
10.) Memory Lane

Authors note: this is actually one of my favorite episodes pre-originals in the vampire diaries series.

Here Zach will establish better relationships with the Vampires. Please enjoy the chapter.



I wake up in my bed inside the Forbes home. I decided today was the day I go to the grill and get a job so I can pay for the room in the motel.

I do my usual morning stretches then rush to the shower. I see it's still 5:00 AM and Liz should still be home. My enhanced hearing tells me I'm right. She just woke up.

I hop in the shower and make it quick. No need to use all the hot water before Liz has to go to work.

As I'm finishing brushing my teeth Liz walks in the door. "Ho! Hey Liz!" I say with the towel around my waist.

I see her gape before closing the door so quickly if I didnt know any better I'd think she was a Vampire. After chuckling I spit and rinse before leaving the bathroom.

"I apologize Liz. I just got up super early this morning. I'm gonna go get that job at the grill. I was also hoping this afternoon we could get me set up in the motel? No need to intrude on you any more than I already have."

She nods while keeping eye contact, "that'd be okay. I'll call them while I'm on my lunch. Your actual documents should arrive sometime next week. Until then I'll let everyone know it's okay. Your prints came back clean. Just like you said. Zach Steele 17 years old."

I nod and make my way back to the guest room. I hear caroline away inside her own room. Probably hungry no doubt. She hasn't interacted much with Liz since becoming a vampire. Not that I blame her, but someone as sharp as Liz is bound to notice sooner or later.

I get into the room and close the door before I begin dressing. A classic black hoodie with jeans and black boots. Kind of an edge lord look but it's practical. The boots allow me to run and fight while the hoodie and jeans are comfortable and cheap. Easy to replace should blood or other human body parts get onto them.

As I walk out and hear Liz in the shower I knock on Caroline's door. I can hear her hesitate so I speak, "hey Caroline. Just wanted to say thanks for being so cool while I was staying here. Gonna be gone by tonight."

I didn't wait for the vampire to come out. I'd said what I needed to say. Though I may not know what happened to them, my parents of my last life raised me right.

I walk out the door and fill out the application on the way.


I get to the grill as soon as it opens. Arriving in the door I see the blonde quarterback Matt cleaning tables with sleep still in his eyes. I feel for him. Actually, seeing him like this gives me an idea.

"Yo Matt!" I call out to him. He looks up waves.

I bring the application and hand it to him. "Sheriff Forbes said any missing information can be handled by her until my stuff comes in next week."

He nods, "hey man I don't do the hiring. I just pass it along."

I laugh and decide to talk to him about my idea. "Listen… I know this isn't exactly something you'd want to talk about. But I'm currently about to live in the motel. I know about your Situation with your mom and know you're paying bills alone. I can help if you let me sleep on the couch."

I offered. This is has many benefits. Some of which I can't tell Matt.

1.) It helps Matt's stress about bills.

2.) His home is an actual home. Meaning vampires Can't just walk in.

3.) this helps me get closer to the Mystic Falls crew. While I may not want to be here long term, making friends over enemies is always the way to go. If you have more of the former than the latter you'll usually be okay.

I see Matt look suprised. Before he can speak I do one more time. "I'm going to school starting tomorrow too. I need some friends if I'm gonna survive."

I see him smile. "Sure man. If you can help with the bills I'll give you my bed." I laugh and wave my hand.

"No need for that. I just don't want to stay at a place with walls so thin I'd have to hear other peoples activities. And to be honest I wouldn't be here for much more than sleep and even that wouldn't be every night."

He nods. Pats my back and begins to walk toward the back, he turns over his shoulder and says, "I'm gonna take this to the boss. When I get off I'll show you the place."

"Cool. I only have a few things to do today. What time?"

"2:30 is when I'm done." Matt replies. I nod and order some breakfast.

10 minutes later my food comes out and I begin to devour it while keeping my eye on the door. No need to get caught off guard.

I was right to be wary. Not 5 minutes after I sat down I see Elena Gilbert come into the grill with a book that says 'Petrova' on the cover.

'Ah, the book from Isobel's research.' I think seeing her sit down and begin to read. I finish my meal waiting for one of the Salvatore's to appear.

Low and behold Damon arrives soon after Elena. I swear one of these brothers always has eyes on this chick. It's kinda weird.

I hear them speaking about Elena manipulating Damon into believing she'd forgiven him in order to get information about Katherine. Damon then counters by mentioning his plan to expose Mason Lockwood as a werewolf.

As he gets up to leave I do too. "Damon!" I call out. Both he and Elena look to me.

I motion with my eyes to speak to the Salvatore alone. He follows me outside.

As soon as we're both outside he tries to pin me to the wall but my hand grabs his own and breaks it coming to a standstill.

"Now that we've got that out of the way. Hello." I say with my red eyes looking into Damon's own Blue bloodshot ones.

"What do you want?" He asks me. 'Hm, maybe his conversation with Elena has him pissed off?' I think before shaking that off and speaking.

"I heard your trying to send a message to Mason Lockwood."

He looks at me wearily. "And how would you know that?"

"I'm a werewolf. I'd say my hearing is even better than yours." I say smiling at him.



"I'm a werewolf. I'd say my hearing is even better than yours." Zach says to me while the whites of his eyes become black making the red even more luminous.

"I try to speed toward him again but he has me pinned to the wall with his fangs out now. A mouth full of sharp teeth unlike any I've seen.

"Now now. I don't want to hurt anyone. But I want to help you with Mason Lockwood."

Now I'm confused. Why would a wolf want to help a vampire agaisnt another wolf.

"Before you ask my reasoning is simple. He's uncontrollable. Werewolf's like him will kill regular people if there are no vampires around."

I look at him. "And what makes you different?"

He smiles, "I can control the shift. As such, I can inject my venom into a vampire anytime I like."

"Impossible. The curse of the sun and moon applies to all werewolves and vampires." I say to him.

"That's funny. Coming from a vampire walking in the middle of broad daylight."

I stop the retort in my throat. He's right. "I don't see a ring on your ringer." I say moving past it.

Zach shrugs. "I don't know how I can control it. But full moons do affect me. It'd be like you gorging yourself on blood. You'd be probably 2.5x stronger than your normal self. It's like steroids."

I nod. "What else should I know about werewolves?" I ask him. Finding a 'friendly' one is good for information.

He laughs, "I have no fucking clue. I woke up naked a month ago with memories of running around as a wolf. My first full moon I couldn't control it. But since then I can turn into a wolf anytime I want. Night or day. Full moon or not. That's what I know."

I take that in. His heart didn't miss a beat once. He's telling the truth. "So what exactly do you want to help me with? You want to come to the barbecue?"

He laughs again. "Hell no. I'm not good at those. Especially with people I don't know. When you eventually make a move on him, I want in. Got it? It will give me a chance to test myself."

I look at the kid strangely. "Why do you sound excited?" I ask seeing his red eyes glow.

"Because I am. Things are finally getting interesting. Mason and I fought in our wolf forms on the full moon. You and I also got into a fun tussle, and soon I'll get to see what else I can do in my human form in a real fight. When I woke up I thought I was the only 'different' one. But this town just keeps having em pop up. Witches, vampires, and now more werewolves. It's cool."

I shake my head at his enthusiasm. "Fine. Here's my number. I'll let you know."

"Great, see ya," he says before blurring off very fast. It's actually faster than me. 'What the hell are you?' I think looking at direcruon Zach disappeared in.


Lockwood Mansion

3rd Point of view

"Hey mason, you got a sec?" Tyler called ojt to his uncle.

"Nah man. Got a barbecue at Jenna Sommers house." Mason replied trying not to all about last night.

"Cmon man give me two minutes. You can't keep dodging me. I'm freakin out over here."

Mason turns around, "Tyler what do want me to say man? Yes I turn into a wolf. No it's not gonna happen to you."

"How do you know that?" Tyler asks.

Mason looks serious, "beacuse you're not going to trigger the curse. Your dad didn't know anything about any of this and neither did I until it happened to me."

"How did it get triggered?"

"Ignorance is bliss. Trust me."

"You blow back into town with some supernatural family secret and expect me not to ask questions?"

"I can't say anything more. I'm sorry." Mason said walking toward Tyler. "It's just better for you if I don't."


Salvatore House

Stefan walked Into the room seeing Katherine reading his diary. "You shouldn't read someone's journal," he said.

"I know. I'm sorry. It was just too tempting. All your inner thoughts and feelings. They were just laying there on your desk for me to read."

Stefan grabs the journal out of her hands and closes it. In return he hands her the glass he carried in. "Damon's private stock." He said.

"That's right!" Katherine said pointing. "You don't do human. I read that. I also read about your recent werewolf sighting. That must have come as a surprise."

Stefan threw his diary away and asked, "what do you know about werewolves?"

"I know not to pet ome," Katherine replies jokingly while twirling her hair before becoming seruous. "Their bite kills Stefan. Best to stay clear of them during the full moon." She said Getting up.

"And how do you know this?" Stefan asked.

"Who do you think was responsible for ridding this town of vampires in 1864?" She asked leadingly.

"The founding families," Stefan replied.

"Spearheaded by?" Katherine asked.

Stefan has a moment of realization. "The Lockwoods."

"You remember the founders ball don't you?"

"I was your escort." Stefan replied.

"That was before you and Damon knew about my secret."

After going down memory lane Katherine speaks again. "I knew when I saw George Lockwood he'd be a problem."

"So you're saying all the Lockwoods are werewolves?" Stefan asked.

"No. They all carry the werewolf gene. Not that their all werewolves."

"How many others are out there. Is it limited to the Lockwoods?" Stefan asked.

"No. There are others. Not many. They're practically extinct. That mainly exist now in books and really bad movies."

She sets her drink down. "My turn to ask a question. Why'd did you keep this picture?" She pulls it out of his journal.

"You came back here to fall in love with me all over again didnt you?"


Katherine woke up in a dungeon after being stabbed in the back by a vervain syringe.

"Now where were we?" Stefan asks himself as he sits down. "Ah yes. We were talking about why you came back to Mystic Falls. Weren't we?"

"You didn't have to do this." Katherine replied weakly.

"Answer the question." Stefan said.

"I came back for you."

Stefan gets up to leave. "We're gonna play by my rules now." He says while putting on some gloves.

After putting them on he grabs a stem of vervain and rubs it over Katherine's cheek. After she stops yelling he speaks again. "Answer the question."

What follows is the story of how George Lockwood and Katherine struck a deal. Kill all the vampires in town and acquire their holdings while allowing Katherine to slip away.


On the side of the road

Elena and Caroline are waiting for the tow truck.

"I'm just gonna call Jenna." Elena says.

"Wait met me try to tow truck again." Caroline argues. "I'll use my agro voice."

"No. We can just walk from here."

"What's the rush?"

"Caroline. What part of 'I'm worried about stefan,' didn't stick?" Elena finally loses her cool.

"I don't know why your so eager to be in a relationship that's doomed. You're a human Elena. He's a vampire. When you're 70 and in diapers he's still gonna be smoking hot."

The tow truck pulls up at this time. "Y'all called about a flat tire?" He asked after rolling the window down.

Elena gives Caroline a death stare. "She did." She said Before turning and walking away.


After running into the Salvatore house Elena comes face to face with Katherine for the first time.

"How is this possible? We look exactly alike." Elena blabbers out while Katherine just looks her up and down before beginning to walk around her.

"You're asking the wrong questions." Before anything else can be said Stefan's voice can be heard coming closer.


Katherine used the time to blur away. Leaving them both alone. "Are you okay? Stefan asks?

"Not really." Elena shakily responds. "Are you okay?" She asks.

"Not really." Stefan replies. Before embracing her.


After caroline got a visit from Katherine she was sitting in the booth. Next she sees Stefan and Elena walk in. "Hey Elena. I'm so sorry. About earlier. I don't. I don't know what came over me."

"It's okay Caroline. Everything you were saying is right. It's just hard for me to hear you know?"

"So, you're not mad at me?" Caroline asks.

"You were just being a good friend. In your own way."

Caroline chuckles. "Yeah. In my own head case, horrible way. Elena," she said after her friend began to leave.

"I really am so sorry."


Over at the table with Stefan Elena sat down.

"I'm starving." Stefan said.

"Well, hanging out with your jealous ex girlfriend will do that."

"Listen I know you're upset, all right but we have to take her seriously. Today is all about the lengths she'll go to." Stefan replied. Trying to ease the situation.

"If she was going to hurt me she would've done it already. We were face to face." Elena argued.

"Elena you caught her off guard. It doesn't mean you're safe." Stefan said.

"I'm not afraid of her."

"Well you should be. If today has taught me anything it's that she's used to getting her way."

"If she had her way we'd be breaking up. Wait, you're not actually suggesting we do what she says? Why are you giving her so much power over us?"

"Beacuse that's the reality of the situation."

"This is what she wants Stefan. To get us to fight. To get between us."

Stefan sighs. "She already has."


Two people are particularly interested in this conversation. One is Caroline at the booth. And at the bar sits Damon Salvatore.


Back at Elena's house she turns around and sees Stefan, "you okay?" He asks.

She shakes her head and hugs him. "I hated that fight."

"I know me too." He replied. "It felt too real."

"Did you see Caroline? She was hanging onto every single word. I wish I was wrong but Katherine got to her. There was something so obviously up with her today. Now I know why."

"It's pure Katherine. She's always finding someone to do her dirty work." Stefan replied.

"I think Damon was listening to us fight too. Are you gonna tell him it wasn't real?"

Stefan shakes his head, "the only way Katherine is gonna believe it is if everyone does."

"All this. Just to get you back?" Elena asked?

"That's not why she's here." Stefan said. "No matter what she says. I know her. Katherine doesn't care about anybody but herself. She never has. She's physically incapable of love."


Authors Note: hey guys. Gonna watch a few more episodes and see if I can put together a huge chapter to get this really kickstarted.

This will be the last chapter of the night. See ya later.