
5.) Founders Day

Authors Note: hey guys. I don't know if I'm going to post this today or tomorrow. But I wanted to say I appreciate all the interaction with the fic so far. I'm trying to watch the series while plugging in my own scenes featuring the oc.

This will follow this vein for the entire fic. I'm not throwing an oc in here to fuck up the timeline completely. Knowledge of what's coming next is Afterall the best weapon.

There may be some minor deviations because of Zach's presence, but mostly the same.

Enjoy the chapter.



I just get out of the shower at the Forbes house and begin to dry off while brushing my teeth.

Outside I hear noise. I assume it's caroline coming in after a day of preppy gossip and complaining about mundane things.

After I'm finished rinsing my mouth and ensuring my hair is dry I open the door trying to get back to the guest bedroom without incident.

Such hopes are crushed when I see the green eyed witch standing in the hallway facing me. Bonnie Bennett. Hands down the strongest witch alive after Inadu, Hope, and Dahlia.

While she may not be the powerhouse she will eventually turn into, the fact that she is a Bennett and direct descendant of the creator of the other side, Qetsiyah is enough to be extremely careful around her.

A moment of awkward silence reigns as the witch and i size eachother up. I hear a door open behind me and Caroline voice come out, "Bonnie! There you are. I forgot that Zach here was in the shower. Sorry."

I turn my head and look at blonde, "don't worry about it caroline. I'm going to bed. The bathroom is all yours Ms. Bonnie." I say while squeezing past her and brushing against her arm due to the tightness of the hallway.

Closing the door to my room I hear them beginning to talk about me.



I watch Zach walk down the hallway and close the door. The clicking of the latch brings me out of my vision that arrived when we touched. I saw beautiful red eyes glowing in the darkness.

Caroline nudges my shoulder, "hey? Earth to Bonnie?" I shake my head and make eye contact with her to signal my attention.

Caroline gives me a wicked smirk that looks like a Cheshire Cat, "So, how did your investigation go? By the redness of your cheeks it went surprisingly well."

I look down trying to hide the fact. But I know it's futile. "Cmon care, I've still got to use the bathroom." She laughs and gestures inside while going back to her own room.

I step inside and smell mint and teakwood. Looking into the slightly foggy mirror I think to myself, 'what did I just get into?'



I sat up in my room thinking about what happens next. I'll need to eventually get back in touch with the Salvatore's as much as I dislike that idea to figure out what exactly is going on.

But, that requires me to fully control the shift. Until I'm capable, staying away from vampires is the best move.

I decide tonight is as good as any other, I begin dressing in light clothes such as a sweatshirt and pants that could pass for a jogging outfit, put on my shoes and prepare to go out.

I don't get 4 steps past Caroline's door when she opens it and sticks her head out. "Hey, where are you going zach?" She asks.

I smother the annoyance I feel at her questioning and speak calmly, "I can't seem to fall asleep. I'm going out to burn some energy."

I see her open her mouth to speak again but I cut her off, "Look, I don't know what kind of curfew your mom has in place. If she asks just tell her I went to bed early. I don't have time for her worrying." I say and keep walking forward without giving her a chance to respond.

By the time she realizes I'm moving away I'm already at the front door. I hear her begin making way towards me so I blur out of the house and a couple football fields away before stopping to continue my leisurely walk.



"Dammit," I say looking outside the door and not finding Zach. While I don't necessarily care about him if something happens and my mom figured out I let him go I'm screwed.

Bonnie comes out into the end of the hall and asks, "he's gone?" I nod my head. She shakes her own and says, "don't worry about it Care. I'm sure he'll be back soon."

I nod, still trying to fight off the need to grab him by the ear and drag him back inside. Let's just hope he gets in before mom.



I arrive back at the quarry on the north side of town and begin thinking it'd be a good place to settle for a while. If I could get a decent tent I wouldn't mind staying out here at all.

But I'm not here to admire the scenery tonight. I lay my clothes on the rotten structure that Stefan was seated on awakening in transition and begin my task of the night. To become a wolf as many times as possible.

I want to be able to go to wolf form immediately. Once I learn that I believe the rest will be simple.

But the transforming is going to hurt. That much I know. I begin to tap into the beast lurking just beneath the surface and feel my face begin to morph before my back contorts.

"AHHHHH," I bellow my pain into the night sky amidst the silence of the quarry around me.

After who knows how long though I feel my paws, yes paws, touch the ground. While getting here sucks, the payoff is incredible.

I feel so free. So wild. A long, eerie howl bubbles out of my throat at the small accomplishment I've just achieved before I blur into the tree line.

What follows is an entire night of revelry. Running through the woods, hunting down animals, howling at the moon; after a while it all becomes a blur.

Scene Change

I wake up in a very similar position to my first time opening my eyes in this world. I'm naked as the day I was born with the morning sun beating down on me.

Unlike my first time though this time I jump to my feet and raise my hands to stretch. "Whew. That was incredible." For once since waking up in this fictional world I feel good. Better than good. I feel great.

I call upon my wolf and see claws come out of my fingertips along with the teeth in my mouth become knives. I smile while letting them all go back into place and putting my human face back on.

After going back to the cabin and redressing I began to walk back to my temporary home. Stepping inside I see a note from sheriff Forbes.

Hey Zach, tomorrow we'll go to the motel and get you in there. I also heard you grabbed an application for a job at the grill. That's great. I'll handle any personal information they need. Just mention my name and have them call me.

Sheriff Forbes.

I smile and begin walking back to my room when the door swings open revealing a very tired and pissed off looking Caroline Forbes.

"Where the hell were you?!" She all but screams. I wince at the volume, supernatural hearing and all, before speaking.

"Sorry, by the time I was tired enough I was already so far from home that I just made a fire and slept on a tree." I said intent on walking past her to the room but she stepped in my path.

"No more of that. People have been getting killed around here in the woods recently."

I try not to laugh at the bossy girl. 'If only you knew the truth little Forbes.' I think looking at the soon to be vampire before I speak.

"I'm sorry caroline. I'm used to being on my own. If I had someone to care and worry about me I don't remember them. I appreciate the concern, but I need my space."

She sighs, "Fine but when are you coming to school? You can't be a bum you know." I laugh this time unable to control it.

"Whenever your mom gets all the stuff I need for it." I answer.

She has an 'ah ha look on her face as I slip past her. I don't smell Bonnie's scent and ask, "where's your friend?"

Caroline gives me a Cheshire grin, "Bonnie? She left to go get ready for school. why? Interested?" she asks and I shake my head.

"Nothing so extreme. I was simply curious." I say and continue on my path to my room.

The blonde cheerleader calls out, "well just incase, here's her number." I receive a text from the only contact in my phone.

I grab the doorknob and turn back around to look at caroline. "Please don't go out of proportion with this."

She looks genuinely offended, "Me? Take things too far. Never!" She rebukes before shutting her door to ready herself for school.

I sigh and wonder how anyone truly dated her. Oh well. Not my problem.


About 30 minutes later I hear Caroline's door open again. I pop my head out to ask about the big party that the tomb vampires crash and die at.

"Hey, your mom mentioned some kind of parade happening soon. What's that all about?" I ask feigning ignorance.

Caroline lights up at the chance to talk about something she's passionate about, "well it's called the Founders Day Parade. It depicts the history of our town."

I nod along, "And when is this parade? Might be a good chance to make some friends." I ask.

She lights up again, "Of course you're going. I'll drag you there myself if I have to. It's tonight. Be here and ready to go after school. I'll need some muscle to help finish the floats."

I laugh and am about to reply when Caroline's phone rings and she grabs it, "sorry, it's Mrs. Lockwood probably freaking out over something small." She said before answering the phone and rushing off.

I stand there in the hallway thinking, 'Pot calling the kettle black much?' Before going back into my room to sleep on a bed.



I'm watching mayor Lockwood talk about the 'greatness' of Mystic Falls when Damon approaches me.

"Hey I just wanted to say thank you for the Gilbert device." He says actually sounding sincere. That makes me feel even worse because I didn't do what they think I did.

"I did it for Elena." I said trying to end this conversation as soon as possible.

"I know that. But still. I'm incredibly grateful….. enjoy the parade." The older Salvatore says before turning to disappear back into the crowd.

'What have I done?' I think getting lost in my thoughts amidst the crowd.



As I walk through the courtyard I can hear Mrs. Lockwood jumping on every person she can see about getting the last minute preparations setup for the floats in the parade.

I hear Damon's voice on my right side, "look at you all retro."

I don't even look at him, "what are you doing here?"

He laughs. "The Gilbert device is deactivated, Isobel is gone and it's founders day. I'm here to eat junk food and steal your girl."

"Don't start with me Damon." I warn him.

"'No you started it with that whole 'I'm insecure, leave elena alone speech. I'm still enjoying that."

I speak straightforward, "as long as you heard it."

"Huh? What's that? You have no sense of humor stef. " Damon jokes.

"No I just have no sense of Damon Humor." I reply before trying to walk away.

"Damon humor? Hey hey I get it. I get it. I'm the Better, hotter, superior choice and you're scared now that Katherine's out of the picture that I'm going to turn to Elena. But don't worry. Elena is NOT Katherine." He says.

"You're right. She's not." I say just as Damon's eye is caught elsewhere behind my right shoulder.

I look in the direction his attention turned to and feel like I'm back in time. Elena is dressed in a period appropriate dress that's never made her and Katherine more alike in looks.



I walk among the crowd of people gathered for the founders day parade after Caroline's relentless calls and texts. I decided that at least I can use it to make contacts.

I arrive at the school and see the famous Damon being mad at Jeremy for his completely reasonable anger towards his sister for taking his memory away.

I'm about to interfere and help the kid when a voice sounds out behind me, "Zach!"

Turning around I see Caroline and Bonnie approach. "You made it!" I roll my eyes and speak.

"Indeed. What exactly happens now?" caroline gets that Cheshire grin again before turning to Bonnie, "hey Bon, do you mind showing Zach around?"

Both the green eyed witch and I roll our eyes this time clearly understanding the blonde's hidden motive. However, Bonnie agrees. "Sure. Let's go Zach."

I shrug and decide to follow. Quietly listening to Bonnie talk about different things.


By the time it happens I've been too lost in hanging out with Bonnie that I don't even register my mistake until it happens.

Without warning a piercing wail begins to destroy my highly sensitive ears. Thankfully I'm near an alleyway and can make off into the darkness to avoid detection.

Bonnie rushed up. "What's wrong?"

I can barely speak, "ears. Hurts." I see realization come over her before she speaks.

"Come on. I'll get you to my car. There's something I have to do." What follows is an agonizing journey to get to her car. As I sit down in the passenger seat the noise ceased.

I let out an audible sigh of relief after the torture stopped.

Bonnie rushes off with a quick, "stay here."

In another situation I'd have ignored her and blurred back to the Forbes house to stay Lowkey, but in fact I don't have the strength to do so.

I slowly began to drift off in a state between unconscious and alert.

The next thing I know Bonnie is helping me inside the Forbes home. As she lays me on the bed in the guest room she begins to leave only to turn around and speak to me, "we will talk about this."

She said before leaving without another word. I cringe. 'Fucking witches.' I think before letting myself drift into the realm of Morpheus.


Authors Note: hey guys. May be the only chapter today. Hope you enjoy. We're getting closer and closer to what I truly want to write about.

Have a good day!