
Primordial Monarch System

Guys Check out my new WSA novel, Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons ....................... The world and heavens rely on him to keep them safe. Yet!!! They are the ones who are holding him from becoming stronger. This Him is Henry, our protagonist. Henry will be born with no talent however one misfortune night he will gain unthinkable talent at the cost of his loved ones. That night he will get a system that will remove all of his talent limiters. It will allow him to pursue his dream and establish order in the apocalypse that has occurred due to the receding of spiritual energy. Then he will also establish order in other worlds and then when the time will come. He will kill the one responsible for the receding of spiritual energy.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasi
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133 Chs

Chapter 61 The clash between the clone and Henry (2)

From a distance, the king spotted a small pool of blood on the ground.

"So this how you end huh, "The king said with a sigh

The king was about to wave his hand to destroy his clone but he stopped in his tracks.

As he looked closer, he noticed something interesting. This caused a bored smile to appear on his face.

"Well Well, this battle isn't over yet"The king of spirit muttered with a bright smile on his face.

In the distance where Henry currently is.

Blood would be dripping from Henry's left chest where his heart is located profusely but Henry's eyes are still wide open.

His eyes won't show any signs of losing consciousness. The spirit would be surprised.

"Why can't I pierce your heart??"The spirit asked in complete confusion

Dozens of spikes would have pierced into his chest but after reaching a certain depth in his chest. The spikes won't be able to go any deeper.

The spikes happened to stop right before it could pierce through Henry's heart.

The spikes were less than 10 mm away from reaching Henry's heart.

"Of you can't figure this out then you are worthy of even being a clone of the king of this realm, "Henry said to the clone with a mocking look on his face

The spirit didn't say anything but he closed his eyes for a split second then opened them again.

"So you have created a layer of spiritual energy coating around your heart and also they are quite strong."The clone asked.

Henry just nodded his head slightly. He retracted the sword back to his chest area.

He swung the sword and slash all of the spikes in two. The clone didn't panic when he saw this.

He remained calm as he watched Henry slash the spikes in two.

"It still isn't enough for you to survive."The clone declared.

Henry didn't reply, he first calmed himself down since if the Ocean of Death deactivates then he would certainly die.

"I must remain calm"Henry muttered as he took in chunks of air.

Then he breathes in chunks of air and breathes out for the next few seconds.

As he calmed himself down, the spirit swung his arm, this time at least 30 chains were sent flying towards him.

The sound of water splashing also resounded through the entire realm. Which meant that that clone is also going to attack him with his sword.

"He is getting serious, until now he didn't use a combo of his chains and sword but now he is going to use it.

I must be on my guard, the entire time"Henry muttered under his breath.

As he charged dodged any chains that were heading toward him. He spotted dozens of red spots but he didn't strike them.

It's because he is doubting that they are even weak spots. In the middle of nowhere, Henry spotted golden spots on the chains.

He quickly charged towards the chain and swung his sword. He slashed the chain, then the sword passed through the chain like a knife passing through butter.

However, blood was constantly flowing from his chest to ground

The chain broke in two. The sound of water splashing, heartbeat and his breathing resounded through the entire realm.

Henry quickly analyzes these sounds and uses them to determine where the spirit is going to strike him.

"He is going to appear behind, me in less than 20 nan seconds, then he will swing his sword 180 degrees vertically to cut my body in two

In that case, let's do this."Henry muttered to himself.

He immediately turned around, then he began to channel as much spiritual energy into his sword as possible.

A bright blue glow flashed through the entire realm. The glow was so bright that if any mortal saw this light then there was a chance for them to get blind.

Henry also noticed something as he looked at the chains flying around him. The crimson-red spots on the chains were replaced by a slight golden glow. Some red spots had turned into golden spots.

This caused Henry to lose focus for a split second as he smiled brightly.

"I think I have found the purpose of these red glows. They are going to be quite helpful to me," Henry muttered under his breath.

Henry kept looking at the red spots turning into golden spots as the power of his sword increased.

"The red spots are also the weak points of martial art techniques, weapons, and traps.

However, if a spot is red then I can't break through the martial arts techniques, weapons, and traps either because of the lack of strength or something according to my theory."Henry muttered under his breath.

As he was thinking about this a terrifying pressure bored down on him. This caused Henry to snap out of his daze.

He turned in the direction where the pressure was coming from. He spotted the clone charging toward him at an incredible speed.

A black aura was currently covering his sword. His blade is currently so dark that it has almost blended with the environment so he can't see anything.

"That sword can also be used to carry out sneak attacks in this realm because of its ability to blend in with the dark background of this realm

Also, I should have increased the power of my sword even more since I am not sure if the ripping sword can withstand the power of his sword.

However, I will also have to keep a spiritual energy reserve so that the dragons can heal themselves in battle"Henry would mutter under his breath

All of a sudden more than 50 chains were thrown towards him but he spotted dozens of golden spots on the chains.

He quickly used his sword to slash those golden spots. He successfully slashes them in two.

The sword passed through the chain like a knife passing through butter. He changed the trajectory of the chains which had only red spots.

"He is going to change the place from where is going to attack me" Henry muttered to himself as he listened to the sound of the splash of water, heartbeat, and breathing.

The clone appeared in front of him. Both Henry and the spirit swung their blades toward each other.

The blades collided and produced a thunderous explosion in the surrounding area.

It produced strong gales that are infused with the sword intent that traveled through the entire realm of darkness. Henry kept pushing the blade of the clone with all his might.

"I must kill him, "Henry roared as he kept pushing.

Henry kept pushing for the next few seconds but soon he was overwhelmed by the power of the blade.

"Damn, Henry let out a curse"Henry cursed out loudly.

Hundreds of red spots appeared on the body of the clone but he knew that he would fail miserably if he tried to attack those red spots.

"They are a few golden spots but it's beyond my reach"Henry muttered under his breath.

A few seconds later, Henry was being slowly pushed back but he tried to resist. However, he ultimately failed. A moment later he was sent flying backwards.

As he was sent flying, he coughed up a mouthful of blood. A horizontal slash appeared on his right chest.

Blood was constantly flowing down from his chest. The clone didn't change its emotions, he flew towards it at an incredible speed.

All of a sudden Henry exclaimed.

"I am left with no choice other than if this fails then I will surely die.

Mythical Spiritual Dragons!! Abandon whatever you are doing and rush to help me.

Deform then form an armor around my body. Stop my bleeding"Henry roared which shook the entire place.

Four blue dragons rushed towards Henry at an incredible speed. Their aura was so incredible that it sent shivers to the clone too.

They were slowly turning red.

"Mythical Dragon Armour" Henry roared out loudly.