
Prince of the Moon. Child of Space.

Warning ! R18 Scenes and dark elements will be present in this story. Such as : Poverty, hunger, war, breeding, murder, scheming, politics, and betrayal. However, do not let that fool you, for there will still be hope, and goodness spread throughout the story. Vector ( MC ) pays kindness with kindness, and death with death. He’s simply a man doing what he wants, when he wants, wherever he wants. A Hero to some and a villain to others… - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ( Usually 5 + chapters a week, chapters usually around 2,700 - 5,000 words. Please read until chapter 10-13. My writing improves drastically. ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Vector, had a childhood that could only be described with one word, and that word, “hell”. Having grown up during the chaotic times of world war 4. With no parents, no support, no love, or any clear ambition. Vector’s life was a repeated, constant, and miserable cycle. His only escape was his death. At the young age of 19, with a bullet in his gut, and his built up regret… Vector died. Vector could only curse his own weakness, the sh#t world, and his long suppressed will to gain power. His end coming to a near, his existence snuffed out, and his dream of power gone. Yet his death was not his ending, no in actuality, it was his beginning. For he would have the chance to gain the power once more. - - - Vector Invidia Zenith, the 3rd prince of the Zenith kingdom, was born a “dud”. What was a dud? It’s a magical being, naturally born with no mana, nor had the ability to gain mana. You could imagine his treatment, when the whole world ran on mana. In all eyes of the world, including his own family’s, he was “trash” and useleses. Constantly tortured by his brothers, step-mother’s, and all the other noble kids… He grew resentful, vile, and “evil” by all standards. Constantly drunk, harassing girls, and even treating one of the only people to ever show him love… his mother, in a rude and cruel way. His father, the King finally having enough of the constant shame brought upon by his 3rd son, exiled Vector away to his given lands. These lands were supposed to be provided for, taken care of, and protected. Alas, Vector did not care… and as a result, his people died, starved, and gang activity ensured. However, this would all change. On the road there, his caravan was attacked by highly trained Demonic-Fae, sent by the Den Kingdom. His party slaughtered, himself captured, and his fate sealed. Thrown into a slave mine, with the worst of conditions, and used as leverage against the Zenith Kingdom… Vector despaired. Mining day in and day out, for 3 constant years, laughed at by the whole world. His body and mind could take no more. At the young age of 19, with constant near death starvation, exhaustion, and blood loss.. Vector died. - - - 2 lives filled with misery and pain. 2 lives filled with despair and no love. 2 lives suppressing their long desired goal of power. Yet these 2 lives were not so different. For these two bodies housed fragments of the same soul. Watch as these fragments re-emerge, creating a whole new being. A being that will know no bound. A being that will strive for power. A being that will not bow to anyone! Vector Invidia Zenith, will make the whole world kneel, or he’ll die trying, for he only has one real goal. World Domination? Yes, but quite. A Kingdom? Again, close, but not quite. Yandere wives? OF COURSE!! … ahem* … I mean, Yes, but still not there yet. For what he truly desires is something completely unprecedented… What he wants is control! Control over everything … - - - Watch Vector rise from a slave to a King. From a King to an Emperor… watch him shed his immortal body for something more… something primordial… something cosmic. Watch the Prince of the Moon, as he rises time and time again. Simply doing what he wants…

SpatialDevil · Fantasi
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30 Chs

[ Chapter 13 ] - Spacial Magic to the rescue [ 3/3 ]

( 12 Hours Later, Unknown Cavern, Slave Mine - Den Kingdom )

Waking up with a bruised face, Vector could only curse his luck once again, and the mana exhaustion that swept over him.

' Damn, spending all your mana at once was one of the most painful things I've ever felt, it was like draining my vitality instantly, I don't know how my second half lived without mana .. poor bastard. Well, he was a shitty person, no matter though. I have my reputation to rebuild, a crown to win, and my people are probably starving under Gang rule. No longer! OH SH#t I forgot! !!!'

' Hahah Vector's Fridge! I have nothing to put in there though… well I'll stock up on mana gems until I can hold anything else , but besides that I don't have anything .. hmmm . I need a weapon as well. First let me make my other 2 spells .. '

" Status " Vector practically screamed in excitement, watching the translucent screen pop up once more.


[ Name : Vector Invidia Zenith ]

[ Race : Royal-Fae , Spacial High-Spirit ]

[ Titles: Child of Space , Transmigrated, Royal Fae ]

[ Natural Affinities : Spacial (100%) , Ice (100%) ]

[ Bloodline Abilities : N/A ]

[ Class : N/A ]

[ Sub Class : N/A ]


LVL : [ 4 ] , EXP : [ 25/430 ] [ HP: 42/42]

[ MP: 1245/1245 ] [ stat points : 0 ]

< vitality : 14 >

< strength : 13 >

< dexterity : 10 >

< intelligence : 24 >

< mana : 415 >

< charisma : 9 >


- [ Spells ] -

❖ Ice-Bullet :

• Mana : ~ (30) , Damage : ~ (15)

❖ Ice-Overlord :

• Mana : ~ (300) , Boost : ~ (+ 100 Magical Resistance, + 45 Physical Resistance , Time : 10 Minutes per 100 MP )

❖ Ice-Sovereign :

• Mana : 850 , Damage : ~ ( Boost : Complete Ice-Elemental Control over 30 foot radius, Time : 45 Minutes )

❖ Vector's Fridge :

• Mana : None , Storage : 10 Feet x 10 Feet ( Item call back time : 8/10th of a second )


' Damn it seems some of my other stats went up besides mana as well, my strength and vitality up by one! However, why did my charisma go up? I don't feel any changes ? Hmm , I'm thirsty, damn only 1 day's worth of rations left. F#ck! I gotta create those spells today! ' - chaotically thought Vector

Vector hungry once more, went to go eat what little rations he had left, and drink some more water from the pond as usual. However, after eating and walking over the the pond… Vector didn't recognize himself once again.

It seems understanding his Spacial Magic and lineage effected his appearance …

Vector who was last 6'6, with deep purple striking eyes, and a compact toned body… was a little different now.

Vector was slightly taller, around 6'7 and a half or so, while his eyes have completely changed, for better or worse. He couldn't tell if he liked the change or not, he could only compare them to one anime character that came to mind, sasuke.

The forms and patterns were of course completely different, but his eyes were now of 2 colors, one was the same striking purple, which was his left, while his right one appeared as a night sky.

His left eye the same as last, his pupil black, while his overall eye color was a deep rich purple.

His right eye on the other hand, completely changed, it went from being the same color purple, to a completely obsidian black color, with countless stars in twinkling in mix.

However, while analyzing his right eye, he found similarities in it, one could see a night sky, with a rectangular constellation in the upper left, Vector realizing this … found that his right eye was the night sky in his inner mana sea.

Various colorful moons, planets, stars, and even the constellation could be seen! It was absolutely memorizing and beautiful. However, this eye did not just change aesthetically, no he could feel a second use for this eye, an evolution perhaps.

An instinct of some sorts, a feeling that could pierce through reality itself, perceive mana like never seen before.

Willing up the courage to do so, Vector tried it out .

* Ding ! *

[ Bloodline Ability : Reality Warping Eyes (28%) ]

[ Host has unlocked a Bloodline Ability , through natural means, and pure magical talent ! ]

[ Host has understood the Spacial element to a certain degree , your right eye is now adjusted to 28% , further understanding of the Spacial element, will result in a higher adaptivity, which will result in more prowess. Congrats ! ]

[ Rare Achievement, + 5 stat points ]



' Damn ! WHAT THE F#ck ! What does it do? WAIT! WTF?!! ' - internally screamed Vector

While focusing on the notifications from the system, rather than focusing on his eye sight, a phenomenon was taking place in his right eye.

His vision turned from normal looking colors to a meek black and white, expect this black and white seemed to hold more depth than the colors, it showed the true purpose of the mana particles in the air.

He didn't know how to describe it, he could literally see the mana interwoven into the natural world, he could see the elements coming into play, and he felt if he upgraded his eye enough… he might be able to effect this mana.

Of course for a price, but nevertheless he felt like the eye as suggested could really warp reality to how he wanted it eventually!

Vector memorized in the feeling of being able to perceive mana on such a detailed view, stood there for at least 5 minutes without moving, just constantly analyzing the different mana gems and the air all around him, until he quickly felt a significant drain in his mana sea.

[ MP : 1245/1245 ] —> ( - 855 ) [ MP : 390/1245 ]

' DAMN! That costs a lot, but this eye will be one of my trump cards. I can see mana to such a fine detail, I could notice the influx of mana, and determine its element before releasing.

' That will be super handy, to counter opponents spells, while also seeing through illusions, and possibly more! '

' This right eye , like all Spacial Magic is a complete mana drain though. I'm glad I can will the effect off, otherwise I would die, but I will need to cover it up as no one can see it. Otherwise they'll be intrigued, and if this is found out, it will spread, talk about more targets on my back! I would become a damn lab rat! ' - Vector swore inside his head

Having to replenish his magic once more, before training his Spacial Magic, he remembered the achievement he unlocked as well, quickly looking over what attributes to add with his stat points.

' I'll put them all in vitality to increase my health for now. '

< vitality : 14 > —> [ +5 ] < vitality : 19 >

[ stat points : 5 ] —> ( -5 ) [ stat points : 0 ]

" Status " - Vector grumbled, ready to see his status one more time, before fully devoting himself to his magical training..


[ Name : Vector Invidia Zenith ]

[ Race : Royal-Fae , Spacial High-Spirit ]

[ Titles: Child of Space , Transmigrated, Royal Fae ]

[ Natural Affinities : Spacial (100%) , Ice (100%) ]

[ Bloodline Abilities : Reality Warping Eyes ( 28% ) , ]

[ Class : N/A ]

[ Sub Class : N/A ]


LVL : [ 4 ] , EXP : [ 25/430 ] [ HP: 57/57 ]

[ MP: 392/1245 ] [ stat points : 0 ]

< vitality : 19 >

< strength : 13 >

< dexterity : 10 >

< intelligence : 24 >

< mana : 415 >

< charisma : 9 >


- - - -

Vector having rested enough, was finally ready to understand more about his Spacial Magic, and had a few ideas to play with.

While, he had grand ideas of summoning whole stars upon his opponents, he didn't have the stats for it, and the mana capacity as well.

Therefore he needed what he could get, and hopefully try and maximize what he could. His second spell, being a short-distanced teleportation spell, but one where it did not require the "two-gate" method , as that method was too mana costly, and took too much time.

Remembering his lessons from before, he knew that affecting himself, rather than the environment around him, was less mana costly.

So with these two notions in his head, he tried to teleport just a few feet away, focusing on willing a one time vortex, just the size of of his body, to propel him one location to another.

Sort of like a puzzle, where only the last missing piece was left, easily being able to simply fit in.

While, utilizing this one-way vortex to push him through space, resulting in him teleporting a few feet away, and staying in one piece.

- - -

( 3 Hours Later , Unknown Cavern, Slave Mine-Den Kingdom )

After 3 hours of teleporting himself just barley a few feet away, he finally got the hang of it, and finally understood the basics of it. This transaction had to be quick, the mana spent costly but not too bad, but most of all, it had to be precise.

A clear visionary representation had to be formed in his mind, his eyes, and finally linked with his mana.

In of itself, it was another hand - eye coordination type of ordeal, in the magic world, where mages have to link their mana and intent.

He found using his newly enhanced right eye to pinpoint a location, then willing the Spacial Magic vortex to land on top of him, was the fastest way.

After trial and error, he finally found the rhythm he needed! While using his right eye, he found the mana cost to be slightly lower, the cast time a little bit faster, and it was overall smoother.

However, he did not want to rely on it … just in case, if need be, he couldn't use it.

Having a crutch like that, would only hurt his development, and his sense of security. Finally reaching the finish line of the spell, he had a big decision to make , what would he call it?

[ Spell created ]

[ What would host like to call this spell? ]

" Blink " Vector whispered excitingly

[ Recorded! ]

[ Host has learned spell " Blink " ]

[ Spells (5/6) : Ice-Bullet , Ice-Overlord, Ice-Sovereign, Vector's Fridge , Blink , ]

[ Blink ] - MP : 50 , Range : 50 Feet - A Fae-Prince has finally taken his real step into his escape, the child of space unlocking more and more, slowly realizing the truths and secrets behind reality and space itself. Creating his second Spacial spell, he has made a short distanced and fast-paced teleportation spell, this spell can be adjusted per 10 feet by 10 mana. This spell having practically no cast time, being able to cast it in a mere blink, hence the name.

- - -

Vector having completed his movement spell, after countless trial and errors, and with an actual mana cost that he could afford, was absolutely pumped up!

For the next hour, all Vector could do, was "Blink".

It was becoming as easy as second nature for him, with the mana costs constantly being adjusted according to the distance away, and the cast time being able to handle a rapid fire cast.

For example, Vector could teleport or "Blink" away, from across the room, costing 100 MP, and then do it again, as soon as he landed in position.

All in a "Blink" of an eye.

He could teleport to one area, then the next, and the next. Almost instantaneously, as long as he had the mana to provide for, and the visualization in his eye sight.

He knew eventually he would need another spell to not depend on his eyesight, but for now he needed his last spell, and this spell was not a passive nor movement spell.

Rather he wanted another defensive and even offensive spell at his disposal, before the chaos ensures, and his escape plan is fully in play.

He originally wanted to create a black hole type of spell, to suck in, or absorb an enemies attack.

Alas, it was to good to be true… he didn't have the control, intelligence, nor the mana to even generate 10% of the spell he wanted.

So he had to revise once again, he thought of gravity spells, phantom claws, and maybe trying to use stars of some sorts.

Yet, all these failed… over and over.

All these repeated failures made him realize, he will never be able to fully utilize his Spacial Magic until he levels himself up, and understands "space" on a deeper level. This would all take time.

However, he didn't have anymore time! He needed another spell now. For his escape would commence tomorrow !

- - -

After trial and error, over a course of a few hours, of constant effort.

He finally got it.

Having picked between 2 choices, while testing the capabilities of both, he finally utilized his mana to create his last spell, which will help his chance to escape significantly.

[ Spell created ]

[ What would host like to call this spell? ]

" Distortion Wave " Vector said with a cheery tone

[ Recorded! ]

[ Host has learned spell " Distortion Wave " ]

[ Spells (6/6) : Ice-Bullet , Ice-Overlord, Ice-Sovereign, Vector's Fridge , Blink , Distortion Wave ]

[ Distortion Wave ] - MP : 100 , Damage : 50 ( Effect : Each blast, depending on the mana output, causes a mini Spacial rupture, interfering with the mana particles in said area, and or causing an extreme knock back effect, depending on the opponents level and status. )

' Finally! Only took me 4 hours straight … uhhh!!' - Vector inwardly groaned

Vector having tried various spells, could only make a spell that could effect the area slightly, rather than a whole permanent change like how he wanted.

The only thing vector could compare his latest spell to, was the Witcher's blue handed knock back spell, expect his spell could be distorted, to effect space itself, depending on the mana output.

While trying the effects, utilizing 600+ MP, his spell could be visibly seen cracking and slowly devouring the worlds energy, and mana particles for a given time, before dissipating in thin air.

The reason Vector wanted a spell like this, rather than a pure defensive one, was for crowd control.

He was bound to be swarmed or overrun by guards at some point, the only solution he had was a spell like he just made, and to succeed he would need to save his mana.

This spell wasn't so costly where he couldn't use it, but it was still costly enough, as he could only use it 3-4 times, without basically rendering himself useless.

The other biggest advantage he liked about his newest spell, was the nature of it, and the appearance of it. It appeared as a wind spell, rather than a Spacial spell, and the effects of slowly devouring the mana particles in a area… was kind-of-badass… he had to admit.

He knew this spell might become his greatest assets in the near future. He could see himself waving his hand, sending out a huge distortion wave against an opponents attack…

That attack would be devoured, instantly crushed, thrown into the abyss. Vector even had the idea to use his opponents attacks against them… by simply storing it in his "freezer"… and then releasing it back at them.. 'what a deadly ability' - Vector thought

- - -

With his basic spells now filled up, his mind, mana, and body trained as much as he could muster.

He was ready, rather he was as close as being ready as could ever be, his slave days were almost at an end.

Next he needed to acquire levels, riches, more spells, and even grow his army and lands.

For he had a bone to pick with these Demonic-Fae bastards, his cruel family, and most of all… he needed to save his mother.

Vector was broken inside, angry, bitter, and the same pessimistic person as he was in his past two lives.

The only difference was this time, he would have the power to do what he wants, he would make himself happy!!

However, he didn't have time to focus on his mental health, for he was a slave at the moment, and he wanted out … no he needed to get out!

'3 and half years ! It's been to long' ..

So his plan was finally put motion. Vector about to go to sleep, to be fully rejuvenated , and mentally ready for tomorrow.

Checking his status one last time, Vector excitingly whispered " status "


[ Name : Vector Invidia Zenith ]

[ Race : Royal-Fae , Spacial High-Spirit ]

[ Titles: Child of Space , Transmigrated, Royal Fae ]

[ Natural Affinities : Spacial (100%) , Ice (100%) ]

[ Bloodline Abilities : Reality Warping Eyes ( 28% ) , ]

[ Class : N/A ]

[ Sub Class : N/A ]


LVL : [ 4 ] , EXP : [ 25/430 ] [ HP: 57/57 ]

[ MP: 392/1245 ] [ stat points : 0 ]

< vitality : 19 >

< strength : 13 >

< dexterity : 10 >

< intelligence : 24 >

< mana : 415 >

< charisma : 9 >


- [ Spells ] -

❖ Ice-Bullet :

• Mana : ~ (30) , Damage : ~ (15)

❖ Ice-Overlord :

• Mana : ~ (300) , Boost : ~ (+ 100 Magical Resistance, + 45 Physical Resistance , Time : 10 Minutes per 100 MP )

❖ Ice-Sovereign :

• Mana : 850 , Damage : ~ ( Boost : Complete Ice-Elemental Control over 30 foot radius, Time : 45 Minutes )

❖ Vector's Fridge :

• Mana : None , Storage : 10 Feet x 10 Feet ( Item call back time : 8/10th's of a second )

❖ Blink :

• Mana : 50 , Range : 50 Feet , ( 10 MP per 10 Feet , teleportation time : 6/10's of a second)

❖ Distortion Wave :

• Mana : 100 , Damage : 50 ( Boost : Knock-back effect , mana disruption and devouring, depending on the Mana output )


- - -

- Common Guards -

( Early Hours, Slave Camp , Guard Barracks )

" WAKE UP! " yelled a guard on the tower


" huh , wasza going on a???" Muttered a half sleep guard

" oh shit, smoke , get up fat ass " yelled another

" f#ck!!! "

" what is going on ? "

" which slave is asking for a beating ?!!! "



" HUH? I'm up, why you yelling? OH SH#t FIRE! What's going on? Time for violence?!!! Hehehe" Tel said with a manic smile plastered on his face , quickly putting on his uniform, ready to cause some bloodshed.

" LETS GO! " the guards yelled

- - -

Various guards could be seen busily rushing towards the main tent area. A roaring fire was quickly spreading, while various people were screaming, and the fire jumped tent to tent.

The guards were all thinking it was some idiot who mistakenly caused this … ready to give them a good beating, and a slow death.

Yet they couldn't be more wrong.

Someone with barley any clothes on, a rag at this point, only covering his lower area, could be seen standing on a cliff side, looking over at the chaos.

This man had a surreal milky white hair, that could only be described in those anime's from earth, yet .. it truly was otherworldly and magical.

The man was standing around 6'7, with a lean and toned chiseled body, with his muscles compact but bulging with power.

His right eye was an ethereal starry sky, while his left was a striking deep rich purple, that could only be described with the word "royalty".

All the while, the man standing there, had an angry smirk that held many emotions.

Pain, anguish, excitement, revenge, vengeance.

This man was none other than Vector .

Vector Invidia Zenith , the 3rd prince of the Zenith Kingdom, the Prince of the Moon, and the child of space.

His destiny wasn't written in stone, but all the historians that would one day teach about his legacy, would tell you this…

This moment, this camp, and his escape.

Was truly the beginning of a monster that would take the whole world by surprise…. a monster that would reform the balance of power and forever change the history of this planet.

Please comment and interact!!! <3 y’all. Watch my words, we’ll get on the leaderboard one day. More chapters soon! Going to try for 2 a day!

SpatialDevilcreators' thoughts