
Red Hot Affairs

With a bounty placed on her head, Serafina, an Italian immigrant with a traumatic past, flees her country to live as a fugitive in America as she gets to work as a faux prostitute and a killer under an infamous Pimp who takes her in and promises to get her a work permit in America and protect her while her presence remains illegal. She is forced, by circumstances, seduce and swindle men to survive and hide away from her killers. She meets Giovanni one fateful night in what she believed to be a coincidence and following a steamy one night stand, she tries to swindle him like she usually does but is swiftly caught and attacked after a failed attempt at drugging him. He subdues her and makes her a deal: To work for his secret organisation or to be arrested and deported back to Italy where she will finally be hunted down by her bounty killers. Serafina, having no option, agrees and they both start off hating each other after a night that would have bloomed into a beautiful relationship. The rebellious duo weave through crime, deaths, swindling and exerting revenge on corrupt government officials, having to save each other from harm's way and when their feelings, flaming desires and passion starts to surpass the hate they have for each other, they are forced to make compromises and in the end, Serafina's love for Giovanni is tested when her life is threatened by her former boss. Will she bring him to his doom or sacrifice everything for the man she loves?

Sousia · Fantasy
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6 Chs

A Seductress' Guide To Manipulation


A dark haired lady, wearing a skimpy red dress, and a pair of black Jimmy Choos, pushed past a crowd of drunk sweaty people, dancing and frolicking against the messy floors. Strobe lights danced around the room.

A drunken man stood in her way, smiling widely like a predator, wrapping his arms around her waist, he proceeded to speak with his alcohol filled breath. "My, don't you look sexy tonight?"

Serafina was really not in the mood to politely ask a stranger to let her be so she pushed him to the side and he crashed to the floor. Gasps were heard around but she didn't care at this point.

She made a beeline for the bar and slipped into a stool, smiling at the bartender who's skin was marked with so many tattoos. He smiled at her.

"What would you be having, pretty lady?"

She smiled back at him, slipping her burgundy manicured nails into her painted lips. "I'd have bloody Mary, thanks."

"Target in sight." She spoke into the one-way voice link device attached to her ears as soon as the bartender turned away.

"Good. Make sure you carefully execute tonight's plans. You've never failed me. Don't do that tonight."

Serafina scoffed and bit back her rude words. "Of course. I won't make any mistakes."

She turned off the device and set her eyes on her target. It was a man in his early fifties, about five foot nine, dressed in a very expensive suite and surrounded by strippers who frolicked around him. Irish by birth but American by citizenship, he controlled logistics that shipped gold and other gems from Africa and worked secretly for the government.

Serafina took her glass of cocktail from the bartender, picking up the paper he had slid towards her.

"Someone from across the club asked me to give it to you."

Serafina looked down to see digits scribbled on the paper and a side note: Call me. I'll take you wherever you want.

Laughing to herself, she squeezed the paper and tossed it to the ground, not minding to look for whoever had given her this. She had a more important target that she couldn't miss for dear life. Conor O'Neill was her ticket closer to getting a work permit here in America. It was all she needed to move freely and work legally.

Sliding her purse from the marble counter, she snapped it open. Rohypnol, a taser, a pen knife, pepper spray and finally, a sniper gun.


Sliding out of her seat, she grabbed her drink and sashayed towards the booth where Conor sat with the ladies. She smiled when he looked up at her with interest and slid into the space beside him.

"Hello, handsome," She began in a sultry voice, aimed at seducing him. This was the first stage.

He quickly dismissed the strippers and turned to her with a glass in his hand, adopting a provocative stance. "My, the Lord must have brought an angel to my seat because you do look breathtaking."

She laughed softly, carefully. "You flatter me."

He took her hand in his and kissed each of her fingers while maintaining eye contact with her. This was going smoothly. Just as she had expected. "I do not, pretty lady. I mean every word."

"Thank you." She tipped her glass at him and took a sip. "You must be having the time of your life. Being surrounded by naked, beautiful women and all."

"I don't think that matters anymore," He winked at her. "You're here beside me and that's all I need."


For someone who had a beautiful wife and two amazing little girls, he was indeed a shitty man. She wished there was a way she could drop a message to his wife, telling her how much of a cheating husband he was. Sending photo attachments wouldn't also be bad.

But that wasn't her purpose here. Infact, she didn't care at all.

"Do you smoke?" Conor said as he slid out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

She nodded, slipped out a metal lighter from underneath her breasts and lit the butt of the Cigeratte for him. He smiled at her and nodded in approval, took a few puffs before handing it over to her.

They kept smoking till she felt his hand climb onto her thigh.

Yes. This was it.

Serafina didn't move. She kept smoking and laughing at what he was saying and when he got fed up, he leaned towards her.

"I know we're just meeting for the first time," He whispered against her ears as he slid his hand deeper into her dress. "But I want you so badly. Every man around has been watching you and I want to show them that I bagged such a beautiful woman. It's not so regular for a man like me to achieve that feat."

She tightened her legs around his hand and smiled at him. "A woman like me doesn't just fuck anyone. You don't have to be told, do you?"

He nodded impatiently. Serafina's hand slid towards his pants, moving up his thigh till she got to his fly and rubbed his bulge. She smiled. "You're so hard for me."

"Anything you want," He was breathing heavily now. His eyes had glazed over with lust and desire. Her eyes darted over to the bong seated on the table before them. If situations had been different, she would have crashed it on his head, leaving him with a concussion or something. With grit, she reminded herself that she needed to finish this job. "I'll take care of your bills, sponsor your vacations and anything you want. Literally anything. Just let me have you."

She pushed him back against the booth and slid into his laps. His hand stopped at the curve of her buttock. She slid her feet up and down his legs and rubbed her hands on his bulge, causing him to hiss. Her red lips grazed his cheek like feathers and when she stopped at his ears, she whispered.

"I don't mind. Who would say no to such offer?" She whispered. "I'll fuck you so good tonight, you'd wish you met me before your wife."

He blanched when she stood to her feet. "How did you..."

She smiled. "You look married. But don't worry, I won't spill the tea. Where's your suite?"

He pushed to his feet immediately and led the way. "Don't tell my wife, please. Who are you?"

She turned towards him. "My name is Serafina and I promise not to let your secret out. We all have dirty secrets and I promise to keep yours. And you know what my compensation for that would be?"

He nodded immediately and smiled nervously before placing his hand on her waist and leading her away from the club.

Somewhere in the dark, as Serafina was led away by the rich mogul who shipped gems, a cigarette was lit up and someone materialized out of the dark.

"She works for Drake Trevor, boss. Do you want me to follow her?"

"No. Abort mission."