
Prince of the Moon. Child of Space.

Warning ! R18 Scenes and dark elements will be present in this story. Such as : Poverty, hunger, war, breeding, murder, scheming, politics, and betrayal. However, do not let that fool you, for there will still be hope, and goodness spread throughout the story. Vector ( MC ) pays kindness with kindness, and death with death. He’s simply a man doing what he wants, when he wants, wherever he wants. A Hero to some and a villain to others… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Usually 5 + chapters a week, chapters usually around 2,700 - 5,000 words. Please read until chapter 10-13. My writing improves drastically. ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vector, had a childhood that could only be described with one word, and that word, “hell”. Having grown up during the chaotic times of world war 4. With no parents, no support, no love, or any clear ambition. Vector’s life was a repeated, constant, and miserable cycle. His only escape was his death. At the young age of 19, with a bullet in his gut, and his built up regret… Vector died. Vector could only curse his own weakness, the sh#t world, and his long suppressed will to gain power. His end coming to a near, his existence snuffed out, and his dream of power gone. Yet his death was not his ending, no in actuality, it was his beginning. For he would have the chance to gain the power once more. - - - Vector Invidia Zenith, the 3rd prince of the Zenith kingdom, was born a “dud”. What was a dud? It’s a magical being, naturally born with no mana, nor had the ability to gain mana. You could imagine his treatment, when the whole world ran on mana. In all eyes of the world, including his own family’s, he was “trash” and useleses. Constantly tortured by his brothers, step-mother’s, and all the other noble kids… He grew resentful, vile, and “evil” by all standards. Constantly drunk, harassing girls, and even treating one of the only people to ever show him love… his mother, in a rude and cruel way. His father, the King finally having enough of the constant shame brought upon by his 3rd son, exiled Vector away to his given lands. These lands were supposed to be provided for, taken care of, and protected. Alas, Vector did not care… and as a result, his people died, starved, and gang activity ensured. However, this would all change. On the road there, his caravan was attacked by highly trained Demonic-Fae, sent by the Den Kingdom. His party slaughtered, himself captured, and his fate sealed. Thrown into a slave mine, with the worst of conditions, and used as leverage against the Zenith Kingdom… Vector despaired. Mining day in and day out, for 3 constant years, laughed at by the whole world. His body and mind could take no more. At the young age of 19, with constant near death starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss.. Vector died. - - - 2 lives filled with misery and pain. 2 lives filled with despair and no love. 2 lives suppressing their long desired goal of power. Yet these 2 lives were not so different. For these two bodies housed fragments of the same soul. Watch as these fragments re-emerge, creating a whole new being. A being that will know no bound. A being that will strive for power. A being that will not bow to anyone! Vector Invidia Zenith, will make the whole world kneel, or he’ll die trying, for he only has one real goal. World Domination? Yes, but quite. A Kingdom? Again, close, but not quite. Yandere wives? OF COURSE!! … ahem* … I mean, Yes, but still not there yet. For what he truly desires is something completely unprecedented… What he wants is control! Control over everything … - - - Watch Vector rise from a slave to a King. From a King to an Emperor… watch him shed his immortal body for something more… something primordial… something cosmic. Watch the Prince of the Moon, as he rises time and time again. Simply doing what he wants…

SpatialDevil · Fantasi
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30 Chs

[ Chapter 15 ] - Tel V.S Vector

The roaring flame, that kept expanding ever so slowly, was causing all sorts of chaos throughout the camp, deep in the heart of it all, two people could be seen.

One person with a body that seemed to allow the flames to flicker on, while the other had a pure radius of ice spreading throughout, combating the flames with ease.

Vector was looking like the grim reaper in this very moment, with his Spacial eye appearing as a black hole to suck all in the abyss, it brought fear upon people… even powerful beings. Why?

Because space is all, it fears nothing.

Tel on the other hand was sweating profoundly, for once in his life, he was feeling pressed, backed into a cornered, and was scared to lose his life.

- - -

- Vector -

( Slave Camp, Middle Of The Fire )

" Still can't figure out who I am, can you ? Ha , enough talk, I'm coming " Vector muttered, before

commanding his ice radius around him , to quickly form 3 ice spears, in a rotating manner to increase the speed, and sent them flying at Tel.

* PAH *

* PAH *

* BOOM *

Tel, not being able to respond in time, managed to barley move, wirh a spear hitting directly his arm, while the other two missed.

Vector already having seen the other two missed, blinked away, just a few feet to gain some more distance, in case Tel had anything up his sleeve.

' He's fast ' thought Tel, fully focusing on surviving

What Tel didn't he know, was this was not speed, rather simple teleportation, and Vector has been practicing his teleportation skills everyday since he managed to create his spell.

However, he didn't need that now, he wanted to test the capabilities of his Ice-Sovereign spell, the spell granted him full control of the ice element in the radius around him… but what did that imply?

He intended to find out..

Willing the ice to slowly form a sword, a knife, a spear, a bullet, a missile type projectile, an axe, and finally a huge frisbee like disk…

' Wow, my imagination is perfectly transferred… Magic really is about creativity.. haha , I wonder if I could use my Spacial magic to open up projectiles to shoot out treasures, sort of like Gilgamesh from the Fate anime series… haha ima be so badass '

Vector thought, right before sending all his ice creations flying at Tel's position

However, Tel wasn't just standing by, he had to activate his rage spell for his berserker class, the flames around him adapted slowly forming on his hands as gauntlets as well… but being the meathead that he was, he ran as fast as he could towards Vector.

* BOOM *

* PAH *


Tel seeing three creations miss besides him, only ran even faster, with the intention to only take the hit of one, run through, and reach his "prey".

Tel's racial Orc side fully integrating his instincts at the moment.

Vector alreayd having predicted this, blinked once more, taking his ice radius with him, landing right on top Tel position… only few inches away and whispered

" Sovereign-Freeze "

At this point in time, Tel currently in motion to run directly ahead, no longer saw his "prey" , looked back in fear, despair, and confusion. Time seemed to stop for the two, as they locked eyes, and he finally understood that this man wanted revenge, he could see it in his "preys" eyes.

' Revenge for what? ' Tel lastly thought before everything froze. Literally.

Tel's whole body, having been close enough to Vector, fully froze just like a statue, and was still present to watch the next events …

' Time for him to feel pain ' Vector thought , channeling all the madness , pain, and despair through the constant torture Tel had put him through. Vector wanted to close this chapter of his life.

Vector arriving directly in front of Tel's face, unwilled the face mask, stared directly at Tel's face, and whispered only a few words.

" You bastard who's powerless now? I'm just a dud" Whispered Vector, currently right in front of the face of his first real enemy.

He felt satisfaction seeing Tel's face recognizing the meaning of his words.

" You see it now, don't you, I planed and schemed the whole time .. just to escape and kill you Tel. I want you to look into my eyes as I say my last words to you, I will eradicate your whole bloodline. Meaning all those filthy rapist orcs of your family, consider them dead. " Vector said with a whole mountain of killing intent behind

' This can't be real , no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no , I refuse. How did this bastard get like this? He's not dead? My family ? Dead ? NO! ' Tel for once in life screamed in terror

Vector seeing this, had a vengeful gleam, and then snapped Tel's left arm easily, just like a kit-kat.

* SNAP *

* Thud *

Vector having seen Tel in pain, felt a great contentment, but not happiness, no he didn't take joy in it, it was rather simply payback that's all.

' An eye for an eye as they say on earth ' Vector though in a amusing manner, before turning his full stent ion back in the bastard in front of him.

Vector then decided to simply end it, he willed the

ice that was surrounding Tel's body, to form thin and sharp needles, to slowly pierce Tel's skin, and to rotate while doing it … like a drill.

He did it in a slow , deadly, and painful fashion. After 30 seconds or so, Vector willed the ice to form a giant spike, and sent straight through Tel's face.


Vector having received a notification from that kill, put it in the back of mind for now, and blinked away from the now non existent fire.

The whole camp was already evacuated to the next camp close by, through a variety of tunnels interconnecting with each other.

The fire spread, Tel and Jeromes death occurred, and his plan succeeded… well not yet at least.

Now he needed to get the f#ck out of here.

' BYE TO SH#T PLACE. I'll never miss you, yet I won't forget you ever, and I'm grateful for the mana you provided me hahah! Time to go get my crown … '

- - -

The only reason Vector had the mana to do all these spells in the first place, was the constant mana gems he was currently swallowing, quickly replenishing his mana sea, but he did not waste them fruitlessly, and he didn't want to become dependent on these at all…

After all, his void space was filled with a hundred lifetime's worth of mana gems, from all colors, to each affinity. Keep in mind, there were no sh#tty ones, all the gems were of the highest caliber.

- - -

Vector approaching the area behind the main camp, could see a huge tunnel ahead, this tunnel was gigantic, with huge lit torches attached to the fall, spreading the whole way.

You could see various other tunnels connecting from the sides, as this tunnel was the only way in, or out, and so Vector had to go forward.

When arriving in the mouth of the cave, it was a fortress practically.

This place had 4 guards towers located in and outside the cave. All of them reinforced, with professional soldiers constantly monitoring the activity, with some powerhouses even above LVL 100, all fully equipped in military grade equipment.

This place would be practically impenetrable, with the guards availed, and the close response time from the military outposts close by, and yet …

It mattered not at all for Vector.

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

' Outside once again, oh wait I'm not far enough from that dreadful place … '

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

* Blink

' Good enough, oh god I'm exhausted… let me sleep in a tree I guesss … ughhh '

* Blink

Vector now on top of a thick branch the huge tree, standing at the height of about 50 feet, with an abundant amount of vegetation blocking all visibility to him.

He willed his ice mana one last time, to form two sturdy, tiny cables of rope, proceeded to tie his legs around the tree, and increased the mana output… to help the ice last a few hours longer…

Then crashed, instantly fell asleep, and his body was once again sucking in mana as fast as possible. Most talented FAE can regenerate their mana fast, but Vector's regeneration time was on a whole another level, and this was due to two reasons.

His body is not normal anymore, with the constant training and labor, with the abundant mana, the mana seeped into his body. Rather than having a mana core as all beings on this planet have, his whole body is a conduit now.

The second thing is what increased the chance of the first happening, alongside why mana is so happy with him, he's half spirit now. Spirits are literally a mana affinity born into an entity.

If Vector was an ice spirit he would be happy in a arctic biome, but Vector is a Spacial spirit … is space not all around us? In the living air of everything? Holding the planet together?

Vector can greedily suck in as much mana as he can… and that's exactly what his body did while he was sound asleep.

- - -

Vector having finally woke up from a much needed sleep, woke with wide eyes at the unfamiliar scenery, and the peaceful breeze in the air. He remembered the past events slowly and couldn't help but smile.

' FREEDOM ' Vector thought in a happy manner, who wouldn't be ? He was a slave for 3 years ..

' Oh god , I'm free … what do I do now? I had a plan, but where am I? Should I even go back yet? I have a year, should I take 6 months to only level up myself? Get stronger? Hmm I think so, but my plans may take longer, well let's see where we are .. hmm the ice is still intact? Hmm, whatever . At least the tree is shaded , and it's nice outside hmm, earth really can't compare to these vibrant colors' Vector thought, before jumping down, with a loud

* THUD *

The sight of the Forrest in the day time, was truly magnificent, seeing the memories of the biomes located here, due to his second half, rather than seeing it with his own eyes… was very very very


It truly was beautiful, the leaves all a variety of rich colors, all lush, abundant, and the Forrest was radiating with life. Small critters chirping and moving about. While a few beasts could be seen a little away.

' Hmm beasts are usually strong, let me fight them then. 6 months, 9 months? Hmmm. This shall be interesting. I will fully devote myself at training and leveling for 9 months. 3 months is enough to get there and prepared for my other plans… hmmm , I'll use my ice magic … but I want to maximize my Spacial efficacy, control, and understanding. Hmmm … '

I feel like Luffy in that training arc, well let's get to it then… who's the so called "King" of this Forrest? ' Vector excitingly thought, before blinking away 3 times, in only a matter of a few seconds, to stand atop of a small mountain overlooking the beautiful biome.

All the while, a maniacal smile could be seen, the type of smile only comparable to Christian Bale in American psycho, as vectors smile was still charismatic, a little distorted, and yet his looks were still striking.

And the gleam in his eyes showed it all, it showed excitement, fear, anticipation, but most of all happiness. He was free finally, in a f#cking fantasy world, as a prince, and merged his soul back.

For once, Vector felt complete… and this was the moment that Vector knew… he knew it was his … it was all his…. this whole world. It was all for the taking. Who would stop him? Only himself could …

' Haha! Let's train shall we?!! I'm ready to f#ck some sh#t up!!!! '

" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGAHAHA " Vector laughed as loud as possible, startling the animal close by, all of them thinking this strange FAE was crazy as hell ..

Vector having finally calmed down a little bit , decided it truly was time for him, for him to rise …



* Blink …

Training chapter next!! .. TIME SKIP!!!

SpatialDevilcreators' thoughts