorts" mumbled Vector.

The man hearing this comment could only chuckle, before replying back.

"Why would they? A United FAE continent? Why would they want that to happen, when they are scared to lose. The reason why the FAE race was once United was for one simple reason. Purpose. You see, FAE had a dedication to the land, to protect ourselves, and to nurture one another. "

"Many think those Elvish bastards to be the most adept at Magic, which in maybe some sense they are, as they are hands down the best Battle Mages, the world has to offer. However, our Race was truly born out of this world's Mana. Quite literally. Our forefathers, the supreme spirits were the ideals of mana itself, in its different forms. That's besides the point though, the main thing I'm getting at, is this."

"What do they fight for now? Hmmm? For Power, sure. However, is that the symptom or the disease? Back then, when all of us were United, was when actual wars raged. Not these non purposeful wars. Grand Wars, of continents vs continents, people fighting for freedom, their lands, and safety of their families. Nowadays, FAE fight over which noble has this and that. Ha! Anyways, don't mind my rambling young man. As a person who's seen something, you too must see what I'm talking about, don't you?" asked the Old Man, looking towards Vector, with a glint of curiosity and amusement in his eyes.

"I agree, But, I disagree with your logic on purpose. With enough power, one can rule with or without that." replied Vector

"Ah! I see, your currently on your power hunger stage. We all have it, but you will soon come to realize, power without purpose, is well pitiful. Remember those 3 P's as we use to call it. Purpose, Power, or you will end up Pitiful. A tyrant can no doubt rule, look no further than the Den Kingdom, but what about the FAE living there?"

"Even if you do not care, which from the look in your eyes, you still do, from a ruling stand point. Why would you not want to be loved rather than feared by your own citizens? They would die and bleed for you, rather than stab you in the back, the second they got. Ha! Anyways, enough of my ramblings young man, what can I help you with?"

"Hmmm, interesting old man. What is your name?" asked Vector.

"Buy at least 5 Gold worth of items, and I'll let you know! Hahaha!" The Old Man replied back.

"Hmmm, your slick, ok then, very well. I am looking for Water and Ice spells, no less than Rare quality, and even higher if you have it. I would also like to browse at any unorthodox spells you have. It could be anything really, I'm just looking. However, my main purchases shall be in the Water and Ice affinities, alongside a good healing spell for those genres as well."

"Ha! 5 gold, this shall be much more expensive. Very well, no one knows my shop more than me ha, and I also keep the most powerful Spells, alongside the unorthodox one, in the back of the shop, which you can look at, after purchasing any you like here."

"Sounds good Old Man, I'll be browsing on the shelf, while you collect some options, as I trust your Judgment. Oh, keep in mind, this is not for me, but for my a kid, looking to grow strong in the future." Vector said in a solemn tone, which the man understood very clearly, as Warriors were often known to train protégées and the like.

- - -

The man going through his shelves, quickly started to pick out the various spells, as Vector browsed the plethora of Spell Books, to affinities he couldn't use. Even so, he got some Ideas, as well as seeing some Amazing Spells. Such as :

[ Wind Runner , EPIC ] Price : 25 Gold : With at least 50% Mastery in the Win element, one can quite literally walk in the air, at the higher of even the clouds.

[ Summonable Volcanic Dragon's Breath , EPIC ] Price : 40 Gold : With 75% mastery or above, in the Fire element, one may call upon the great dragons of the past, as they summon a breath which will blaze upon everything in its path.

[ Abyssal Red Lightning , EPIC ] Price : 41 Gold, With at least 60% mastery or above, in both the elements of Fire & Lightning, you may call upon the lighting in the past, which the various Demonic Dukes, utilized to win and conquer in their reigns.

'There's so many. My gosh, some of these are truly powerful as well. None for me unfortunately. I need to unlock more elements, it's not as easy as imagined though. Ughh, wait Earth Spells. It might be only at a low %, but in the future I could learn them. Hmmm, let's look' thought Vector, who walked to the Earthen Spell selections.

Vector browsing the spells saw a few decent spells he could've added to his arsenal, but decided on two powerful spells, which he would not be able to use anytime soon, but were simply too good to pass up. These spells being :

[ Extreme Farming Blessing , EPIC ] Gold : 28, With at least 35% mastery over the Earthen element, you may cast this spell on a radius of your choice, depending on mana consumption, which will efficiently manipulate the growing speed of the given land by 10 times.

[ Nature's Health Exchange , EPIC ] Gold : 56 , With at least 45% mastery over the Earthen Element , you may sap the life force out of a given area, in close proximity of you, and only living organisms directly inter grated in a biome.

Vector seeing this spell, Immediately thought of the uses, imagining himself fighting a whole army, slowing exchanging the life force of everything around him, just to stay in the fight even longer.

'What a great spell, yet so horrible at the same time.' thought Vector, who brought those two spells to buy, as he went to go meet the man.

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"I have a collection over 200 plus spells, combined in both elements. However, for the sake of your pockets, plus my generalization of fighting and wars. I picked out 2 Ice spells, 2 Water, and even one combined spell, which will serve the kid well. After, I can take you back and show you the real collection, of a few spells, which may interest you.. hahah! laughed the Old Man, who handed over the 5 books.

- - -

[ Icicle Arrow Rain , RARE ] Gold : 1 , Silvers : 2, With at least 10% Mastery of the Ice element, you may send out single strikes of Arrows, or even huge waves, depending on mana consumption.

[ Winter Queen's Shield , EPIC ] Gold : 16 , With at least the Ice element unlocked, you may summon a shield, based off the same spells in the past, that once the mighty Ice-FAE Queen wielded herself.

[ Holy Blessed Water , EPIC ] Gold : 24 , With at least the Water element unlocked, you may bless any water in your proximity, therefore giving it healing properties, as mana consumption determines the strength of the healing factor.

[ Water Vapor Mist Control , EPIC ] Gold : 31 , With at least 25% mastery in the Water element, you may generate mists of all kinds, for all types of uses, including offensive, defensive, and even movement capabilities.

[ Frozen Ruler's Body of the EverFlowing Water , EPIC ] Gold : 37 , With at least mastery of 40% in both the elements of Water & Ice, you may generate and form the same style of Armor, that the once legendary Water - FAE , and Ice - FAE rulers of the past wore.

- - -

'Damn these are quite nice. A hefty price to be sure, but he did so good.' thought Vector, who was generally amazed at the spell quaintly, and diverse types he received.

"I'll take them, you did good, but I'm sure you know that, ha!" chucked Vector, who then heard chuckles coming from the man a second later.

"Yes indeed hahah, I know they might seem pricey. They are, Epics usually are the baseline "powerful" spells so to speak, at least ones people dream of. Since we got your student out of the way, hmmm, why don't you come to the back. I'll show you something you won't ever forget.." whispered the Old Mam, who had an excited smile on his face, with his eyes showing an unnatural confidence most had.

Vector seeing this, was immediately piqued, and followed behind. As he walked to the back of the store, the Old Man abruptly stopped, turned to a normal looking wall, and made various hands signs while also infusing his mana into the wall.

Upon doing so, a clicking sound could be heard, when finally the door itself was slowing rising up above, blending into the upper part of the wall, as a door cutout appeared after. The man looked behind with a smile, before walking in, signaling Vector to follow once again.

As they both walked in, and took the stairs leading down. They were met with an absolutely stunning sight. One that Vector, would soon come to absolutely love…

The room was an hollowed out cave like room, with various vibrant trees planted throughout, with ancient looking bookshelves in each corner. I'm the middle stood a huge pond, with a statue of FAE warrior, holding a giant book, which had a strange symbol on it.

One Vector didn't recognize, and he supposedly had the best education, as a prince. The Old Man seeing the young man, who currently looked confused, was not surprised, and dropped a tab bit of knowledge.

"It's not a surprise you don't know him, it truly isn't anymore. It might be a shame, but you see, Magic isn't just the elements young one. You know of what, various elements, or rather "Affinities". But the truth is, there are a million combinations of mana. One could have a Hell Flame of sorts while others have a Draconic Flame. You see, Magic is well … Magic. There's no explanation, nor is there a need too."

"This man is my direct ancestor, and also one of the founding FAE rulers, who's knowledge was lost to time. His magic was something different than most. It was knowledge. Quite literally. He knew things most didn't, nor could they. He discovered the truths of what people refer to as the worlds laws. Anyways, that is a statue of him. Alongside some of his knowledge."

"Enough of that, I can see it in your body language and eyes, that you are indeed excited. Yet, have places to be. So I will give you some time to browse the shelves to my left, the right will still be off limits for now, if you return sometime, you may look again. Fair?" asked the Old Man, who pointed to the rows books.

"Sounds Fair, I bet these spells are every expensive Old Man, aren't they?" Vector asked back.

"Of course some are, but I'll give you a deal Young One, buy one spell off this section, and I shall give you one for free, but of my choice. Do not worry though, I know what I'm doing. Fair?"

"Fair Old man, let me browse." said Vector, who immediately went to see what these rows had to offer.

- - -

Vector browsing the shelves came across many great spells, all of them so far in this section the Mythical Rating, which was absolutely insane, as this isn't not normal whatsoever.

This Old Man, was someone who appeared as a nobody, and yet held probably one of the greatest collections of spells, and Vector found it all due to luck. Or was it?

Vector, finally reaching a section he was lost interested in, immediately starting browsing through, as he finally arrived at the Spacial Magic section. Vector was very excited, as Spacial Magic, was not just manipulation of Space, but much much more …

And so, after what felt like forever, which in reality was 30 minutes of exploring, he found two spells to pick between. These two were his greatest interests, as the others were not his type, way too expansive at the moment, or he just wasn't feeling them.

- - -

[ Star Caller , Mythical ] Gold : 112 , With at least 80% mastery in the Spacial element, you may call upon lost Stars, located all around the cosmos to your aid. These stars can be used for a variety of uses, but most often was used in the past, as a pure destructive force, ready to decimate all.

[ Ultra Telekinesis , Mythical ] Gold : 76 , With at least 75% mastery in the Spacial element, you may manipulate all items and beings under your given level, and at higher stages, move mana itself.

- - -

Vector looking at these had a decision to make, and he didn't know which one to choose yet. Khione's spells in total costed an equivalent of 109 Gold, Vector had 177 gold, and so as a result he had 68 left over.

However, he also had 621 Silvers, which could amount fro an extra 62 Gold Coins, which in total with his leftover gold, amounted to a total of 130 Gold.

Therefore, he could even buy some of the best spells, and so he couldn't decide between literally summoning stars V.S the concept of telekinesis. The latter was very powerful, deadly, and straightforward.

While Telekinesis was more subtle, and could be used for a verity of purposes. After a little more time of deciding, he chose.

"I'll buy the Ultra-Telekinesis, I've heard of a Spacial Magic user back from where I'm from, I'm sure he'll be interested." said Vector, hoping the man wouldn't catch on, but he wasn't too hopeful nor did he care that much, if the man did find out.

Vector didn't know, but he seemed to be the type of person you needed in your corner, the one who didn't desire much, nor gained much, and generally just cared. Of course Vector wouldn't trust that easily ever again, but that was the feeling the Old Man gave off.

"Very well, now for a spell of my choice, I assume you can afford all the spells do fair, correct?" asked the Old Man.

"Correct, I'm ready for my free one, ha!" laughed Vector, as he watched the Old Man walk over to the other side of the room, while digging in a chest of sorts.

Eventually after 10 minutes of digging around, the Old Man became ecstatic, and started laughing. He then picked up the book with careful arms and walked it over to Vector, who nervously and reluctantly looked at his Spell, in great anticipation.

- - -

[ Frozen Cosmic BattlePlates of Eclipses Galore, Legendary ] Prince : N / A, With mastery at 100% of the Spacial element and the Ice, you may call forth the ultimate armor, which was weaved and crafted through countless millenniums. Forged from dying stars, to lost suns, and countless uninhabited worlds. As the bearer grows, so shall the armor, as it is the perfect adaptation of their ideals, and their thoughts on what is cosmic power.

- - -

When the Old Man handed this SpellBook to Vector, he was utterly shocked, like anyone would be. A legendary Spell was worth whole countries, sometimes even fought over by continents. To have his hand son something like this … this Old Man was no ordinary person.

However, even with the existence of this book. The question which was in Vector's head, was how. How did this man know about Vector's elements? Was it Fate? And so, with these swirling thoughts, while the Old Man had an amused face, Vector stayed staring at Spell with his jaw fully agape.

Vector only had one thought in this moment,


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AN : Sorry for the late Chapter, will make up for it, by uploading double tomorrow… or rather today, as its's currently 1:59 AM while I'm editing this lol.