
Prince Delight

"When I think rainI think about singing When I think about singing It's an heavenly tune When I think about heaven I think about angels When I think about angels I think about you for you're my love angel When I think about date I remember a day like today Which talks of you babe You came to me with fullness of Love....... ...Whilst sitting beside Richard with Joe at the other end, all this thought flashed through my mind and with a smile on my face, I looked at my husband and publicly before the whole citizens of the country, he gave me a kiss before strolling on the red carpet towards the podium

Digital_Technology · Fantasi
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20 Chs






Oceana was sitting alone in a seat in the prep class. She opened her bag and saw the PT.

She looked around and realised that every other kid were busy reading and having some chit-chat.

She wasn't really sure what a green PT is and it led over thinking about the issue since the previous night.

She took the PT and stared at it closely.

" Virgin Mary!" Someone called and she got startled that the PT fell off her hand.

She hastily picked it up and looked up only to find Storm and her crews.

" Hey." She waved slightly, trying to put the PT back in her purse quickly.

" Hey, what are you hiding down there?" Storm asked, holding her waist.

" Hiding?. Nothing!. I'm not hiding anything" She quickly said as her heart slammed hardly against her chest. She quickly zipped off her purse.

" Let me see. I know you were with something"

" No. You can't." Oceana said already trembling with fear.

" Why?"

" It's my private stu...ff. You can't have it" She said and storm rashly grabbed her purse forcefully.

" Stop this!. Leave my purse alone!" Oceana yelled, standing to her feet.

" Show me what you're hiding or you won't get your purse back the same way it is!" Storm yelled, pulling it with all her effort.

" What's your business with what belongs to me. Why can't you mind your business!" Oceana spat at her.

" Give it!" Storm already snapped the purse from her making it slant into halves.

The PT fell, making a plastic knock on the school tiles. it was the first thing that caught Storm's attention.

" What's this?" Storm asked, picking it up and looking at it with a smirk on her lips.

Oceana was already sweating all over. She knew it was finished for her at this point

" it's..it's actually__

" Wait!. A green colored PT. Is this yours?. Are you seriously pregnant?!!" Storm blasted.

" What? Shh!" Oceana eyes widened with fear.

" Oh my God. Oceana is a mom!" Storm said and started laughing hard.

The student turned their heads and stared at them in amusement.

" Guys. Our virgin Mary is having a PT with her. Hurray!!" Storm said, raising it high for everyone to look at it.

The class all started to murmur, and other's were laughing, staring at Oceana hatefully.

Oceana fell her face as her heart clenched in pain. She couldn't look up or she would break down in tears sooner

" Tell me Oceana. Who's the daddy?. He got so lost in your sweet yummy hole that he forgot to use pill on you?. Huh?" Storm asked, laughing.

" Give me my private stuff!" Oceana screamed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

" Its no longer your private stuffs. Everyone in the prep class knows about it. We know you're pregnant. Hashtag, Teen mom" Storm smirked.

" I'm not pregnant!. The PT is so wrong!" She said as more tears fell of her eyes.

" Oh Guys, how sad. She's being hopeful, doubting her PT." She said and everyone started laughing.

" Stop humiliating me this way!" She said.

" So?. What are you gonna do about it?. Take some abortion pills or just be a Mommy and drop outta school.?"

" Just give me back my stuff. Ion wanna talk to you or look at anyone's faces!" Oceana said

" Oh. Cry baby needs her stuffs back. Come and get it if you can." Storm laughed and threw it to one of her friend.

" Hey. Give it to me!" Oceana strided up to the girl and wanted to collect it but the girl threw it to another girl.

" You guys should stop this. I can't mess with your stuff this way. Stop playing around with mine!" She yelled and went towards the next girl.

" Sorry girly. I'm loving this game a lot, especially with you running around" The girl laughed and they started to pass it around in the class.

Oceana went from seat to seat, trying to grab her stuff but the kids made her look horrible.

👥 Our newest teen Mommy !

👥 When are we coming for Homecoming?

👥 The baby's name should be VIRGIN Mary 2!

👥 Your mate are already breast feeding!

👥 Go find a life, school is not an option for you

They kept blabbering all through.

Soon, the PT landed on Alec's desk and he quickly removed his earphones.

" What's going on?" He asked. He seemed to have gotten lost in his books.

" Please Alec. Give me back my stuff!. Please don't throw it away to someone else!" Oceana sobbed as she ran towards him.

Alec picked the stuff and stared at it with wide eyes before looking at Oceana.

" What are you doing with a PT?" He asked but she snatched it from him immediately.

She placed it back in her purse and left the hall in tears.

While she was going, she collided with the chemistry teacher, A tall giant man in glasses.

" Oceana. Thank God I was able to see you. Can we discuss"

" I need to visit the ladies." She said folding her hands.

" Just give me a sec" He said and brought out a file from the heaps of file in his hands.

Then he gave her her result sheet.

" I got a D in chemistry!" She panicked.

" I'm so disappointed in you, oceana. What were you thinking to have written an errant nonsense. I was shocked marking your script cos I know you are one of the best kid in class. What's happening?. You've been doing so badly this week " He said and she fell her face.

" I...i've been sick. Very sick." She said.

" I can't deny it tho. Your face looks dry and you're turning chubby recently. I guess you should see the doctor and check what's going on, okay?" .

" Okay, Mr Williams" She nodded and walked away from him, rubbing her arm.

She walked down the school corridor, just wondering what on hell was happening to her.

She can't speak to her parent about her situation.

She doesn't have the courage to talk to Miss cherry yet.

She haven't told Axel about her health cos she knew he would ignore her as usual.

Her friends are slowly finding out about her secret and her grades are really bad. It feels like bad luck was chasing her everywhere.

She felt like she was dying in silence and it was killing her badly.

She arrived inside one of the toilet and stared at the PT again.

" It can't be true. I can't be pregnant. N..o, not at seventeen. I'm still young and I still have five more month before I graduate." She said and threw it inside the toilet.

" I thought no one will know about this but it's spreading really fast. I'm seriously doomed" She said and flushed down the toilet.

" Who's in there. I need to use the toilet!" Someone shouted from the outside.

" Hey. I'll be stuck here for the next one hour. Use the other room." She said and sat on the toilet seater and started crying out her eyes.



The social teacher is currently writing on the board and then, he turned to face everyone in the social class.

" Before I forget class, there will be another pratical today" He said and the kids began to grumble tiredly.

They hated practicals as much as they hated this teacher who wore big oversized pant to class.

" Sir Big pant. What's the pratical gonna be about?" Storm raised her hand, asking excitedly.

It seems she had been waiting for him to say it for quite a long time.

" Yeah. The pratical will be simple. You guys will pair yourselves in two's and create something out of nature." He said.

" Sir. I'll pair with Alec!" She said immediately and the students turned their heads to bunker a face at her.

" Alec. She's your new pair" He said and Alec looked up, creasing his brows.

" Hey. Aren't you the teacher?. Aren't you suppose to pair us instead?"

" Well, you guys can pair yourself with the person you are comfortable working with." He said.

" Sir, I'll pair with Axel." A skinny girl in brown chocolate hair said.

" No. I'll be the one pairing with Axel today!" Another girl in nerd glasses yelled.

" Don't stress. I'm the lucky girl pairing with Axel today. Right Axel?" The third sassy girl in social class said.

" Girls, hold your stress. I'll be working with my crazy queen." He said winking at Oceana.

Oceana sighed and looked away from him.

" Sir. Is there anyway we can work singlehandedly without a partner?" She asked

" I'm sorry but that will be very impossible. Your new pair is Axel so work with that" He said and Oceana's hand fisted strongly on her purse.

She wasn't interested in this practical and pairing with Axel was another thing.

" You guys will have to create anything out of nature. Something new, something different from your peers. The score will be added to your GPA result, so work hard. Submit tomorrow morning."

" Yes, master Lois." They incited.

The bell was rang and the teacher packed his books, leaving the class.

" Hey, Oceana. Are you okay?. Why are you looking like you've been drained?" Axel asked approaching her seat.

She stood up quickly, packing her textbooks.

" Excuse me." She said.

" Excuse you?. I'm trying to feel considerate about your health and__

" I don't wanna speak twice, Axel. Leave this spot so I can pass" She said strictly.

" Oceana. Look, I know you want__

Before he could finish, she pushed him aside. She walked out of her seat, whining her hips away.

The class all stared at them blankly and Axel adjusted his jacket, walking out of the class as well.



" We are supposed to talk about the stuff we are going to create out of nature. we have today to talk about this" Axel said following Oceana behind.

Oceana kept walking, hugging her books and ignoring him.

" Hey!. Are you even listening to me. You deaf?" He asked.

She opened the door to the seniors booth and walked in, scattering her textbooks on the large table.

She took up her white gloves and started wearing it immediately.

" Oceana...

Axel grabbed her hand before she could step away and Oceana faced him.

" What do you need me for!. I thought you dumped me!. Why are you stressing my life" She yelled.

" We are both pair's in the pratical. Aren't we supposed to talk about what to do like sensible humans. Why are you ignoring me!" He yelled.

" What do you want me to say to you?. Aren't you the one insulting me and calling me names earlier!." She said as tears fell off her eyes.

" You humiliated me, Axel. You made me feel like a looser and a worthless bitch!. I can't stop hating on you. I hate you!" She said, wiping every line of her tears.

Axel stared at her as she wiped her tears and sobbed more and he could share in the pain she was in.

" Look. I'm really sorry. I never knew it was hurting you this way. Maybe I was lost having fun thinking it wasn't having a curve on you" He said and tried to hold her.

" Please Oceana__

" Don't come any close or I might spank your face so hard that it might fall off!" She yelled and Axel eyes went wide.

" Okay fine. I know what's going on and i don't think I can sympathise with you in the way you want. What are we creating for the pratical?." He asked, pocketing his hands.

She looked at him sadly, feeling hurt that he didn't even care more of her feelings.

" I'm working alone. Go work by yourself." She said.

" The teacher already said we can't work singlehandedly" He said.

" I'm not ready to work with you!. Ion care if I fail In the GPA record!" She yelled.

" Oceana.."

" Don't call my name!. it doesn't go well with your ugly voice!" She said.

He sighed and quickly took her in a tight hug and Oceana felt weak to fight him off.

She remained in his broad chest, crying like she had loose everything.

" Why did you do this to me, Axel. Why did we start in the first place when you know you wouldn't finish it. And now I feel like I'm pregnant" She said.

" Pregnant?" He suddenly looked at her eyes

Oceana got shocked by her words, wondering how the word slipped off her mouth.

" I...I.. .mean I'm suddenly pre...ssured. I'm pressured by your ill treatment." She said and Axel sighed a relief.

" I'm sorry for my I'll treatment. I promise never to be harsh around you ever again. I promise " He said and Oceana stepped back, looking at him.

" I'm never gonna trust your word like I foolishly did the other time. You are a playboy, what less should I expect." She said.

" I'm a playboy who's ready to change" He said lamely and Oceana wanted to laugh and spank him hard.

" You?. Ready to change?. I'll travel back in time if you ever do." She hissed and walked out of the class.

" Wait. Was that a trash insult or what?" He asked himself.

" She would travel back in time if I ever change, woah. That's huge." He said and walked out, thinking about it.



Alec bought some lunch and carried his tray to a table.

Storm suddenly came to join him and he palmed his face sighing.

" You now seem like my mirror reflection, following me about endlessly." He said.

" Don't you like it?" She asked as she took a seat in front of him.

" I don't like it. I don't want people to suspect us" He said plainly before he began to eat.

" About our craft?. We discussed on doing an airplane with a cardboard right?"

" That was your own suggestion. Mine was to create a bird nest and maybe find real birds to put into it. That's nature."

" That's very lame, berry." She said, cupping her cheeks.

" I think I'll find it hard working with you." Alec said, looking at her straight in the eye.

" Look. We can think of something better right?." She spoke softly, holding his hands. " You are one of the smartest kid and so am I, let's be different." She smiled

" So? Any ideas?" Alec asked, shaking his hands off her.

" Maybe we can lounge somewhere after we close from school and maybe, crack our skulls." She smirked.

" So you mean we can't crack our skulls here. What's stopping us from cracking our skulls right now" He asked and she sighed.

" Blueberry..

" Stop calling me that!. I d@mn hate it" He snapped and she glared at him silently.

' He's not even showing signs of attraction despite that I'm pretty and still flirting' Her subconscious thought.

She cupped her cheeks and faced him.

" The school prom is next week. Who are you taking on a date?" She winked.

" I don't remember attending school proms." He said, eating in a haste.

" Perhaps cos you don't have a girl to ask out yet, right?. You can just pick me" She said, twirling her spoon in her plate.

" I'd rather use that night to rest my head than serving some girls heartbreak." He said and packed up his books.

" You're leaving already?"

" Yeah."

" Wait. What about our project?."

" That will be later." He simply said as he walked away.

She threw her spoon back in her plate and began to pursue him quickly.



A man and lady stepped in and faced the young girl on the table who is smoking.

" We couldn't get him." The man said.

" Really?" She asked and removed her black mask revealing her toned young face.

She looks like a girl around her late teens and she was extremely gorgeous.

" Yes. He defeated us again cos we didn't use the gun this time" The man said.

" You all are shit and bastards!. Get away from here!" She yelled and they stepped back quickly.

" I'll go get him myself and I'll fvck him so hard till he forget he remembers this face." She said and left the place quickly.



Miss cherry walked in and met Xylan preparing a small date at his dinning.

There were two chairs and a perfectly set dinner for two individual. The meal alone had caused her tummy to groan.

" Good evening, boss." She greeted with a warm smile.

" Oh finally. I thought you wouldn't come after what happened last night." Xylan said.

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He's still wearing his pajamas pant and his hair was messy on his face, making him twice hot.

" Is Craig ready for his lesson?" She asked.

" Craig is very sick." He said sadly.

" Sick?. Oh my God. What happened to him?"

" I guess he still miss his mom as much as I do. He kept crying last night" He said and Cherry face fell.

' Should I tell him the truth?. Why would I?. It too early yet. Maybe I'll just tell him later on ' She thought inwardly.

" Before I forget, I created all this because of you. The flower, the food and the drink. I just thought of making it up to you after your bad day yesterday."

" Oh my God. You mean you created time to do all this is for me?. Awn, How much Thank you do I need to say. You're so amazing." She blushed really red on her cheeks.

He smiled and pulled out a chair for her.

" Let's sit." He told her whilst holding her hand and he helped her to sit.

He then took his own seat and looked straight at her brown eyes.

" You've been a very good teacher to Craig and I must say, i can definitely see some changes in his way of learning." He said

" He's still bracing up. Soon, I promise he'll be better than this." She said.

" Why won't I trust his cute teacher." He smiled and cherry's head wanted to fly out of her neck hole in excitement.

He was calling her cute for the second time and it was a thing of achievement for her.

He brought out some salad and dished it out on both plate before handing her the wine to do the sharing.

" What do you think about this little eat-out?" He asked.

" Eat out?. I thought it was a date?" She said, bending her brows sadly.

" Date?. Date for who?" He asked with lines on his forehead.

" I...I.. mean thanks for inviting me to this eat-out with you . You are one of the kindest man hottest man on my list" She blushed as she told him.

" I'm really glad I'm hearing it from you." He said smirking.

" Maybe I'll just skip a day from Craig's class and spend time here with you. is that okay?" She asked.

" Of course. Everyday is a charm with you around" Xylan laughed and they began to eat.

Cherry tried as much as possible to eat classy so he would acknowledge her.

She was about to pick the meat with her fork when it slipped off her fork, falling on the tiles.

" I'm sorry. I'll quickly go pick it." She laughed and tried standing up but her drink tripped as well, pouring on her shirt.

' Ding it!. All ruin in one minute!' Her head yell subconsciously.

" Holy shit!. Do you need help?" Xylan asked stretching the serviette towards her.

" No problem. I'm fine" She smiled and started searching for her meat.

When she saw it, she quickly picked it up and sat down.

" Are you gonna eat that?" Xylan asked, raising his brow.

' What!. Does he expect me to throw it away?! But the chicken is huge' Her subconscious thought sadly.

" I'll just throw it away. it's full of dirt." She laughed and trashed it.

She breathed hardly before picking the serviette up,clearing her lips.

" Thanks for the meal." She smiled.

" You are always welcomed" He said and picked the back of her palm, kissing it softly.

That single behaviour made her tummy hot and breeed butterflies.



Poppy walked up to Alec's room, hugging her textbooks.

Her exam is tomorrow and she wanted his help at all cost.

She opened the door to Alec's room and saw him sitting on his bed along with the girl he brought home, Storm.

" We can try using craft sticks to create the nest right?" Storm asked playfully.

Poppy stared at her and saw that she was touching Alec and flirting on his body the way she wanted.

Her brows creased up cutely and her mouth went into a dangerous pout.

Alec stretched out his arm, yawning.

" Let's get this thing done quickly so you can leave and return home." He said and storm shifted closer.

" I don't mind staying over at my blueberry home, afterall, it's late now." She smiled pinching his cheek.

" Oh no. I hate that she's here with him now." Poppy said silently while squeezing her shoulder.

She closed back the door and ran away quickly.

Alec is reading alone in the class when Storm and her friends started walking in.

" I'll seat there, next to Alec. You both go look for some other place" She said.

" Sure" Her crew said and walked away.

Storm began to approach Alec and he adjusted for her to share the benches.

" Hey blueberry" Storm smiled and Alec slowly turned to her

" I didn't allow you here just to disturb my peace." He said.

" Look Berry. I came because I need you to be my reading coach. I find it hard to study in this prep class." She said.

" I'm very busy with assignments. Go meet someone else" Alec said.

" But you're not busy now" She smiled, touching his hair.

Alec sighed and picked his earphone to wear it over his head before walking to sit behind the class.

" Mn. Playing hard to get, huh?. I'll get you before the end of today, trust me" She smiled and brought out phone quickly.