
9.) Bad Moon Rising

Authors note: hey guys. Sorry for only posting one chapter yesterday. I got so damn busy.

Also, I'm using the episode format to make it a little easier for word count. Why make up what the other characters said if they've already said it? That means I've been watching the episodes and trying to take what I feel are the high points of each and putting them into my chapter with the MC scenes.

I've also narrowed it down to when he will go build his pack. He will meet Klaus and Elijah, be given info on who/what he really is, and then will dip from Mystic Falls to prepare for the trip to NOLA. I will be sending him there ahead of the originals and it will be Zach who tells them about the witches plots.

I appreciate any and all support you show to the fic, I love writing this as much as all of you enjoy reading it. It's hands down one of my favorite fantasy settings and characters.

Please enjoy the chapter.


3rd Point of View

Damon greets the teacher at the door, "thanks for coming Ric. You need coffee? Bourbon? Bourbon in your coffee?"

Ric decided to get right to the point as he sat down with Elena and Stefan. "Elena said you needed my help."

"We would like if you could shed some light on the Lockwood family." Stefan said.

"And why would I know anything about them?" Ric asked confused.

Damon cuts in, "well you wouldn't. But your dead.. not dead vampire wife would."

Elena continues, "Isobels research at duke.."

But stefan finishes her sentence, "you said she spent years Researching this town." Ric nods and replies.

"Isobel's research in Mystic Falls was rooted in folk-lore and legend. All of which I thought was fiction."

Damon smiles, "like that amazing vampire story?"

"Aside from vampires what else?" Elena asks.

"The lycanthrope." Ric replies instantly.

Stefan gets a contemplative look on his face. Remembering Katherines word about Zach during the Mayors funeral.

"Like werewolves?" Elena asked?

Damon cut in before ric could respond. "No way. Impossible. Way too Lon Chaney. I've been on this earth 160 some odd years never come across one. If werewolves exist, where the hell are they?"

Again stefan gets that look in his eye but decides to stay quiet. Ric breaks the silence.

"So why do you suspect the Lockwoods?"

"Because vervain didn't effect him on founders day but the Gilbert device did. And I affected his son Tyler." Damon said.

Stefan continued, "and at the school carnival his uncle mason exhibited… inhuman behavior when fighting one of the workers."

"We were hoping isobels research could help us figure out what it is."

"Her things are still at duke, her office should still be there. She is presumed missing still after all." Ric answers Elena.

"Well can we get access to it?" Damon asked.


On the opposite end of town, Tyler had been following mason to see where he's going. He didn't know someone else was following him.


I came to try and get close to Tyler. I won't be his best friend. But wolves have to stick together. I found him following mason into the woods where he finds the wolf holding pens that kept the Lockwood family secret for generations.

I approached before he could make his way down there, "yo, Tyler, what're you doing?"

He spins around fast to see it's me and breathes a sigh of relief. "What the hell man. Why'd you sneak up on me like that?"

I chuckle, "because from the way you jumped you didn't want to be caught. Why are we following your uncle on his run?" I ask.

"Because he's hiding something. And I intend to find out what it is." I barely keep my sigh inaudible. Such curiosity is what gets not only Tyler, but the entirety of the Mystic Falls crew into trouble throughout the series.

"Well let's go. He's leaving." I say watching mason retreat from the 'slave quarters.' According to carol Lockwood.

We walk toward the stairs leading underground. Inside there are cages and chains leading to the wall.

"What the hell is this place?" Tyler asks while taking pictures. Behind him I use my eyes to see through the darkness. If Tyler were to turn around and see my glowing red orbs he'd probably lose it.

After a while I call out to him, "Tyler, let's go get a drink man. I don't know what this is but it's clearly not been in use for a long time. Better to let sleeping dogs lie." I tell him, anxious to go grab some of the Lockwood top shelf shit.

"You're right. Cmon." Tyler said beginning to walk out of the holding room and we make our way back toward the house.

I decide to push Tyler a little bit. Try to get him to tell me what he's suspicious about with mason. Maybe I can get him to tell me everything I already know. But hey? Gotta make Allies.

"So, what exactly do you think your uncle is hiding? What brought on this sudden investigation?"

He sighs. "There's just some questions I have. Some I believe he knows the answers to and won't tell me. He's been looking for something of my dads, but I found it first."

I get excited. "Oh really? What would that be?"

He speaks, "some old stone. I don't know why he wants it. But if he's going to leave me in the dark, I think he deserves to be left in the dark as well."

I laugh, "you're right. But don't be too angry. Sometimes, it's for your own good and you just don't know it. While I won't say that's what mason is doing, it's better to wait him out and see. Don't get emotional when you can't see the whole board in front of you." I say dripping some advice on the guy.

While I may not like him per say, he's also the best option I have right now. There are 3 vampires and 3 werewolves in this town. Two of the three vampires are teamed up and the 3rd vampire and werewolf are a team. I need Tyler on mine. Even if temporarily.

He shakes his head, "you speak like you're older than me and so much wiser." I can feel his anger rising. Kid reallg has some issues.

"Chill out. I'm just telling you not to condem your uncle before you find out exactly what it is he's keeping from you."

He breathed out and nodded. "I guess you're right." As we walk into his house he checks around and called out for his mom receiving no answer.

"Let's go, it's in here," Tyler says leading me to the liquor cabinet.

I sigh and grab the opened bottle of bourbon and pour a glass. After shooting it down in one go i pour another.

"Ah. That's good. So what else do you have going on today?" I ask Tyler as he pours himself a glass.

He looks at me, "why don't we have a pool party?"

I smile. Today will be fun.


3rd Point of view

We see Caroline keeping out of the sun as Matt knocks on the door.

She sits down and waits for him to leave while Matt walks down the stairs and pulls out his phone to call her.

Hey it's Caroline. Leave a message.

"Hey, I thought you said you were home? Tyler said he's gonna have a thing down at the swimming hole and I wanted us to spend the day together. Where are you? Call me."


At the Gilbert House

We see Elena packing while Stefan sits on the bed. "You sure you wanna do this?" He asks her.

"Which part? Digging through my birth mothers life work or going to Duke with Damon?" She asks.

"Either. Both."

Elena responds. "Well. I'm sure about the first one. Then again ric is a good buffer. We can bond together in our anti-Damon solidarity. I wish you were coming though."

Stefan takes a breath then offers. "Maybe we should wait a couple days. Wait till Caroline's a bit less of a danger so I can go with you?"

"It's okay rhat I'm going right? Because if not I can stay here and we'll take care of Caroline."

"No listen. I want you to go. I do. You've got questions about your lineage and Katherine. I'm not gonna let the fact that Damon is going keep you from finding answers." Stefan says.

"You hate it."

"I hate it."



Ric is currently trying to find the right words. "Yea. I thought it was time to clean up my wife's stuff."

"Look jenna I know things between you and I have been a little start and stop and I'm sorry for that. But maybe once I can.."

"Oh no. Don't do that." She cut him off.


"The half apology half hope for the future thing. Elena, you coming?"

"Do what you need to do." Jenna tells ric as he leaves.

Stefan and damon have a pissing contest for elena while she chooses Stefan this time and proceeds to make out with him. Imitating her doppelgänger ancestor.



Zach just left to go grab some trunks for today while I ask my mom for permission. As I'm about to ask though another thing pops into my head.

"Hey, you ever been down to those old ruins in the woods?"

Mom answers, "the old Lockwood estate?"

"Yeah. What do you know about it?"

"It was the original plantation house. Beautiful antebellum architecture. If it hadn't burned to the ground we'd probably be living in it."

Here it goes. Time to see, "what's the deal with the freaky cellar?"

Mom looks at me aghast, "we don't talk about those kind of rooms."

I'm confused. "Why?"

She sighs. "Come on Tyler. This is the south, but nobody likes to remember slave days."

Mason barges in. Suspicious. "Hey. What are you guys talking about?"

I decide to steer the conversation. "Just about the old Lockwood property. I was thinking of having some friends over to the swim hole."

"Well be careful. If anything happens on the property the family is lieable." Mom says.

I smile, "of course." Before leaving. Time to drink. I text Zach:

It's go time. Got the okay from mom.



I see the text from Tyler and type back:

Perfect. Be there in a minute.

In reality I'm just walking around trying to remember this episode. In truth only the big plot points are vivid to me. With the originals I can go on and on about what happens in between the big showdowns.

But with only 3 and a half seasons of watching tvd I find myself actually in the dark. I decide to text Bonnie. I'd left her alone since caroline became a vampire because I didn't want her anger at vampires to turn toward your friendly neighborhood wolf.

Hey, Tyler's having a party at the swim hole. You comin?



I begin explaining to Stefan that I don't know how to make a daylight ring. "Emily made mine. And she made Damon's. Maybe the instructions are in her Grimiore."

"Doesn't mean I can cast the spell."

"Bonnie, you can drop vampires with a single look."

I respond getting agitated. "Caroline killed someone steffan. I'm not gonna make it easier for her to do it again."

Stefan jumps in. "We're not making it easier for her. We're just giving her a chance to survive. Listen, everyday she's cut off from her old life… from you, elena, Matt. It'll make it that much harder for her to hold onto her humanity."

I question him, "how do you know she won't hurt anyone else?"

He answers honestly, "I don't. But if we don't try everything we can to help her or at least trust the fact that she can keep it together, we might as well just stake her right now."

Those words scare me but I can't give up. "I don't know if I can trust her. Not with this."

Stefan begs, "then trust me."

I go to answer him when my phone vibrates. I grab it to see a message from Zach. I smile unknowingly.



I snap my fingers at the witch with a stupid smile on her face, "Bonnie!"

She looks to me startled, "what?"

"Who has you smiling like that?" I ask genuinely curious. Elena would usually mention something like that.

She speaks, "the guy who came in when Katherine approached me at the funeral for mayor Lockwood. His name is…"

I answer for her, "Zach."

She smiles again. "Yeah. We've been keeping in touch. Apparently Tyler has a pool party down at the swimming hole today."

"Bonnie, this is perfect, please. Help Caroline."

She looks conflicted before looking back to her phone.


3rd point of view

We see Caroline complain about the daylight ring. Bonnie seems fed up with her after 2 sentences and speaks. "Hey, if you don't want it…"

Stefan cuts in to play peacemaker, "she wants it."

"Now what?" Caroline asks.

Bonnie speaks, "now's the part when I explain the rules. The witch who performs the spell has the power to undo it. So, if you ever hurt anyone…."

"I'm not gonna hurt anyone." Caroline said.

"You're a vampire." Bonnie said coldly. "That means the urge to kill is a part of who you are. The minute you let it take over, I will stop you."

"Bonnie you're supposed to be my friend." Caroline said.

"I can't ignore what happened okay? If you want to be friends you have to prove to me the Caroline I remember isn't gone. Now put the ring on the bed."

"Do you really meant to kill that guy at the carnival?" Caroline asked.

"You still did." Bonnie replied. "You want me to do the spell or not?"

She begins the spell, it's done in a second. "All done." Handing it back to Caroline.

"So, that's it?Nothing witchy hapoens. " The blonde asks.

"Caroline…" Stefan began.

Bonnie threw the blinds open and Caroline reeled back. After nothing happens the witch says, "it worked."

Caroline indignantly asked, "what if it hadn't Bonnie?"

Leaning over to the Salvatore, Bonnie speaks, "she's all yours." Before walking out.


Duke University

Away from Mystic Falls, the trio of Damon, Elena, and Ric finally arrive at their destination.

They walk into see a young, pretty, dirty blonde haired women

"Excuse me, hi. I'm Alaric Saltzman. I called earlier."

"Yes. Vanessa Monroe, research assistant. Comparative folklore. Uh let me just grab the keys." She said giving Damon the fuck me eyes.

"I'm sorry. These are my friends Elena and Damon," Alaric says. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

Vanessa replies, "not at all. Isobel was one of my first professors. I'm a grad student. She was brilliant. One of the reasons I went into folklore…." She trailed off before speaking softly.

"I hate to ask. But has there been any news?"

Ric shakes his head. "No. I'm afraid not."

She leads them into the dark office, "I'll grab the light feel free to look around."

After to long of a silence from the supernatural hearing of Damon he asks, "where'd she go?"

Said women came out with a crossbow pointed straight at Elena. Damon takes the bolt while ric wrestled her to the wall.


Back in Mystic Falls

Stefan is walking through the woods with Caroline.

"So what do I do when I see a rabbit?"

"Chase it, catch it. Feed on it."

"Isn't killing cute defenseless animals the first step in becoming a serial killer?"

"Well you sorta skipped serial killer and went to vampire. If you're not serious about this, you need to tell me."

"I am. I swear that I am. Ok. It's just… I haven't been in the sun for days and everyone's at the swimming hole having fun, and Matt is there. And he finally said he loved me but I've been blowing him off. Now you want me to eat bunnies. And I'm kinda freaking out okay?!"

Caroline said in one Of her spasms. Stefan couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

The blonde vampire caught this and said, "now you're laughing at me."

"No, I'm not. Trust me none of this is funny. It's just that…"


"When someone becomes a vampire all their natural behaviors get amplified." Stefan explained gently to Caroline.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, as a human I cared deeply for people and how they felt. If they were hurting, I felt that pain. And I felt guilty if I was the one that caused it. And as a vampire all that got kind of..magnified."

Caroline finally understands. "So you're saying now I'm an insecure,neurotic, control freak on crack?"

Stefan again expertly dodges. "Well, I wasn't gonna say it like that. But…. Hey listen, let's hunt. Okay, and then after that we'll go to the swimming hole."

She gets excited, "really?"

"Yeah. Matt is the closest tie to your humanity and I think being around him is a good thing."




I'm walking up to the swim hole to see Mason pulling up.

I hear Matt ask Tyler why he's here. Tyler shrugs and walks up to the truck.

"You busting us or joining us?" Nephew asks uncle.

"Neither. Hoping you can make sure everyone's out of here by dark."

I can hear the suspicion in Tyler's voice so I know mason sees it on his face, "what happens after dark?"

Mason jokes, "someone ends up wasted and dead. At the bottom of the lake."

I chuckle to myself because he knows from experience how true that statement is.

"You heard your mom. The family's liable if something happens."

Tyler responds, "don't be a party killer. "

Mason smiles, "I didn't say you had to stop partying. I just said you have to take it elsewhere."

"All right. We'll be out of here."

I see mason slowly roll by Stefan.

I begin to walk over to them first, I hear the conversation as I'm approaching.

"Why are you looking at him with the serious vampire look," she asks.

"My what?"

"Don't get me wrong it's not very different from the worried vampire look or the just hey it's test day look."

Stefan begins fo reply, "oh. I get it. You think I'm a too serious."

I butt into the conversation now, "yes you are."

Caroline laughs. "Well? I wasn't gonna say it like that…"

Caroline goes to Leave but I stop Stefan as he goes to leave after her. "We need to talk."

I flash my red eyes letting him know I'm serious. I hear Caroline stop midway over to Matt and look back at us. But my gaze doesn't waved from the younger, weaker, vegetarian Salvatore.

He nods to Caroline before looking at me. I glance over my left shoulder to see the disappearing silhouette of masons Bronco. "You need to stay inside tonight."

He looks at me weirdly but I don't give him time to continue the conversation and leave. I've given him enough warning. Tonight is on him to heed it.


Duke university

Vanessa starts talking, " there's no werewolf lore specifically tired to Mystic Falls. But here is everything I do have from Scandinavian skin walkers to the Aztec meaning of "the curse of the sun and moon."

"It explains one werewolf curse. traced through Virginia. The short version? 600 years ago Aztecs were plagued by werewolves and vampires. They terrorized the country side. It made farming and hunting impossible. That at is until an Aztec shaman cursed them, making vampires slaves of the sun while werewolves became servants of the moon.

As a result, vampires could only prowl at night, and werewolves could only turn on a full moon. When the full moon crests in the sky, whosever unlucky enough to fall under the werewolf curses becomes a wolf."

"Can they control the transformation?" Damon asked.

"If it were a choice it wouldn't be called a curse. Werewolves will attack humans. But instinct and centuries of rivalry have hardwired them to hunt their prey of choice…. Vampires."

Damon speaks again, "well if there are werewolves hunting vampires I'd know about it."

Vanessa responds, "not If there aren't many werewolves left alive. Hundreds of years ago vampires hunted them to near extinction."

"Why would they do that?" Elena asks.

"To protect themselves." Vanessa replies. "Legend has it a werewolf bite Is fatal to vampires."

"Oh." Damon said.



I see Stefan getting a call while caroline is with Matt. I focus mh hearing in on the conversation stefan is having.

"I don't know what it means or if we should even believe it. Buts it's a full moon stefan. After what you saw mason lockwood do…"

He answers her, "Yeah. I'll be careful."

"There's one more thing." Elena said.

"What is it?"

"According to the legend, a werewolf bite can kill a vampire."

Stefan turns back to make sure Caroline is okay but doesn't see her. "Listen Elena I gotta go. I'll see you when you get home okay?"


In truth, I myself am feeling the effects of the full moon. Although I can control the shift, the urge to do so isn't easy to quell.

Finally I get over teasing the vampires about how fragile they truly are and decide I want to shift. To run. To howl.

I take off into the woods like lightning. I'm making my way to my quarry spot. I don't even know where I am when I can't stand two legs anymore and I explode out of my clothes into the air in my best Jakob black impersonation and land on the ground with 4 paws.

I feel the strength difference between a regular night and the one on the full moon. I let out a bone chilling howl into the woods announcing my presence to every supernatural creature within earshot.


Across Mystic falls. 4 pairs of eyes shot toward the sound of an eerie howl that reverberated throughout the Forrest.

Mason Lockwood looked on in fright. He'd never heard a wolf howl like that.

Stefan Salvatore, who was still looking for Caroline looked quickly in the direction of the howl. 'Stay inside tonight,' from the Zach kid rung in his ears.

Bonnie Bennett who'd gone home after only a bit at the swimming hole when seeing Caroline was in her room reading through some spells when she heard the howl. Those red eyes flashed through her mind and she turned her attention toward the noise.

Caroline Forbes has never heard a sound like that. Every instinct in her body told her to run far away from that noise.


Duke university

Ric spoke to Vanessa as they left, "I trust you not to say anything about this to anyone."

"Or else damon will kill me in my sleep. He gave me the 411. But if you need anything feel free to call."

Ric spoke, " hopefully I won't have to."

Vanessa spoke again, "but if you do…"

Ric spoke seriously, "listen you don't want to get caught up in this. Really. It'll take over. And it'll keep you from living your life."

"Isobel's disappearance… was it related to her research?" Vanessa asked.

"Isobel became her research. She wanted to become a vampire. She got her wish."



I ran through the woods. I felt so good. That's when I smelled blood. 'Vampire' my mind supplied and I blurred toward it.

As I arrive close I smell another wolf. I growl loudly across the clearing when I see golden eyes ahead of me.

I wait only half a second. The wolf didn't move so that means he's challenged me. Time to show mason the difference between he and I.


In an instant I'm in front of him delivering a bite to his shoulder. His whelp rings out across the woods. I know what he's doing. He's out of his mind hunting Caroline and stefan.

I throw him away with my teeth and he speeds off. 'Damn it.'I think chasing after him.

I catch him as soon as we reach stefan, caroline and Tyler. I pin mason down and prepare to bite down when Tyler cries out, "No!"

I stop and look at him with my red eyes. Mason takes the opportunity to bite me back and kick me off.

I fly backward and see the vampires leave. My eyes turn back to the smaller wolf in front of me. I see him standing protectively in front of Tyler.

'Ah. That's why he's been a dickhead. He knows his blood is close by and thinks out of instinct I'll kill him.'

I look into masons eyes and do a howl/roar. Think of it as my own version of a teen wolf alpha howl. Exactly what I want to happen hapoens. Both Tyler and mason back away while mason begins to regain his human form.

I decide I've had enough fun tonight and blur away.

Tyler turns around to see his naked uncle on the ground. "It's you!"


Authors note: hey guys, so listen, been doing my research about when bonnie should come to NOLA to find my boy. I think it should be when elena turns her emotions off and attacks bonnie in s4e19.

Also, I have the 3 face cams for the pack members. They won't have huge rolls in the story. Think of them like the other wolves of the crescent pack like Oliver and aiden.


